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UNET Voice chat
//Attach to player object
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using System.Collections;
public class Voice : NetworkBehaviour
int lastSample;
AudioClip c;
int FREQUENCY = 8000; //Default 44100
int length = 50;
void Start()
if (isLocalPlayer)
microphoneIcon = GameObject.Find("MicrophoneHolder").GetComponent<HoldGameobject>().Holder01;
c = Microphone.Start(null, true, length, FREQUENCY);
while (Microphone.GetPosition(null) < 0) { }
void FixedUpdate()
if (isLocalPlayer)
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.V))
int pos = Microphone.GetPosition(null);
int diff = pos - lastSample;
if (diff > 0)
float[] samples = new float[diff * c.channels];
c.GetData(samples, lastSample);
byte[] ba = ToByteArray(samples);
Cmd_SendRPC(ba, c.channels);
lastSample = pos;
public void Rpc_Send(byte[] ba, int chan)
ReciveData(ba, chan);
public void Cmd_SendRPC(byte[] ba, int chan)
ReciveData(ba, chan);
Rpc_Send(ba, chan);
void ReciveData(byte[] ba, int chan)
float[] f = ToFloatArray(ba);
GetComponent<AudioSource>().clip = AudioClip.Create("test", f.Length, chan, FREQUENCY, true, false);
GetComponent<AudioSource>().clip.SetData(f, 0);
if (!GetComponent<AudioSource>().isPlaying) GetComponent<AudioSource>().Play();
public byte[] ToByteArray(float[] floatArray)
int len = floatArray.Length * 4;
byte[] byteArray = new byte[len];
int pos = 0;
foreach (float f in floatArray)
byte[] data = System.BitConverter.GetBytes(f);
System.Array.Copy(data, 0, byteArray, pos, 4);
pos += 4;
return byteArray;
public float[] ToFloatArray(byte[] byteArray)
int len = byteArray.Length / 4;
float[] floatArray = new float[len];
for (int i = 0; i < byteArray.Length; i += 4)
floatArray[i / 4] = System.BitConverter.ToSingle(byteArray, i);
return floatArray;
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