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#!/usr/bin/env python
#made by insomniac_lemon
#it works... theoretically
#1. Create tile sheet (make sure dimensions and layout are in line with the settings in this script)
#2. (Optional) export it somewhere (within the documents folder recommended) with a discriptive name.
#3. Open tile sheet in GIMP from what you exported. Alternatively, if you skipped 2, just make sure your layer has a desired/descriptive name
#4. Make sure the desired tile sheet is the only image open in GIMP
#5. Copy this script in entirety, in GIMP go to filters>python-fu>console
#6. Hit ctrl+v
#7. Contemplate your existence
#8. Read the green stuff outputted by the python console at the bottom to find out where your files are. Hint: it says insomniac_lemon-gimp_script in it.
#it should be easy enough to edit tiles_w and tiles_h and last_tile in order to split different sized atlases
from gimpfu import *
import os
import errno
def makedirectory(path):
except OSError as exception:
if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST:
home = os.path.expanduser("~")
def refresh():
global images
global image
global layer
images = gimp.image_list()
image = images[0]
layer = image.layers[0]
w = pdb.gimp_image_width(image)
h = pdb.gimp_image_height(image)
#size of optifine overlay sheet is 7x3 tiles
tiles_w = 7
tiles_h = 3
current_tile = 0
#last tile for optifine overlay should be 16
last_tile = 16
resolution_w = w/tiles_w
resolution_h = h/tiles_h
resolution = 0
print('Tile grid is ' + str(tiles_w) + 'x' + str(tiles_h))
print('Resolution SHOULD BE ' + str(resolution_w) + 'x' + '...')
#heya if you understand python-fu and know a way I can avoid using that block if statement below, that'd be neato.
#I've tried quit() and sys.exit() and raise SystemExit(0) and they all exit the python console but allow all code after to run
#and I want the exact OPPOSITE of that save for the warning at saying that things are broken
if (resolution_w == resolution_h):
resolution = resolution_w
print('resolution IS ' + str(resolution) + 'x' + '! Congrats.')
translate = resolution*(tiles_w-1)
layer_name = str(pdb.gimp_layer_get_name(layer)) + '/'
file_path_base = home + '/insomniac_lemon-gimp_script/'
file_path_base_textures = str(file_path_base) + str(layer_name)
deleted = False
if ((os.path.exists(file_path_base_textures)) and file_path_base != home):
deleted = True
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(file_path_base_textures, topdown=False):
for name in files:
os.remove(os.path.join(root, name))
for name in dirs:
os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name))
print('Made the directory' + str(file_path_base_textures))
pdb.gimp_image_resize(image, resolution, resolution, 0, 0)
last_tile+=1 #logical fix
while (current_tile <= last_tile):
new_image = pdb.gimp_image_duplicate(image)
new_layer = new_image.layers[0]
pdb.gimp_image_crop(new_image, resolution, resolution, 0, 0)
filepath = str(file_path_base_textures) + str(current_tile) + '.png'
pdb.file_png_save2(new_image, new_layer, filepath, filepath, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0,0,0,0,0)
current_tile += 1
if (current_tile == last_tile):
if (current_tile % tiles_w != 0):
print('shift right')
pdb.gimp_layer_translate(layer, -resolution, 0)
elif (current_tile % tiles_w == 0):
print('new line')
pdb.gimp_layer_translate(layer, translate, -resolution)
if (deleted == True):
print('Files were deleted!')
print('Tile grid is ' + str(tiles_w) + 'x' + str(tiles_h))
print('resolution is ' + str(resolution) + 'x')
print('Look for your files in ' + str(file_path_base_textures))
print('Your original image was NOT modified... but if you run the script where the folders/files it needs to create exist already, the ALL previously outputted files WILL be deleted!')
print('So be warned(!): These files should not be treated as an archive, get those CTM files somewhere else!')
if (resolution_w != resolution_h):
print('Woah there hoss, this image does not match the' + '\n' + 'specified tile grid!')
print('you can ignore me, I am but a humble pawn to make sure the line before me runs')
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