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Last active June 3, 2024 06:26
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ar inequalities
Inequality Interval Ruby range Active Record¹ Arel² Description
x >= a [a, ∞) a.. where(x: a..) x.gteq(a) Right unbounded closed
x > a (a, ∞) n/a where.not(x: ..a) Right unbounded open
x <= a (-∞, a] ..a where(x: ..a) x.lteq(a) Left unbounded closed
x < a (-∞, a) ...a where(x: ...a) Left unbounded open
a <= x <= b [a, b] a..b where(x: a..b) x.between(a..b) Closed
a < x < b (a, b) n/a where.not(x: ..a).where(x: ...b) Open
a <= x < b [a, b) a...b where(x: a...b) x.between(a...b) Half-open left closed
a < x <= b (a, b] n/a where.not(x: ..a).where(x: ..b) Half-open right closed
x = a [a] a..a where(x: a) x.eq(a) Singleton
a < x < a n/a³ none⁴ n/a Empty

¹When using predicate builder for Ranges, for reliable scope composition e.g. in the presence of association joins, self-joins, merges etc.
²When x = Model.arel_table[:x].
³An empty range in Ruby can technically be created by having the beginning greater than the end, like 1..0, but the result has implicit type and the construction is ugly.
⁴See Active Record documentation for the none method.

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The wheels come off with left-open intervals, for which Ruby has no range literal syntax.

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