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Last active June 2, 2016 05:20
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package conway.highest.value;
import conways.Conways;
import java.util.Random;
* Created by insidious on 4/5/16.
* <p>
* Optimizer uses the Gene Algorithm to compute best fitness(EndLiveCells/2*StartLiveCells)
* of conways Game of life
* uses bitStrings to store Game of Life Representation for Mutation
* it seems as if the fitness and evolve functions are the bottlenecks
* if adding onto this in the future, it's worth looking into a different method
* for checking what cells are alive/dead to speed up the program
public class ConwaysOptimizer extends Conways implements OptimizerInterface {
public static String PREFIX = "../CGOL/src/conways/resources/";
//Global Variables
private int iterations;
private double bestFitness;
private int bestFitIdx;
private int secondBestFitIdx;
private int worstFitIdx;
private Conways[] lifeForms;
//constructors, initFitness() will always be at the end to catch the fitness of any
public ConwaysOptimizer() {
lifeForms = new Conways[3];
lifeForms[0] = new Conways(EMPTY);
lifeForms[1] = new Conways(EMPTY);
lifeForms[2] = new Conways(EMPTY);
iterations = 1000;
//default with iterations
public ConwaysOptimizer(int iterations) {
lifeForms = new Conways[3];
lifeForms[0] = new Conways(EMPTY);
lifeForms[1] = new Conways(EMPTY);
lifeForms[2] = new Conways(EMPTY);
this.iterations = iterations;
//seeded constructors
public ConwaysOptimizer(Conways[] lifeForms) {
this.lifeForms = lifeForms;
iterations = 1000;
//seeded /w iterations
public ConwaysOptimizer(Conways[] lifeForms, int iterations) {
this.lifeForms = lifeForms;
this.iterations = iterations;
//get functions (only one)
public double getFitness(){
return bestFitness;
public void run(){
//only mutate the worst lifeForms using the best
//elitist selection
//Only mutate inferior lifeForms
//because the nature of conways is unpredictable, so we don't want to throw out the best solution
//highly selective algorithm, 1/500 chance of being mutated
//found this selectiveness returns best fitness
//lifeForm (boolean[][]) and probability (1/x, ie 1/20)
//experimenting with different probabilities greatly
//helps getting a better fitnes (EX: 1/20th probability rarely returns anything over 2 fitness)
//50-100 seems like the sweetspot
lifeForms[secondBestFitIdx] = mutate(lifeForms[secondBestFitIdx], 50);
lifeForms[worstFitIdx] = mutate(lifeForms[worstFitIdx], 50);
private void nextGeneration() {
Conways[] children;
//found that a singlePointCrossover works much better than doublePoint
//probably because it preserves symmetry better than doublePoint
//doublePoint obliterates any pattern it created so far
children = singlePointCrossover(lifeForms[bestFitIdx], lifeForms[secondBestFitIdx] );
lifeForms[worstFitIdx] = children[0];
lifeForms[secondBestFitIdx] = children[1];
//randomly change something returns a new lifeForm object
//uses StringBuilder java b/c Strings are immutable and
//creating a workaround for that would be pointless...
