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Last active November 29, 2023 22:21
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ui test in dart with puppeteer
import 'package:new_sali_core/new_sali_core.dart';
import 'package:puppeteer/puppeteer.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
/// add to pubspec.yaml
// dev_dependencies:
// angel3_hot: any
// angel3_test: any
// test: any
// # for UI test
// puppeteer: 2.23.0
/// tests of ui
void main() {
late Page page;
setUp(() async {
page = await setupBrowser(headless: false);
await autenticar(page, 'username', 'password');
tearDown(() async {
await aguarde(120000);
await page.browser.close();
test('ui test incluir cgm pessoa fisica completo', () async {
await menuNavigate(
page, ['Administrativa', 'CGM', 'Manutenção', 'Incluir CGM']);
final tipoPessoa = 'f';
final nome = 'Nome Pessoa Fisica Teste';
//Dados CGM
await'select[name="tipoPessoa"]', [tipoPessoa]);
await aguarde(500);
await page.type('input[name="nome"]', nome);
await page.type('input[name="cpf"]', CpfUtil().generate());
await page.type('input[name="rg"]', '217504877');
await page.type('input[name="orgaoEmissor"]', 'Detran');
await aguarde(150);
//Rio de Janeiro
await'select[name="cod_uf_orgao_emissor"]', ['20: 19']);
await aguarde(150);
await page.type('input[name="dt_emissao_rg"]', '14/09/2005');
await page.type('input[name="num_cnh"]', '08376064073');
// Categoria D
await'select[name="cod_categoria_cnh"]', ['8: 4']);
await page.type('input[name="dt_validade_cnh"]', '14/09/2029');
await page.type('input[name="servidor_pis_pasep"]', '774.65811.27-0');
await'select[name="cod_nacionalidade"]', ['5: 1']);
//2o grau completo
await'select[name="cod_escolaridade"]', ['2: 7']);
await page.type('input[name="dt_nascimento"]', '14/09/1987');
await'select[name="sexo"]', ['m']);
//Dados endereço
await'select[name="tipo_logradouro"]', ['Rua']);
await page.type('input[name="logradouro"]', 'Anita');
await page.type('input[name="numero"]', '0');
await page.type('input[name="complemento"]', 'Casa de Cima');
//'select[name="pais"]', ['6: 1']); await aguarde(2100);
await selectOptionByTextAndWait(page, 'select[name="pais"]', 'Brasil',
// await'select[name="estado"]', ['48: 19']);
// await aguarde(2100);
await selectOptionByTextAndWait(
'Rio de Janeiro',
// await'select[name="municipio"]', ['158: 66']);
await selectOptionByText2(
page, 'select[name="municipio"]', 'Rio das Ostras');
await page.type('input[name="bairro"]', 'Costazul');
await page.type('input[name="cep"]', '28895234');
//Dados contato
await page.type('input[name="fone_residencial"]', '2227772339');
await page.type('input[name="fone_comercial"]', '2227776464');
await page.type('input[name="ramal_comercial"]', '171');
await page.type('input[name="fone_celular"]', '22997015305');
await page.type('input[name="e_mail"]', '');
await page.type('input[name="e_mail_adcional"]', '');
await page.type('input[name="Observação"]', 'Observação teste');
await aguarde(500);
await scrollIntoView(page, '#btnSalvarPessoa');
await aguarde(500);
final spanCgm = await page.waitForSelector('.lastCgmCad');
final cgm = int.tryParse(await spanCgm!.evaluate('node => node.innerText'));
print('ui test incluir cgm pessoa fisica: $cgm');
expect(cgm != null, true);
test('ui test incluir cgm pessoa fisica minimo', () async {
await menuNavigate(
page, ['Administrativa', 'CGM', 'Manutenção', 'Incluir CGM']);
final tipoPessoa = 'f';
final nome = 'Nome Pessoa Fisica minimo Teste';
//Dados CGM
await'select[name="tipoPessoa"]', [tipoPessoa]);
await aguarde(500);
await page.type('input[name="nome"]', nome);
await page.type('input[name="cpf"]', CpfUtil().generate());
await page.type('input[name="rg"]', '217504877');
await page.type('input[name="orgaoEmissor"]', 'Detran');
await aguarde(150);
await selectOptionByText2(
page, 'select[name="cod_uf_orgao_emissor"]', 'Rio de Janeiro');
await selectOptionByText2(
page, 'select[name="cod_nacionalidade"]', 'Brasileira');
await selectOptionByText2(
page, 'select[name="cod_escolaridade"]', '2o grau completo');
//await page.type('input[name="dt_nascimento"]', '14/09/1987');
await'select[name="sexo"]', ['m']);
//Dados endereço
await'select[name="tipo_logradouro"]', ['Rua']);
await page.type('input[name="logradouro"]', 'Anita');
await page.type('input[name="numero"]', '0');
// await page.type('input[name="complemento"]', 'Casa de Cima');
await selectOptionByTextAndWait(page, 'select[name="pais"]', 'Brasil',
await selectOptionByTextAndWait(
'Rio de Janeiro',
await selectOptionByText2(
page, 'select[name="municipio"]', 'Rio das Ostras');
await page.type('input[name="bairro"]', 'Costazul');
await page.type('input[name="cep"]', '28895234');
await aguarde(500);
await scrollIntoView(page, '#btnSalvarPessoa');
await aguarde(500);
final spanCgm = await page.waitForSelector('.lastCgmCad');
