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Last active November 25, 2023 17:22
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Indonesia Rules (Splotter game)
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  1. Agree whether the amount of money players possess will be open or closed information.
  2. Each player takes a set of wooden markers and 100 rupiah. Place one marker on the first spot of each of the R&D tracks.
  3. Take one marker from each player and place them on the Turn Order track in a random order.
  4. Give each player a random city card from each of the 3 eras (A, B, and C). Discard the rest unseen.


At any time during play, if there is no valid starting area for an unclaimed company deed, that deed is discarded.

New Era

It is a new era if there are no unclaimed company deeds on the map, or if all unclaimed deeds are of the same type (shipping, rice, etc). It is always a new era (era A) at the start of the game.

If it is a new era, discard any remaining unclaimed company deeds from the previous era and place the deeds from the new era on the map. Then in turn order, each player must (if possible) place a size 1 city in an empty coastal area of one of the three provinces listed on their city card for the era.

If there are no such empty coastal areas, or all three provinces already have a city, or all 12 size 1 cities are already on the map, then no city is placed.

Turn Order Bid

In turn order, each player makes a single bid of cash, which may be zero. Bids need not be increasing. The cash bid must be multiplied by that player's Turn Order Bid R&D to determine the bid value. All cash bid is then placed in that player's turn order bid stash. (It cannot be used for the rest of the game but will count for victory.)

The markers on the Turn Order track are then rearranged in order of descending bid value. Tied players maintain their relative order.


In repeating turn order, each player may propose a merger or pass. If a player passes, they may still propose a merger when it is their turn again. If all players consecutively pass, the merger phase ends.

To propose a merger, a player names two companies to be merged.

  • Neither of the two companies may have already been part of a merger in this phase.
  • The companies must be the same type, or in era B and C, rice and spice may be merged to create siap saji.
  • The player must have Mergers R&D at least as great as the number of deeds in the merged company.
  • The player must make the first bid on the merged company.

In order to bid, a player must:

  • Own one of the two companies, or have Slots R&D greater than their company count.
  • Have the cash. (No bluffing!)
  • Bid an exact multiple of the number of ships or production areas of the company.
  • The minimum multiple depends on the type of the company:
    10 shipping | 20 rice | 25 spice | 25 siap saji (create) | 30 rubber | 35 siap saji (merge) | 40 oil

Players must bid or pass: if they pass they may not re-enter the bidding. Bidding continues in repeating turn order until all players have passed. The winner pays the previous owners in proportion to the ships or production areas of the original two companies, then takes possession of the merged company and all its deeds. Flip the deeds upside down to indicate that the company is unavailable for further mergers on this turn.

Siap Saji Creation. After creating a siap saji company from rice and spice, the new owner must remove half (rounded up) of the company's production areas on the board, and replace the remaining rice and spice with siap saji. Contiguous areas may not be split by these removals.


In repeating turn order, players who have Slots R&D greater than their company count may take an unclaimed company deed from the board or pass on any further acquisitions.

Production Company. Place one token of the appropriate good in an empty area of the province.

Shipping Company. Place one ship of a new color in a sea area bordering the province.

Research and Development

In turn order, each player advances one research marker one step on its track. A player may only advance their own research markers, with the exception of the Hull Capacity R&D markers, which may be advanced by any player.


In repeating turn order, each player must choose one of their companies to operate. After operating the company, flip its deeds upside down to indicate that it has been operated.

Shipping Company. The operating player may choose to expand. To expand, place a ship in a sea area already containing a company ship or adjacent to such an area. Expansions occur sequentially and may be "chained".

  • The player may place expansion ships up to their Expansions R&D.
  • The company may have no more ships total than the sum of the era limits printed on its deeds.

Production Company. Production companies must ship and then they might expand.

  1. For each region of contiguous production areas of the company, place a number of goods equal to the number of areas of that region nearby. These goods must be shipped one-by-one to cities in such a way as to maximize the number of goods shipped for the company as a whole.

  2. A city will accept, over the entire operations phase, a number of goods of each type equal to its size. Thus, a size 1 city will accept exactly 1 good of each type.

  3. To ship a good, trace a path of ships from any coastal area of a contiguous production region to a city that will accept that good. Place a cargo cube on each ship used along this path. Take one good from this region and put it on the city. The bank pays the operating player for the good:

    • 20 rice | 25 spice | 30 rubber | 35 siap saji | 40 oil

    Keep these payments as operating revenue, separate from the player's supply of cash.

    • Goods must be shipped, even if a production area is adjacent to a city.
    • Each individual good may only be shipped by one shipping company along the entire path.
    • A ship may only accept a number of cargo cubes equal to its owning player's Hull Capacity R&D. Once a ship has that many cargo cubes, it may not be used to trace further shipping paths.
  4. Continue shipping goods from this company until the maximum possible have been shipped.

  5. Add up all the cargo cubes used and multiply by 5. The operating player pays that amount to the bank. This payment must come out of the operating revenue (take and pay off IOUs as needed).

  6. Distribute the cargo cubes to the players who own the ships. Each cube is worth 5 and may be freely traded for money tokens. These shipping payments must go into the operating revenue. All ships should now be empty of cargo.

  7. Expansion. If all goods were shipped, the company must expand for free a number of areas equal to the Expansions R&D. Otherwise, the player may choose to pay the selling price per area to expand up to the Expansions R&D.

    • Expansion happens sequentially and may be "chained".
    • Expansion areas must be empty and adjacent to an existing company area.
    • A company may not expand to an area adjacent to an area of the same type from a different company: contiguous regions of the same type from different companies may never be adjacent.


If it is era C and there are no unclaimed company deeds on the map, or if all unclaimed deeds are of the same type (shipping, rice, etc), then the game ends. Double the cash and IOUs in each player's operating revenue area. Add the player's supply of cash and their turn order bid stash. The player with the most cash wins.

If it is not the end of the game, move all cash in each player's operating revenue area to their supply.

City Growth

Each size 1 and size 2 city that received its size in goods for every type that is produced on the board will grow. First grow size 2 cities to size 3, then grow size 1 cities to size 2. Remove the shipped goods from all cities.

(Note that if there are no goods produced then all size 1 and size 2 cities will grow.)

There are a maximum of 12 size 1 cities, 8 size 2 cities, and 3 size 3 cities. If the limit has been reached, a city will not grow. The first player determines the order in which cities are grown.

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