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Last active November 29, 2022 10:35
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Annotated exceptions

Proposed Change Specification


Export the following new definitions from Control.Exception.Annotation:

  • The class of exception annotations:

    class Typeable a => ExceptionAnnotation a where
      displayExceptionAnnotation :: a -> String

    In instances, displayExceptionAnnotation defaults to show.

  • An existential wrapper for dynamically typed exception annotations:

    data SomeExceptionAnnotation where
        SomeExceptionAnnotation ::
          forall a. (ExceptionAnnotation a) => a -> SomeExceptionAnnotation


Export the following new definitions from GHC.Exception.Backtrace:

  • An enumeration of GHC backtrace mechanisms:

    type BacktraceMechanism :: Type -> Type
    data BacktraceMechanism a where
      CostCentreBacktrace   :: BacktraceMechanism (Ptr CostCentreStack)
      HasCallStackBacktrace :: BacktraceMechanism GHC.Stack.CallStack
      ExecutionBacktrace    :: BacktraceMechanism [GHC.ExecutionStack.Location]
      IPEBacktrace          :: BacktraceMechanism [StackEntry]
  • During program execution, each backtrace mechanism is either enabled or disabled. This is tracked in global mutable state that can be accessed using the following functions:

    getEnabledBacktraceMechanisms :: IO EnabledBacktraceMechanisms
    setEnabledBacktraceMechanisms :: EnabledBacktraceMechanisms -> IO ()
    newtype EnabledBacktraceMechanisms =
      EnabledBacktraceMechanisms {
        backtraceMechanismEnabled :: forall a. BacktraceMechanism a -> Bool

    Note that EnabledBacktraceMechanisms is isomorphic to (Bool, Bool, Bool, Bool), i.e. a flag per mechanism.

    By default, HasCallStackBacktrace is enabled and other mechanisms are disabled.

  • A record of collected backtraces:

    newtype Backtraces =
      Backtraces {
        getBacktrace :: forall a. BacktraceMechanism a -> Maybe a

    Note that Backtraces is isomorphic to a record containing:

    • Maybe (Ptr CostCentreStack)
    • Maybe (GHC.Stack.CallStack)
    • Maybe [GHC.ExecutionStack.Location]
    • Maybe [StackEntry]
  • An instance of ExceptionAnnotation for Backtraces:

    instance ExceptionAnnotation Backtraces where
      displayExceptionAnnotation (Backtraces b) = ...
  • A procedure to collect backtraces at a given point in the program:

    collectBacktraces :: HasCallStack => IO Backtraces

    This function collects backtraces for the currently enabled mechanisms. As a consequence, enabling or disabling a mechanism will affect its performance.


Export the following new definitions from Control.Exception.Context:

  • Abstract data type for exception contexts:

    data ExceptionContext

    We do not export its constructors to allow for future changes.

  • Functions to construct, extend, and deconstruct exception contexts:

    noExceptionContext :: ExceptionContext
    addExceptionAnnotation :: ExceptionAnnotation a => a -> ExceptionContext -> ExceptionContext
    getExceptionAnnotations :: ExceptionAnnotation a => ExceptionContext -> [a]
    getAllExceptionAnnotations :: ExceptionContext -> [SomeExceptionAnnotation]

    The order of annotations is preserved:

    getAllExceptionAnnotations $
        addExceptionAnnotation ann1 $
        addExceptionAnnotation ann2 $
        addExceptionAnnotation annk $
      SomeExceptionAnnotation ann1,
      SomeExceptionAnnotation ann2,
      SomeExceptionAnnotation annk

    Advertise the following time complexity for operations on contexts (the actual implementation may be more efficient):

    • addExceptionAnnotation – O(1)
    • getExceptionAnnotations – O(n)
    • getAllExceptionAnnotations – O(n)
  • A constraint synonym for an implicitly passed exception context:

    type HasExceptionContext = (?exceptionContext :: ExceptionContext)

    This constraint shares some similarities with HasCallStack:

    • It is a built-in constraint with special solving behavior. When it can not be solved from the givens, it defaults to noExceptionContext instead of producing an error.
    • The fact that it is defined as an implicit parameter is an implementation detail and is not considered a part of the API.
  • A boolean flag in ExceptionContext tracking if backtraces should be collected:

    getBacktracesEnabled :: ExceptionContext -> Bool
    setBacktracesEnabled :: Bool -> ExceptionContext -> ExceptionContext
    backtracesEnabled :: HasExceptionContext => Bool
    enableBacktraces, disableBacktraces :: (HasExceptionContext => r) -> (HasExceptionContext => r)

    The default value used in noExceptionContext is True.

    This is separate from the global per-mechanism flag. It can be used to disable the overhead of collecting backtraces when exceptions are repurposed for non-exceptional control flow.


In Control.Exception, modify existing definitions as follows:

  • Store the exception context in SomeException:

    - data SomeException = forall e.                      (Exception e) => SomeException e
    + data SomeException = forall e. (HasExceptionContext, Exception e) => SomeException e
  • Take the exception context in the toException method of the Exception class:

    -   toException ::                      (Exception e) => e -> SomeException
    +   toException :: (HasExceptionContext, Exception e) => e -> SomeException

    Note that due to special solving behavior, the context defaults to noExceptionContext when unavailable.

  • Take the exception context in throw and throwIO:

    - throw :: forall (r :: RuntimeRep). forall (a :: TYPE r). forall e.                      (Exception e) => e -> a
    + throw :: forall (r :: RuntimeRep). forall (a :: TYPE r). forall e. (HasExceptionContext, Exception e) => e -> a
    - throwIO ::                      (Exception e) => e -> IO a
    + throwIO :: (HasExceptionContext, Exception e) => e -> IO a

    When backtracesEnabled is True in the given context, both of those functions invoke collectBacktraces and add its result to the exception context with addExceptionAnnotation.

  • Provide the exception context to the handler in catch and handle:

    - catch :: Exception e => IO a ->                        (e -> IO a) -> IO a
    + catch :: Exception e => IO a -> (HasExceptionContext => e -> IO a) -> IO a
    - handle :: Exception e =>                        (e -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
    + handle :: Exception e => (HasExceptionContext => e -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a

    Modify catchJust and handleJust accordingly (mutatis mutandis).

  • Operations try and tryJust stay unchanged, as we are unable to include an implicit HasExceptionContext in their result. Document this issue and direct users to prefer catch and handle instead.

Export the following new definitions from Control.Exception:

  • A function that catches any exception thrown by an IO action, adds an annotation to it using addExceptionAnnotation, and then rethrows it:

    annotateIO :: ExceptionAnnotation a => a -> IO r -> IO r

    It never calls collectBacktraces, adding only the user-specified annotation.

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