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ElasticSaerch unassigned shards reassign
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'json'
es_cluster = 'http://localhost:9200'
master_node = "Howard the Duck" # sey your master node name here
unassigned_shards_info = `curl -s -XGET #{es_cluster}/_cat/shards | grep UNASSIGNED `.split("\n")
shard_indexes = []
unassigned_shards_info.inject(shard_indexes){|acc, index|
shard = index.split(" ")
shard_data ||= {}
shard_data[shard.first] = shard[1]
acc << shard_data
puts "total unassiged shards: #{unassigned_shards_info.size}"
shard_indexes.each {|shard_info|
shard_info.each {|index, shard|
puts "reassigning shard no: #{shard} with index #{index} to #{node}"
payload = {"commands"=> [{"allocate"=>{"index"=>"#{index}", "shard"=>"#{shard}", "node"=>"#{node}", "allow_primary"=>true}}]}
result = `curl -s -XPOST #{es_cluster}/_cluster/reroute -d '#{payload.to_json}'`
sleep 1
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