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Last active February 13, 2019 15:12
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Vertx, Scala Future example
val vertx = Vertx.vertx()
vertx.createHttpServer().requestHandler(req => {
req.path() match {
case p if p contains("/user") =>
val f = for {
f1 <- Future { req.getParam("id").get.toInt }
f2 <- if (f1 < 100) Future.unit else Future.failed(CustomException())
f3 <- Future { getUserFromDb(f1) }
} yield f3
f map (r => printout(req, r)) recover {case exception => printout(req, handleException(exception))}
case _ => printout(req, "Default page")
def printout(req: HttpServerRequest, msg: String) = req.response().end(msg)
def handleException(e: Throwable): String = {
e match {
case t: NoSuchElementException => "Missing parameter"
case t: NumberFormatException => "Parameter not number"
case t: CustomException => "Custom exception"
case t: SQLException => "Database error"
case _ => "Unknown error"
def getUserFromDb(id: Int) = "mock user name"
case class CustomException() extends Exception("custom exception")
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