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Last active January 29, 2016 20:40
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Stupid color prompt with disk utilization
PROMPT_COMMAND='time=$(date +%T | tr -d '\n'); disk=($(df -BG | grep dm-1 | tr -d 'G' | tr -d '\n')); host=$(hostname --fqdn | tr -d '\n'); echo -en "\e[1;37m[\e[1;35m${time} \e[0m/ "; if [[ ${disk[3]} -gt 3000 ]]; then echo -en "\e[1;32m"; elif [[ ${disk[3]} -gt 1000 ]]; then echo -en "\e[1;33m"; else echo -en "\e[1;31m"; fi; echo -en "${disk[3]} GB \e[0m/ \e[1;36m${host}\e[1;37m] \e[0m";'
PS1=' \e[1;34m\w \e[0;32m\$\e[0m '
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