private Conways mutate(Conways lifeForm, int probability) {
//performs one mutation
Random rand = new Random();
//string builder because Strings are immutable
StringBuilder bitString = new StringBuilder(lifeForm.toBitString());
for (int i = 0; i < bitString.length(); i++) {
if (rand.nextInt(probability) == 0) {
if (bitString.charAt(i) == '1') {
bitString.setCharAt(i, '0');
} else {
bitString.setCharAt(i, '1');
String result = bitString.toString();
return new Conways(lifeForm.toBoolArr(result));
//finds the fitness of all the lifeForms, putting them in their respective vars
private void initFitness(){
double worstFitness = 999999999.99;
//this does not work at all
double[] fitX = new double[3];
fitX[0] = fitness(lifeForms[0],iterations);
fitX[1] = fitness(lifeForms[1],iterations);
fitX[2] = fitness(lifeForms[2],iterations);
for(int i = 0; i < fitX.length; i++){
if(worstFitness > fitX[i]){
worstFitness = fitX[i];
worstFitIdx = i;
if(bestFitness < fitX[i]){
bestFitness = fitX[i];
bestFitIdx = i;
int i = 0;
while(i == bestFitIdx || i == worstFitIdx){
secondBestFitIdx = i;
private Conways[] singlePointCrossover(Conways parent, Conways parent2){
Conways[] children = new Conways[2];
String pStr = parent.toBitString();
String pStr2 = parent.toBitString();
//make children strings
//from limited testing it seams like the crossover point is arbitrary
//after 1000 iterations, returning 1-2/3-4 about the same rate
String cStr = pStr.substring(0,150) + pStr2.substring(150,pStr2.length());
String cStr2 = pStr2.substring(0,150) + pStr.substring(150,pStr2.length());
children[0] = new Conways(parent.toBoolArr(cStr));
children[1] = new Conways(parent.toBoolArr(cStr2));
return children;
//this performs worse than singlepoint
//keeping for reference
private Conways[] doublePointCrossover(Conways parent, Conways parent2){
Conways[] children = new Conways[2];
String pStr = parent.toBitString();
String pStr2 = parent2.toBitString();
String cStr = pStr.substring(0,100) + pStr2.substring(100,300) + pStr.substring(300,pStr.length());
String cStr2 = pStr2.substring(0,100) + pStr.substring(100,300) + pStr2.substring(300,pStr2.length());
children[0] = new Conways(parent.toBoolArr(cStr));
children[1] = new Conways(parent.toBoolArr(cStr2));
return children;
//evaluates fitness
//this is the bottleneck so I use it as sparsly as possible
private double fitness(Conways life, int iterations) {
//create a tmp because we don't want to evolve our pop of lifeForms
Conways tmp = new Conways(life.getLifeForm());
//uncomment this line for a cool representation of fitness
double endLiveCells = 0;
double startLiveCells = 0;
startLiveCells = getLiveCells(tmp.getLifeForm());
//a simple optimization
//if the start live cells are already 0, then
//nothing will ever evolve from that
if(startLiveCells == 0){
return 0;
}else {
int count = 0;
//find the end iterations
while (count < iterations) {
endLiveCells = getLiveCells(tmp.getLifeForm());
double denominator = 2*startLiveCells;
return endLiveCells / denominator;
private double getLiveCells(boolean[][] lifeForm){
double count = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < lifeForm.length; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < lifeForm[i].length;j++){
if(lifeForm[i][j]){ count++;}
return count;
//Dump Functions
//EndGrid and StartGrids
//printable is for testing,
//ie putting into a text file so conways can parse it and
//evolve it to see if the algorithm actually worked
public void dumpSuperiorLife(boolean printable) {
if(printable){ lifeForms[bestFitIdx].dumpWorld(true,true);
lifeForms[bestFitIdx].dumpWorld(true, false);
//dumps the grid after the global iterations count
public void dumpEndGrid(boolean printable){
Conways tmp = new Conways(lifeForms[bestFitIdx].getLifeForm());
for(int i = 0; i < iterations; i++){
tmp.dumpWorld(true, true);
//for general testing of the algorithm
public void test(int lifeType, int iterations){
Conways test = new Conways(lifeType);
fitness(test, iterations);
package conway.highest.value;
* Created by insidious on 4/5/16.
public interface OptimizerInterface {
public void dumpSuperiorLife(boolean printable);
public void run();
public double getFitness();
public void dumpEndGrid(boolean printable);
package conway.highest.value;
import conways.Conways;
* Created by insidious on 4/5/16.
public class OptimizerMain{
public static void main(String[] args) {
Conways[] lifeForms = new Conways[3];
lifeForms[0] = new Conways(Conways.INF_5X5);
lifeForms[1] = new Conways(Conways.TEN_CELL_LINE);
lifeForms[2] = new Conways(Conways.INF_2X12);
//the lifeForm seeds and the iterations we want to check
//the lifeforms at for Conways
//defaults to EMPTY lifeforms and 1000 iterations if empty constructor
ConwaysOptimizer algorithm = new ConwaysOptimizer(lifeForms, 1000);
//get the best fitness out of the custom seeds
double startFitness = algorithm.getFitness();
System.out.println("The Best Fitness is.." + startFitness + " before iterations");
for(int i = 0; i < 10000; i++){;
//print out everytime a better solution is discovered
if(algorithm.getFitness() > startFitness){
startFitness = algorithm.getFitness();
System.out.println("The Best Fitness is..." + startFitness + " on iteration " + i);
System.out.println("Start Grid:");
System.out.println("End Grid:");
System.out.println("The Best End Fitness is: " + algorithm.getFitness());
/* ConwaysOptimizer algorithm = new ConwaysOptimizer();
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