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Created December 10, 2016 14:15
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import sys, time
from math import sqrt, acos, pi, cos, sin
from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_UP
class Point(object):
__slots__ = 'x', 'y'
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x, self.y = x, y
def dist(self, p):
return sqrt(self.dist2(p))
def dist2(self, p):
return (self.x-p.x)**2 + (self.y - p.y)**2
def closest(self, a, b):
da = float(b.y - a.y)
db = float(a.x - b.x)
c1 = da*a.x + db*a.y
c2 = -db*self.x + da*self.y
det = da**2 + db**2
if det != 0:
cx = (da*c1 - db*c2) / det
cy = (da*c2 + db*c1) / det
cx, cy = self.x, self.y
return Point(cx, cy)
class Unit(Point):
r = 0.
__slots__ = 'id', 'vx', 'vy'
def __init__(self, id, x, y, vx, vy):
super().__init__(x, y), self.vx, self.vy = id, vx, vy
def collision(self, u):
if self.vx == u.vx and self.vy == u.vy:
dx = self.x - u.x
dy = self.y - u.y
myp = Point(dx, dy)
dvx = self.vx - u.vx
dvy = self.vy - u.vy
up = Point(0,0)
p = up.closest(myp, Point(dx + dvx, dy + dvy))
pdst = up.dist2(p)
mypdst = myp.dist2(p)
if type(u) == Checkpoint:
sr2 = u.r**2
sr2 = (self.r + u.r)**2
if pdst >= sr2:
length = sqrt(dvx**2 + dvy**2)
bdst = sqrt(sr2 - pdst)
p.x -= bdst * dvx / length
p.y -= bdst * dvy / length
if myp.dist2(p) > mypdst:
pdst = p.dist(myp)
if pdst > length:
t = pdst / length
return Collision(self, u, t)
class Checkpoint(Unit):
r = 600.
class Pod(Unit):
r = 400.
__slots__ = 'angle', 'next_cp', 'checked', 'timeout', \
'shield', 'has_boost', 'cp_ct'
def __init__(self, id, x, y, vx, vy, angle, next_cp):
super().__init__(id, x, y, vx, vy)
self.angle, self.next_cp = angle, next_cp
self.checked = 0
self.timeout = 100
self.shield = 0
self.has_boost = True
self.cp_ct = 0
def update(self, data):
self.x, self.y, self.vx, self.vy, self.angle, self.next_cp = data
def apply(self, action):
thrust = action.thrust
if thrust == 650:
self.has_boost = False
if thrust == -1:
thrust = 0
self.shield = 4
def rotate(self, p):
a = self.diff_angle(p)
a = max(-18., min(18., a))
self.angle += a
if self.angle >= 360.:
self.angle = self.angle - 360.
elif self.angle < 0.0:
self.angle += 360.
def boost(self, thrust):
if self.shield: return
ra = self.angle * pi / 180.
self.vx += cos(ra) * thrust
self.vy += sin(ra) * thrust
def move(self, t):
self.x += self.vx * t
self.y += self.vy * t
def end(self):
self.x = int(Decimal(self.x).quantize(0, rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP))
self.y = int(Decimal(self.y).quantize(0, rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP))
self.vx = int(self.vx * 0.85)
self.vy = int(self.vy * 0.85)
self.timeout -= 1
self.shield = max(0, self.shield - 1)
laps = 3 # todo: always?
if self.checked >= self.cp_ct*laps:
self.next_cp = 0
self.checked = self.cp_ct*laps
def get_angle(self, p):
d = self.dist(p)
dx = float(p.x - self.x) / d
dy = float(p.y - self.y) / d
a = acos(dx) * 180.0 / pi
if dy < 0:
a = 360. - a
return a
def diff_angle(self, p):
a = self.get_angle(p)
right = a - self.angle if self.angle <= a else 360. - self.angle + a
left = self.angle - a if self.angle >= a else self.angle + 360. - a
if right < left:
return right
return -left
def bounce(self, u):
if type(u) == Checkpoint:
self.checked += 1
self.timeout = 100
self.next_cp = (self.next_cp + 1) % self.cp_ct
m1, m2 = 1. + 9.*(self.shield == 4), 1. + 9.*(u.shield == 4)
mcoeff = (m1 + m2) / (m1 * m2)
nx = self.x - u.x
ny = self.y - u.y
dst2 = nx**2 + ny**2
dvx = self.vx - u.vx
dvy = self.vy - u.vy
prod = nx*dvx + ny*dvy
fx = (nx*prod)/(dst2*mcoeff)
fy = (ny*prod)/(dst2*mcoeff)
self.vx -= fx / m1
self.vy -= fy / m1
u.vx += fx / m2
u.vy += fy / m2
impulse = sqrt(fx**2 + fy**2)
if impulse < 120.0:
fx *= 120.0/impulse
fy *= 120.0/impulse
self.vx -= fx / m1
self.vy -= fy / m1
u.vx += fx / m2
u.vy += fy / m2
def __repr__(self):
return "{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}".format(
self.x, self.y, self.vx, self.vy, self.angle,
self.next_cp, self.shield, 1 - self.has_boost
class Collision(object):
__slots__ = 'a', 'b', 't'
def __init__(self, a, b, t):
self.a, self.b, self.t = a, b, t
class Action():
def __init__(self, p, thrust):
if thrust == "SHIELD":
thrust = -1
elif thrust == "BOOST":
thrust = 650
thrust = int(thrust)
self.p, self.thrust = p, thrust
class Game():
def __init__(self, laps, checkpoints):
self.laps = laps
self.checkpoints = checkpoints
def play(self, pods):
def _check_col(t, col, first_col):
return col and col.t + t < 1.0 and (not first_col or col.t < first_col.t)
t = 0.0
while t < 1.0:
first_col = None
for i in range(len(pods)):
for j in range(i+1, len(pods)):
col = pods[i].collision(pods[j])
if _check_col(t, col, first_col):
first_col = col
col = pods[i].collision(self.checkpoints[pods[i].next_cp])
if _check_col(t, col, first_col):
first_col = col
if not first_col:
for pod in pods:
pod.move(1.0 - t)
t = 1.0
for pod in pods:
t += first_col.t
for pod in pods:
if __name__ == '__main__':
cp_ct = int(input())
checkpoints = []
for i in range(cp_ct):
x,y = map(int, input().split())
game = Game(-1, checkpoints)
turns = int(input())
pods = []
times = 0.0
for _ in range(turns):
for i in range(4):
x, y, vx, vy, angle, ncp, shield, boosted = input().split()
angle = float(angle)
x, y, vx, vy, ncp, shield, boosted = map(int, [x, y, vx, vy, ncp, shield, boosted])
if len(pods) < 4:
pod = Pod(i, x, y, vx, vy, angle, ncp)
pod = pods[i]
pod.update([x, y, vx, vy, angle, ncp])
pod.shield = shield
pod.has_boost = 1 - boosted
pod.cp_ct = cp_ct
tic = time.time()
for i in range(4):
tx, ty, thrust = input().split()
p = Point(int(tx), int(ty))
pods[i].apply(Action(p, thrust))
toc = time.time()
times += toc - tic
for pod in pods:
print((times / turns)*1000, file = sys.stderr)
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