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Created November 27, 2022 15:00
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from collections import defaultdict
import random
import cv2
import numpy as np
from queue import Queue
class SnakeGame:
def __init__(self, h=600, w=810, game_speed=60):
self.cell_size = 30
self.h = h//self.cell_size*self.cell_size
self.w = w//self.cell_size*self.cell_size
self.game_speed = game_speed
self.grid_color = (1., 1., 1.) # white
self.body_color = (0., 0., 0.) # black
self.head_color = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) # grey
self.food_color = (0., 0., 1.) # red
self.img = np.ones((h, w, 3))*self.grid_color
for y in range(0, self.h, self.cell_size):
for x in range(0, self.w, self.cell_size):
self.color_square((y, x), self.grid_color)
self.body = Queue()
self.initial_pos = (300//self.cell_size*self.cell_size,
self.head = self.initial_pos
self.color_square(self.head, self.head_color)
self.food_pos = self.generate_food()
self.score = 0
self.direction = ''
self.game_over = False
self.move_map = defaultdict(lambda: (0, 0))
'left': (0, -self.cell_size),
'right': (0, self.cell_size),
'up': (-self.cell_size, 0),
'down': (self.cell_size, 0)
def color_square(self, pos, color):
y, x = pos
self.img[y:y+self.cell_size, x:x+self.cell_size] = color
def move(self):
delta = self.move_map[self.direction]
new_y, new_x = self.head[0]+delta[0], self.head[1]+delta[1]
if new_y < 0:
new_y = self.h - self.cell_size
elif new_y >= self.h:
new_y = 0
elif new_x < 0:
new_x = self.w - self.cell_size
elif new_x >= self.w:
new_x = 0
if (self.img[new_y, new_x] == self.body_color).all():
if (self.img[new_y, new_x] == self.grid_color).all():
tail = self.body.get()
self.color_square(tail, self.grid_color)
elif (self.img[new_y, new_x] == self.food_color).all():
self.score += 1
self.food_pos = self.generate_food()
self.body.put((new_y, new_x))
self.color_square(self.head, self.body_color)
self.head = (new_y, new_x)
self.color_square(self.head, self.head_color)
def end_game(self):
self.game_over = True
self.img[self.h//5:self.h*4//6, self.w//5:self.w*4//5] = (0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
cv2.putText(self.img, 'Game over!', (self.w//3, self.h*2//7), font, 1.5, (1., 1., 1.), 4, 2)
cv2.putText(self.img, 'Score:', (self.w*7//16, self.h * 3 // 8), font, 1.1, (1., 1., 1.), 1, 2)
cv2.putText(self.img, str(self.score), (self.w * 7 // 16, self.h * 4//8), font, 2, (1., 1., 1.), 3, 2)
cv2.putText(self.img, 'Press y to play again or n to quit', (self.w//4, self.h * 5 // 8), font, 0.75, (1., 1., 1.), 1, 2)
def generate_food(self):
y = random.randrange(self.h)//self.cell_size*self.cell_size
x = random.randrange(self.w)//self.cell_size*self.cell_size
while (self.img[y, x] != self.grid_color).any():
y = random.randrange(self.h) // self.cell_size * self.cell_size
x = random.randrange(self.w) // self.cell_size * self.cell_size
self.color_square((y, x), self.food_color)
return y, x
def play(self):
while True:
while not self.game_over:
cv2.imshow('Snake', self.img)
k = cv2.waitKeyEx(self.game_speed)
UP_KEY, LEFT_KEY, DOWN_KEY, RIGHT_KEY = 2490368, 2424832, 2621440, 2555904
if k == UP_KEY and self.direction != 'down':
self.direction = 'up'
elif k == LEFT_KEY and self.direction != 'right':
self.direction = 'left'
elif k == DOWN_KEY and self.direction != 'up':
self.direction = 'down'
elif k == RIGHT_KEY and self.direction != 'left':
self.direction = 'right'
if self.direction:
choice = ''
while choice not in ['y', 'n']:
cv2.imshow('Snake', self.img)
choice = chr(cv2.waitKey(0) & 0xFF)
if choice == 'n':
snake_game = SnakeGame()
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