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Last active April 9, 2024 21:33
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Auto Unlock (login, sleep, sceenlock) KeePassXC Database for Gnome
# Re-Open KeePassXC Database
# - Requests password of a KeePassXC database from the system keyring and opens
# it
# - Listens to DBUS LockedHint signals. Closes the database on lock, reopens it
# on unlock
# Copyright (c) 2021 Innerlohninger Andreas. All rights reserved.
# This work is released under the terms of the MIT license.
# For a copy, see <>
# Configuration ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Path to kdbx Database
KDBX='<path to kdbx database>.kdbx'
# Secret tool password entry of database
# might be added with "secret-tool store --label='{label}' {attribute} {value}"
# Variables --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Script -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Starts keepassxc and stores its PID, exits with error if already running
function unlock_database {
if pidof "keepassxc" > /dev/null; then
echo "Another instance of keepassxc is already running!"
exit 1
eval "secret-tool lookup $SECTOOL_ATTRIBUTE $SECTOOL_VALUE |
/usr/bin/keepassxc --pw-stdin $KDBX &> /dev/null &"
# Initial unlock
# Listen for LockedHint
gdbus monitor -y -d org.freedesktop.login1 |
while read x; do
case "$x" in
*"boolean true"*) # Session locked, close database
kill $PID
*"boolean false"*) # Session unlocked re-open database
## ~/.config/systemd/user/unlock_kpxc.service
# [Unit]
# Description=Unlock KPXC Database
# [Service]
# Type=simple
# TimeoutStartSec=1
# ExecStart=<path to>/
# [Install]
## ~/.config/autostart/unlock_kpxc.desktop
# [Desktop Entry]
# Encoding=UTF-8
# Exec=systemctl --user start unlock_kpxc.service
# Name=Unlock KPXC
# Comment=Unlock KPXC Database
# Terminal=false
# OnlyShowIn=GNOME
# Type=Application
# StartupNotify=false
# X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true
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