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Last active November 25, 2023 17:39
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BUS Rules (Splotter Game)

BUS Rules


  1. Put one of the 15 total passenger meeples on each of the four central intersections. Put 5 (4 if 3 players) time stones in The Clock area, with one of them on the home icon. Give the starting player marker to a randomly determined player.
  2. Each player takes 1 score marker, 20 action markers, and an (unlimited) supply of bus tokens and bus line sticks. Put the score marker on zero, and one bus token in the Bus Depot.
  3. In player order, each player picks two buildings from the supply and places them on any empty "A" location.
  4. In player order, each player places one bus line stick on any street without limitation.
  5. In reverse player order, each player adds one bus line stick using the normal rules for Line Extension.

Game Play Round

Action Selection

In player order, each player places one action marker in an action area. The first marker placed in any area must be placed on the dotted space. Subsequent markers in an area are placed in the space adjacent to the last marker placed in that area.

  • If a player has no more action markers, that player must pass.
  • If a player has not yet placed two action markers this turn, that player must place an action marker.
  • Otherwise, a player may either place an action marker or pass.

Once a player passes, that player is finished with action selection. Continue around the table in player order until all players have passed.

Action Resolution

Resolve each placed action marker in order from left to right and from top to bottom. For each such marker, the player whose marker it is resolves the action and then places that marker back in the box, never to be used again.

During action resolution, "X" refers to the maximum number of bus tokens owned by any single player in the Bus Depot, lowered by the amount shown on the action marker space. If X is less than one, the action has no effect.

All actions must be resolved to the fullest extent possible.

Line Extension

Place a number of your bus line sticks equal to X, plus one if this is a five-player game.

To place a bus line stick:

  1. Pick one of the two endpoints (Q) of your existing bus line.

  2. Place a stick on a street adjacent to Q that does not already have one of your sticks:

    • If there are any empty streets adjacent to Q, then you may not place a stick on a street with an opponent's line that goes through (does not end at) Q.

The supply of bus line sticks is unlimited.

New Bus

Add one of your bus tokens from the supply to the Bus Depot. The supply of bus tokens is unlimited.

New Passengers

Place a number of passenger meeples equal to X at either or both of the train stations on the map. When the original supply of 15 meeples runs out, no further passengers may be added to the board.

New Buildings

Place a number of buildings equal to X on empty locations on the board. All "A" locations must be filled before "B" locations may be used, and so on for "C" and "D" locations. The supply of buildings is unlimited.

The Clock

If no one chose The Clock, move the time stone on the clock clockwise one icon.

If someone chose The Clock, that player may either (a) do nothing (move the time stone on the clock clockwise one icon), or (b) take one time stone, "stopping" the clock from advancing.

The last time stone that may be taken is the one that is on the clock. If it is taken, the game ends immediately.

The type of building identified by the clock is the destination.

  • Move all passengers off of their buildings, so that they are standing up in their intersections. These passengers are waiting.
  • A waiting passenger that is at a location with an empty destination building will occupy that building. Lay that passenger down on that building to show that neither that passenger nor that building will be available during Vrrooomm.


For each of your bus tokens in the Bus Depot, you must move one waiting passenger to a destination building along your bus line, if able. Lay that passenger down on that building to show that neither will be available for the remaining Vrrooomms, and advance your score token one space.

Starting Player

Take the starting player token for the next round. If no one chose this action, the starting player token rotates clockwise.

End of Game

The game ends immediately when the final time stone is taken.

The game ends at the end of a round if only one player has action markers remaining or if all building locations are taken.


Your score is the value of your score token minus the number of time stones you took from the clock. If the score is tied, the player with the most time stones wins. If the score is still tied, the scoring token that first reached that value wins.

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