final cgm = int.tryParse(await spanCgm!.evaluate('node => node.innerText'));
print('ui test incluir cgm pessoa fisica minimo: $cgm');
expect(cgm != null, true);
test('ui test incluir cgm pessoa juridica minimo', () async {
await menuNavigate(
page, ['Administrativa', 'CGM', 'Manutenção', 'Incluir CGM']);
final tipoPessoa = 'j';
final nome = 'Nome Pessoa Juridica minimo Teste';
//Dados CGM
await'select[name="tipoPessoa"]', [tipoPessoa]);
await aguarde(500);
await page.type('input[name="nome"]', nome);
await page.type('input[name="cnpj"]', CnpjUtil.generate());
//Dados endereço
await'select[name="tipo_logradouro"]', ['Rua']);
await page.type('input[name="logradouro"]', 'Anita');
await page.type('input[name="numero"]', '0');
await selectOptionByTextAndWait(page, 'select[name="pais"]', 'Brasil',
await selectOptionByTextAndWait(
'Rio de Janeiro',
await selectOptionByText2(
page, 'select[name="municipio"]', 'Rio das Ostras');
await page.type('input[name="bairro"]', 'Costazul');
await page.type('input[name="cep"]', '28895234');
await aguarde(500);
await scrollIntoView(page, '#btnSalvarPessoa');
await aguarde(500);
final spanCgm = await page.waitForSelector('.lastCgmCad');
final cgm = int.tryParse(await spanCgm!.evaluate('node => node.innerText'));
print('ui test incluir cgm pessoa juridica minimo: $cgm');
expect(cgm != null, true);
/// url do sistema
const baseUrl = 'http://localhost:8005';
const baseUrlWithPath = 'http://localhost:3350/api/v1';
/// inicializa o navegador e navega para pagina incial
Future<Page> setupBrowser({bool headless = false}) async {
final browser = await puppeteer.launch(
devTools: false,
headless: headless,
defaultViewport: DeviceViewport(width: 1920, height: 1003), //, //null
args: [
// '--start-maximized' // you can also use '--start-fullscreen'
// Open a new tab
final page = await browser.newPage();
// Go to a page and wait to be fully loaded
await page.goto('$baseUrl/#/login', wait: Until.load);
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 200));
await page.waitForSelector('#username');
print('inputUser carregado!');
//await myPage.screenshot();
//await myPage.pdf();
//final val = await myPage.evaluate<String>('() => document.title');
//print('main $val');
// Gracefully close the browser's process
return page;
/// autenticar no sistema
Future<bool> autenticar(Page page, String username, String password) async {
await page.type('#username', username);
await page.type('#password', password);
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 400));
//aguarda carregar o side menu principal
await page.waitForSelector(
'ul[data-label="main_menu"] li[data-label="Administrativa"');
print('menu carregado!');
//await page.waitForNavigation();
if (page.url?.contains('#/restrito') == true) {
print('logado com sucesso!');
return true;
} else {
print('erro ao logar!');
return false;
/// click em um item de menu
Future<void> openMenuItem(Page page, String label,
[bool aguardeOpen = true]) async {
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 20));
final menuItem = await page.waitForSelector('ul li[data-label="$label"]');
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 20));
await menuItem!.click();
if (aguardeOpen) {
await page.waitForSelector('ul li[data-label="$label"].nav-item-open');
print('openMenuItem $label');
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 250));
/// navega para um item de menu
/// Exemplo:
/// ```dart
/// await menuNavigate(page, ['Administrativa', 'CGM', 'Manutenção','Incluir CGM']);
/// ```
Future<void> menuNavigate(Page page, List<String> labels) async {
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 150));
for (var i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) {
await openMenuItem(page, labels[i], i < labels.length - 1);
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 150));
/// seleciona um opção em um select nativo by option text via evaluate javascript
Future<void> selectOptionByText(Page page, String selector, String value,
{int delay = 1500}) async {
await page.evaluate('''(css, text) => {
let sel = document.querySelector(css)
for(let option of [...document.querySelectorAll(css + ' option')]){
if(text === option.text){
// sel.value = option.value
option.selected = true;
sel.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
}''', args: [selector, value]);
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: delay));
/// seleciona um opção em um select nativo by option attribute value
Future<void> selectOptionByAttr(
Page page, String selector, String attribute, String value,
{int postDelay = 250}) async {
await page.evaluate('''(css, attribute, text) => {
let sel = document.querySelector(css)
for(let option of [...document.querySelectorAll(css + ' option')]){
const attrVal = option.getAttribute(attribute);
if(attrVal == text){
option.selected = true;
