I attempted to implement this myself, but I think I am missing a step somewhere. If anyone is be able to spot something I might have missed, please do let me know, as I am was familiar with ZMK prior to this attempt.
I use a Kinesis 360Advantage Pro, as such I am using firmware from them.
Steps taken:
- Forked the Kinesis repo: Original: https://github.com/KinesisCorporation/Adv360-Pro-ZMK My fork: https://github.com/instance-id/Adv360-Pro-ZMK
- Checked the west.yml file from the above repo to locate the base firmware and forked it: Original: https://github.com/ReFil/zmk My fork: https://github.com/instance-id/zmk
- Made the same modifications from PR: zmkfirmware/zmk#1318 in my forked repo under the appropriate branch: https://github.com/instance-id/zmk/commit/5b1a6afe5d19afa7ee9bc82e12316f8311060e54
- Updated the west.yml in my forked firware building repo to point to my forked firmware source repo and branch. https://github.com/instance-id/Adv360-Pro-ZMK/blob/V2.0/config/west.