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Forked from dsberry/
Created June 27, 2016 07:41
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Script to rotate the WCS associated with a FITS file using pyast
#!/bin/env python
# Rotates a simple 2D FITS image. If <xcen> and <ycen> are specified,
# the output image is the same size as the input image. Otherwise,
# the output image is the smallest that will hold all the rotated input
# data.
# Usage:
# <infile> <outfile> <rotation> [<xcen> <ycen>]
# <infile> = Input fits file
# <outfile> = Output fits file
# <rotation> = angle of rotation in degrees
# <xcen> = Optional - the X pixel at the centre of rotation
# <ycen> = Optional - the Y pixel at the centre of rotation
# Notes:
# - Requires pyast version 2.3
import pyfits
import sys
import math
import starlink.Ast as Ast
import starlink.Atl as Atl
# Open the FITS file using pyfits. A list of the HDUs in the FITS file is
# returned.
hdu_list = sys.argv[1] )
# Create an object that will transfer FITS header cards between an AST
# FitsChan and the PyFITS header describing the primary HDU of the
# supplied FITS file.
adapter = Atl.PyFITSAdapter( hdu_list[ 0 ] )
# Create a FitsChan and use the above adapter to copy all the header
# cards into it.
fitschan = Ast.FitsChan( adapter, adapter )
# Get the flavour of FITS-WCS used by the header cards currently in the
# FitsChan. This is so that we can use the same flavour when we write
# out the modified WCS.
encoding = fitschan.Encoding
# Read WCS information from the FitsChan. Additionally, this removes all
# WCS information from the FitsChan. The returned wcsinfo object
# is an AST FrameSet, in which the current Frame describes WCS coordinates
# and the base Frame describes pixel coodineates. The FrameSet includes a
# Mapping that specifies the transformation between the two Frames.
wcsinfo =
# Check that the FITS header contained WCS in a form that can be
# understood by AST.
if wcsinfo == None:
print( "Failed to read WCS information from {0}".format(sys.argv[1]) )
# Rotation is restricted to 2D arrays, so check the FITS file has 2 pixel
# axes (given by Nin) and 2 WCS axes (given by Nout).
elif wcsinfo.Nin != 2 or wcsinfo.Nout != 2:
print( "{0} is not 2-dimensional".format(sys.argv[1]) )
# Proceed if the WCS information was read OK.
# Get the lower and upper bounds of the input image in pixel indices.
# All FITS arrays by definition have lower pixel bounds of [1,1] (unlike
# NDFs). Note, unlike pyfits AST uses FITS ordering for storing pixel axis
# values in an array (i.e. NAXIS1 first, NAXIS2 second, etc).
lbnd_in = [ 1, 1 ]
ubnd_in = [ fitschan["NAXIS1"], fitschan["NAXIS2"] ]
# Get the rotation angle and convert from degrees to radians.
angle = float( sys.argv[3] )*Ast.DD2R
# Construct a MatrixMap that rotates by the required angle, converted to radians.
sinang = math.sin( angle )
cosang = math.cos( angle )
pixmap = Ast.MatrixMap( [ [cosang,sinang], [-sinang,cosang] ] )
# If supplied, get the centre of rotation.
if len(sys.argv) > 5:
x0 = float( sys.argv[4] )
y0 = float( sys.argv[5] )
# Create aShiftMap to shift the origin and combine it with the
# MatrixMap, to give the desired centre of rotation (shift,
# rotate, then shift back again).
shiftmap = Ast.ShiftMap( [ -x0, -y0 ] )
pixmap = Ast.CmpMap( shiftmap, pixmap );
pixmap = Ast.CmpMap( pixmap, shiftmap );
# The dimensions of the output array are the same as the input array.
lbnd_out = lbnd_in
ubnd_out = ubnd_in
# If no centre of rotation was specified, we use the MatrixMap
# unchanged, and determine the bounds of the smallest output image that
# will hold the entire rotated input image. These are with respect to
# the pixel coordinates of the input array, and so some corners may have
# negative pixel coordinates.
( lb1, ub1, xl, xu ) = pixmap.mapbox( lbnd_in, ubnd_in, 1 )
( lb2, ub2, xl, xu ) = pixmap.mapbox( lbnd_in, ubnd_in, 2 )
lbnd_out = [ int(lb1), int(lb2) ]
ubnd_out = [ int(ub1), int(ub2) ]
# Get the value used to represent missing pixel values
if "BLANK" in fitschan:
badval = fitschan["BLANK"]
flags = Ast.USEBAD
badval = 0
flags = 0
# Resample the data array using the above mapping.
( npix, out, out_var ) = pixmap.resample( lbnd_in, ubnd_in,
hdu_list[0].data, None,
Ast.LINEAR, None, flags,
0.05, 1000, badval, lbnd_out,
ubnd_out, lbnd_out, ubnd_out )
# Store the rotated data in the HDU, and update the NAXISi keywords
# to hold the number of pixels along each edge of the rotated image.
hdu_list[0].data = out
fitschan["NAXIS1"] = ubnd_out[ 0 ] - lbnd_out[ 0 ] + 1
fitschan["NAXIS2"] = ubnd_out[ 1 ] - lbnd_out[ 1 ] + 1
# Move the pixel origin of the output from "lbnd_out" to (1,1). Create a
# suitable ShiftMap, and append it to the total "old pixel coord" to
# "new pixel coords" mapping.
shiftmap = Ast.ShiftMap( [ -lbnd_out[ 0 ], -lbnd_out[ 1 ] ] )
pixmap = Ast.CmpMap( pixmap, shiftmap )
# Re-map the base Frame (i.e. the pixel coordinates Frame) so that it
# refers to the new data grid instead of the old one.
wcsinfo.remapframe( Ast.BASE, pixmap )
# Attempt to write the modified WCS information to the primary HDU (i.e.
# convert the FrameSet to a set of FITS header cards stored in the
# FITS file). Indicate that we want to use original flavour of FITS-WCS.
fitschan.Encoding = encoding
if fitschan.write( wcsinfo ) == 0 :
print( "Failed to convert the rotated WCS to Fits-WCS" )
# If successfull, force the FitsCHan to copy its contents into the
# PyFITS header, then write the changed data and header to the output
# FITS file.
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