sel.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
}''', args: [selector, attribute, value]);
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: postDelay));
/// clica em um elemento usando cliques DOM nativos
/// [delay] um atrazo apos clicar
Future<void> clickOnBtn(Page page, String selector, {int delay = 2000}) async {
await page.evaluate('''(css, text) => {
let sel = document.querySelector(css);
}''', args: [selector]);
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: delay));
/// wait For [rootSelector] selector and search element by textContent [searchText] and 'Return' attribute value
Future<String?> searchElementByContent(Page page, String rootSelector,
String elementSelector, String searchText, String getAttribute,
{int? postDelay}) async {
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 200));
await page.waitForSelector(rootSelector);
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 120));
final res = await page
.evaluate('''(rootSelector, elementSelector, text,attribute) => {
let sel = document.querySelector(rootSelector).querySelectorAll(elementSelector);
for (const ele of sel) {
if (ele.textContent.includes(text)) {
const attr = ele.getAttribute(attribute);
return attr;
return null;
}''', args: [rootSelector, elementSelector, searchText, getAttribute]);
if (postDelay != null) {
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: postDelay));
return res;
/// usa a API DOM scrollIntoViewIfNeeded para rolar para deixar um elemento visivel
Future<void> scrollIntoView(Page page, String selector,
{int delay = 250}) async {
await page.evaluate('''(css, text) => {
let sel = document.querySelector(css);
}''', args: [selector]);
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: delay));
/// sleep
Future<void> aguarde([int milliseconds = 300]) async {
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: milliseconds));
/// verifica se um elemento existe na pagina
Future<bool> isExist(Page page, String selector) async {
//final existAtr = await page.$('[data-id="atributos"]');
final existAtr = await page.evaluate('''(selector) => {
let el = document.querySelector(selector)
return el ? true : false
}''', args: [selector]);
return existAtr;
Future<String?> getInnerText(Page page, String selector) async {
final element = await page.waitForSelector(selector);
final res = await element!.evaluate('node => node.innerText') as String?;
return res;
/// selecione uma opção pelo [value] de um select pelo [selector] nativo e aguarda carregar dados da [url] rede antes de retornar
Future<dynamic> selectOptionAndWait(
Page page, String selector, String value, String url) async {
final completer = Completer();
//http://localhost:3350/api/v1/administracao/ufs?limit=195&offset=0&orderDir=desc&codPais=3, [value]);
print('selectOptionAndWait $url');
// final res = await page.waitForFunction(
// '''() => document.querySelectorAll('select[name="estado"] option').length > 3''');
// final res = await page.waitForXPath("//select[contains(@id, 'estado')]/option[contains(text(),'Rio de Janeiro')]");
page.waitForResponse(url).then((res) async {
print('selectOptionAndWait carregou o combo $selector $res');
await aguarde(1000);
//final res = await page.waitForSelector('select[name="estado"] option:nth-child(3)');
return completer.future;
extension PuppeteerPageExtension on Page {
Future<Response> waitForResponseCustom(String inputUrl,
{bool Function(String responseUrl)? comparFunc, Duration? timeout}) {
const globalDefaultTimeout = Duration(seconds: 30);
timeout ??= defaultTimeout ?? globalDefaultTimeout;
return frameManager.networkManager.onResponse
.where((response) {
final respUrl = path.url.normalize(response.url);
if (comparFunc == null) {
final pUrl = path.url.normalize(inputUrl);
return respUrl == pUrl;
} else {
return comparFunc(respUrl);
/// selecione uma opção pelo [text] de um select pelo [selector] nativo e aguarda carregar dados da [url] rede antes de retornar
Future<dynamic> selectOptionByTextAndWait(
Page page, String selector, String text, String url) async {
final completer = Completer();
final optionValue = await page.$$eval('$selector option',
'''options => options.find(o => o.innerText.includes("$text"))?.value''');, [optionValue]);
//print('selectOptionByTextAndWait $url');
comparFunc: ((responseUrl) => responseUrl.contains(url)))
.then((res) async {
//print('selectOptionByTextAndWait carregou o combo $selector $res');
await aguarde(1000);
return completer.future;
Future<dynamic> selectOptionByText2(
Page page, String selector, String text) async {
final completer = Completer();
final optionValue = await page.$$eval('$selector option',
'''options => options.find(o => o.innerText.includes("$text"))?.value''');
await, [optionValue]);
await aguarde(1000);
return completer.future;
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