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Created September 9, 2010 16:39
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# Written for the following /r/math post:
# > Hi all. I've got a programming problem that distills down to choosing
# > a permutation, B, of a sequence A, with uniform probability such that
# > no two pairwise sums are the same. For example:
# >
# > A = [ 0 1 2 3 4 ]
# > B = [ 2 4 1 3 0 ]
# > A + B = [ 2 5 3 6 4 ]
# >
# > In this case the requirement is satisfied since there are no duplicate
# > elements in A+B. If I'd swapped the last two elements in B, however,
# > it would fail my criteria as the third and fourth places would both
# > sum to 3.
# >
# > Is there some discrete math or point of view that I'm missing that
# > might lead to a straightforward algorithm for efficiently generating
# > B? It feels like there ought to be some simple twist on Fisher-Yates
# > that would do it. (Either that or I'll find that some NP-complete
# > problem reduces to it.) Thanks for any tips!
# For the sake of argument, let's assume that we're starting with
# A = [1, 2, ..., n], since any solution, B, to go with this can trivially
# be converted to a solution for some other permutation of {1, ..., n}
# Similarly, any solution for [1, 2, ..., n] is also a solution for
# [1 + k, 2 + k, ..., n + k] for some constant k.
# So, as long as we can generate solutions for [1, ..., n], we can generate
# solutions for any permutation of those elements, combined with any
# constant factor added to them all.
# Also I've decided to call a "solution" for {1, ..., n} a "shuffle"
# The algorithm for generating solutions should be pretty readable, and
# is the same as what a few commenters have already suggested.
# Also, I started out trying to write something "elegant", and then tried
# to turn it into something "readable", and now I feel like I've ended up
# with a mess which is neither. So it goes.
def shuffleIsValid(a, b=None):
Check if two given 'shuffles' are valid; i.e., if the element-wise
sums are all distinct. If you don't pass a second parameter, then
compare `a` to [1, 2, ..., n], where n = len(a)
Check the lengths first, then sum each pair of elements, create a set,
and check that there are as many elements in it as there are in the
original list (i.e., they're all distinct).
# Prepare default value for b, if necessary
if not b: b = range(1, (len(a) + 1))
return (len(a) == len(b)) \
and (len(set([a[i] + b[i] for i in xrange(0, len(a))])) == len(a))
def generateShuffle(n, prohibited = [], push=[], derangements=True):
Recursively generate all the valid 'shuffles' of length `n`, assuming
they're 'shuffles' against [1, 2, ..., n]. If `derangements` is True,
we discard any 'shuffles' which aren't also complete derangements.
Call initially with just a value for `n`
# k is the number of items we've already selected for, since we can't
# have duplicates in the prohibited list
# Which also means, we're in the (k + 1)th slot
k = len(prohibited)
# Our choices for the next step are:
# Start with the integers [1, ..., n]:
# Remove ones we've already used:
# Use the list of prohibited sums to remove all possible choices which
# would give us that sum. (i.e., the difference between the prohibited
# sum, and this slot, (k + 1)
# Remove the value corresponding to the slot we're in, IF we're
# forcing every "shuffle" to be a derangement).
# (These are sets to make the 'subtraction' simpler, without worrying
# about IndexErrors, trying to remove the same element more than once.)
choices = set(range(1, (n + 1)))
choices -= set(push)
choices -= set([(p - (k + 1)) for p in prohibited])
if derangements:
choices -= set([k + 1])
# Start with no results
results = []
# We take each possibility for the next number...
# Then generate the possible remaining values, for that choice
# (We do this by recursing into generateShuffle again, amending
# the lists of prohibited sums, and used values, accordingly.)
# Then we check whether there *are* any possible remaining values,
# just in case we've hit a snag where it's impossible to continue
# with the values we've already chosen.
for x in choices:
the_rest = generateShuffle(n, prohibited + [x + k + 1], push + [x], derangements)
# Check there are more possibilities
if the_rest:
# Add them to the list of results
for y in the_rest:
results.append([x] + y)
# Otherwise, if we have no possible values to continue with
# If we're in the last place, then that's perfect, just return
# our (only) possible value for this last slot
if (n == (k + 1)):
# Otherwise, we've hit a snag, and just return the empty list.
return results
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Some rudimentary tests
print "\nChecking for derangement shuffles:"
for n in range(3, 10):
shuffles = generateShuffle(n)
print "Checking n = %s, there are %s shuffles." % (n, len(shuffles))
for shuffle in shuffles:
if not shuffleIsValid(shuffle):
print "Error: %s" % shuffle
print "\nChecking for non-derangement shuffles:"
for n in range(3, 10):
shuffles = generateShuffle(n, derangements=False)
print "Checking n = %s, there are %s shuffles." % (n, len(shuffles))
for shuffle in shuffles:
if not shuffleIsValid(shuffle):
print "Error: %s" % shuffle
Checking for derangement shuffles:
Checking n = 3, there are 2 shuffles.
Checking n = 4, there are 2 shuffles.
Checking n = 5, there are 6 shuffles.
Checking n = 6, there are 24 shuffles.
Checking n = 7, there are 132 shuffles.
Checking n = 8, there are 612 shuffles.
Checking n = 9, there are 3786 shuffles.
Checking for non-derangement shuffles:
Checking n = 3, there are 3 shuffles.
Checking n = 4, there are 7 shuffles.
Checking n = 5, there are 23 shuffles.
Checking n = 6, there are 83 shuffles.
Checking n = 7, there are 405 shuffles.
Checking n = 8, there are 2113 shuffles.
Checking n = 9, there are 12657 shuffles.
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