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Created May 1, 2022 18:03
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Google Code Jam 2022 Round 1C Problem A (Haskell)
-- boilerplate elided from gist
docase :: Int -> IO ()
docase i = do
printf "Case #%d: " i
_ <- getLine
ss <- words <$> getLine
outimp putStrLn $ solve ss
aside (x:_,_) = x
bside ( _,x) = x
isMono (x:_,y) = x == y
merge (aa,a) (bb,b) = (aa <> bb,b)
canon xx = go S.empty xx where
go _ [] = error "canon: empty list"
go _ [x] = Just (xx,x)
go s (a:b:cc)
| a /= b && S.member b s = Nothing
| otherwise = go (S.insert a s) (b:cc)
dups = (/=) . length <*> S.size . S.fromList
solve ss = traverse canon ss >>= solve'
solve' qq
| dups (map aside mixed) = Nothing
| dups (map bside mixed) = Nothing
| otherwise = go [] qmap
(monos,mixed) = partition isMono qq
qmap = M.fromListWith (flip merge) $ map f $ monos <> mixed
where f q@(x:_,_) = (x,q)
go uu qm
| not $ S.null start = go uu' qm'
| otherwise = canon ans <&> \(s,_) -> s
(ans,_) = foldr1 merge $ M.elems qm <> uu
start = foldr S.delete (M.keysSet qm) $ map bside $ M.elems qm
a = S.findMin start
q = qm M.! a
b = bside q
(uu',qm') = case M.lookup b qm of
Nothing -> (q:uu, M.delete a qm)
Just r -> (uu, M.insert a (merge q r) $ M.delete b qm)
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