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Last active January 20, 2016 21:39
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bitcore payment protocol ??? BIP70 test using Bitcore
var PaymentProtocol = require('bitcore-payment-protocol');
var BitcoreLib = require('bitcore-lib');
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var Address = BitcoreLib.Address;
var Script = BitcoreLib.Script;
// get paths to x509 certs from environment
var bitcoin_payment_address = process.env.BITCOIN_PAYMENT_ADDRESS;
if (typeof(bitcoin_payment_address) === 'undefined')
throw new Error('BITCOIN_PAYMENT_ADDRESS is undefined in environment');
app.get('/paymentrequest', function(err, res) {
// create PaymentRequest and send to user
var bitcoin_der_cert_path = process.env.BITCOIN_DER_CERT_PATH || './keys/cert.pem';
var bitcoin_priv_key_path = process.env.BITCOIN_PRIV_KEY_PATH || './keys/privkey';
// create address that customer will pay to
var address = Address.fromString(bitcoin_payment_address);
// create the script that specifies how the bitcoin is redeemable
var script = Script.buildPublicKeyHashOut(address);
// check @todo remove this
// create outputs that the customer will send to
var outputs = new PaymentProtocol().makeOutput();
outputs.set('amount', 0);
outputs.set('script', script.toBuffer());
// var utxo = new UnspentOutput({
// "txid" : "a0a08e397203df68392ee95b3f08b0b3b3e2401410a38d46ae0874f74846f2e9",
// "vout" : 0,
// "address" : "mgJT8iegL4f9NCgQFeFyfvnSw1Yj4M5Woi",
// "scriptPubKey" : "76a914089acaba6af8b2b4fb4bed3b747ab1e4e60b496588ac",
// "amount" : 0.00070000
// });
// make payment details
var now = moment().unix();
var details = new PaymentProtocol().makePaymentDetails();
details.set('network', 'test');
details.set('outputs', outputs);
details.set('time', now);
details.set('expires', moment(now, 'X').add(24, 'hours'));
details.set('memo', 'A payment request from the merchant.');
details.set('payment_url', 'https://localhost/-/pay');
details.set('merchant_data', new Buffer({size: 7}));
// sign payment request
var certificates = new PaymentProtocol().makeX509Certificates();
certificats.set('certificate', [bitcoin_der_cert_path]);
// form the request
var request = new PaymentRequest().makePaymentRequest();
request.set('payment_details_version', 1);
request.set('pki_type', 'x509+sha256');
request.set('pki_data', certificates.serialize());
request.set('serialized_payment_details', details.serialize());
// serialize the request
var rawbody = request.serialize();
// Example HTTP Response Headers:
// Content-Type: PaymentProtocol.PAYMENT_REQUEST_CONTENT_TYPE
// Content-Length: request.length
// Content-Transfer-Encoding: 'binary'
'Content-Type': PaymentProtocol.PAYMENT_REQUEST_CONTENT_TYPE,
'Content-Length': request.length,
'Content-Transfer-Encoding': 'binary'
console.log('listening on port 5000');
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