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Created October 18, 2019 12:00
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// see LICENSE on
#include <cstddef> // size_t
#include <tuple> // tuple, tuple_element
#include <type_traits> // disjunction
#include <utility> // {make_,}index_sequence
#include <iostream>
// Find within a Tuple using given Predicate.
// Result is a type that exposes an index of the found item,
// the result of the applied predicate (shall be true for found item),
// and the found type itself.
template<class Tuple, template<class> class Predicate>
class find_in_if
class T // actual type
, template<class> class P // predicate
, std::size_t I // index within a tuple
struct box
using type = T;
static constexpr std::size_t index = I;
static constexpr bool value = P<T>::value; // disjunction uses this
template<class, class = void>
struct find_in_if_impl;
template<std::size_t... Is, class _>
struct find_in_if_impl<std::index_sequence<Is...>, _>
using type =
box<std::tuple_element_t<Is, Tuple>, Predicate, Is>...
using type =
typename find_in_if_impl<
template<class Tuple, template<class> class Predicate>
using find_in_if_t = typename find_in_if<Tuple, Predicate>::type;
// for exposition only -- partially applied is_same, in general can be any predicate
template<class T> using is_int = std::is_same<T, int>;
template<class T> using is_bool = std::is_same<T, bool>;
template<class T> using is_float = std::is_same<T, float>;
int main()
using foundI = find_in_if_t<std::tuple<int, bool, float>, is_int>;
using foundB = find_in_if_t<std::tuple<int, bool, float>, is_bool>;
using foundF = find_in_if_t<std::tuple<int, bool, float>, is_float>;
std::cout << "{ " << std::boolalpha << is_int<foundI::type>::value
<< ", " << foundI::index
<< ", " << foundI::value << " }\n";
std::cout << "{ " << std::boolalpha << is_bool<foundB::type>::value
<< ", " << foundB::index
<< ", " << foundB::value << " }\n";
std::cout << "{ " << std::boolalpha << is_float<foundF::type>::value
<< ", " << foundF::index
<< ", " << foundF::value << " }\n";
return 0;
g++ -std=c++17 -O2 -Wall -pedantic -pthread main.cpp && ./a.out
{ true, 0, true }
{ true, 1, true }
{ true, 2, true }
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