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Created March 16, 2021 23:16
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Code from RippleXDev Twitch episode on March 16, 2021
// Code from RippleXDev Twitch episode on March 16, 2021
// Code is provided "as is" and solely for informational purposes only.
// Warning: Use at your own risk.
// Install dependencies:
// npm install bignumber.js ripple-lib
// Milliseconds between checks for transaction validation
const INTERVAL = 1000;
// Testnet Server
const websocketServer = 'wss://'
// Local server
// const websocketServer = 'ws://'
// Free secrets! (Use on Testnet only :)
const receiver = {
address: 'rfmfaKGK5GEkiSVrRDiLdntdQn87vUpHcU',
secret: 'ssi3iriWrv5mcQtNs9B8Knx3qwi7q'
const issuer = {
address: 'rDL7x2mZPntghiKwht7SRaY5N1REusab4F',
secret: 'ss6t8cSEnhwzpzZJ9JJxfZbMdPYWK'
// Max length 20 bytes (160 bits)
const tokenSymbol = (Buffer.from('DogecoinV2', 'ascii').toString('hex').toUpperCase()).padEnd(40, '0')
var BigNumber = require('bignumber.js')
const RippleAPI = require('ripple-lib').RippleAPI
const api = new RippleAPI({server: websocketServer})
const xAmount = '9000' // Amount of token
const processedTxs = []
let ledgerVersion
async function start() {
await connectWithRetry()
ledgerVersion = await api.getLedgerVersion()
if (!ledgerVersion) {
console.log('Failed to get ledger version')
console.log('Connected at ledger:', ledgerVersion)
let tx, result
// Issuer //
// Set DefaultRipple: true
tx = await api.prepareSettings(issuer.address, {
// Enable rippling on this account’s trust lines by default
defaultRipple: true
result = await submitTransaction(ledgerVersion, tx, issuer.secret)
console.log('Issuer: set DefaultRipple?', result)
// Receiver //
// Create trustline for token
tx = await api.prepareTrustline(receiver.address, {
currency: tokenSymbol,
counterparty: issuer.address,
limit: xAmount
result = await submitTransaction(ledgerVersion, tx, receiver.secret)
console.log('Receiver: created trustline?', result)
const balances = await api.getBalances(receiver.address, {
counterparty: issuer.address,
currency: tokenSymbol
const topUpAmount = BigNumber(xAmount).minus(balances[0].value).toString(10)
// Issuer //
// Send topUpAmount of token to Receiver
tx = await api.preparePayment(issuer.address, {
source: {
address: issuer.address,
maxAmount: {
value: topUpAmount,
currency: tokenSymbol,
counterparty: issuer.address
destination: {
address: receiver.address,
amount: {
value: topUpAmount,
currency: tokenSymbol,
counterparty: issuer.address
console.log('tx:', tx)
result = await submitTransaction(ledgerVersion, tx, issuer.secret)
console.log(`Issuer: paid ${topUpAmount} ${tokenSymbol} to Receiver?`, result)
// Receiver //
// Create offer to buy token
tx = await api.prepareOrder(receiver.address, {
direction: 'buy',
quantity: {
currency: tokenSymbol,
counterparty: issuer.address,
value: xAmount
totalPrice: {
currency: 'XRP',
value: xAmount
result = await submitTransaction(ledgerVersion, tx, receiver.secret)
console.log('Receiver: created offer?', result)
// Receiver //
// Poll for transactions
// This is for a test of partial payments!
// Repeat forever
setInterval(() => {
}, 5000)
async function processTransactions(api) {
console.log('Checking for transactions...')
const txs = await api.getTransactions(receiver.address, {
minLedgerVersion: ledgerVersion
txs.forEach(tx => {
if (tx.outcome.ledgerVersion > ledgerVersion) {
console.log(`Advancing ledgerVersion from ${ledgerVersion} to ${tx.outcome.ledgerVersion + 1}`)
ledgerVersion = tx.outcome.ledgerVersion + 1
// ASSUMPTION: rippled won't fail to include all of the transactions
// in the ledger of the latest transaction that we saw.
async function processTx(tx) {
if (tx.outcome.deliveredAmount && tx.outcome.deliveredAmount.currency === 'XRP') {
// If transaction has not yet been processed
if (!processedTxs.includes( {
tx = await api.preparePayment(receiver.address, {
source: {
address: receiver.address,
maxAmount: {
value: tx.outcome.deliveredAmount.value,
currency: tokenSymbol,
counterparty: issuer.address
destination: {
address: tx.specification.source.address,
amount: {
value: '999999', // Almost 1M XRP
currency: 'XRP'
allowPartialPayment: true
const signedData = api.sign(tx.txJSON, receiver.secret);
// Prevent infinite loop by ensuring we don't process our own txs
result = await submitSignedTransaction(ledgerVersion, signedData.signedTransaction,, tx.instructions.maxLedgerVersion)
console.log('Receiver: returned partial payment?', result)
// Abort script if tx failed
if (!result) process.exit(1)
} else {
console.log(`Already processed tx: ${} in ledger: ${tx.outcome.ledgerVersion}`)
} else {
console.log(`Ignoring non-XRP tx: ${} in ledger: ${tx.outcome.ledgerVersion}`)
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms)
async function connectWithRetry() {
let connected = false
while (!connected) {
try {
await api.connect()
connected = true
} catch (e) {
// When rippled hasn't finished starting up yet:
// RippledNotInitializedError: Rippled not initialized
console.log('Failed to connect:', e, ' Will retry...')
await sleep(1000)
/* Verify a transaction is in a validated XRP Ledger version */
function verifyTransaction(hash, options) {
console.log('Verifing Transaction...');
return api.getTransaction(hash, options).then(data => {
console.log('Final Result: ', data.outcome.result);
console.log('Validated in Ledger: ', data.outcome.ledgerVersion);
console.log('Sequence: ', data.sequence);
return data.outcome.result === 'tesSUCCESS';
}).catch(error => {
/* If transaction not in latest validated ledger,
try again until max ledger hit */
if (error instanceof api.errors.PendingLedgerVersionError) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => verifyTransaction(hash, options)
.then(resolve, reject), INTERVAL);
return error;
function submitSignedTransaction(lastClosedLedgerVersion, signedTransaction, id, maxLedgerVersion) {
return api.submit(signedTransaction).then(data => {
console.log('Tentative Result: ', data.resultCode);
console.log('Tentative Message: ', data.resultMessage);
/* Begin validation workflow */
const options = {
minLedgerVersion: lastClosedLedgerVersion,
maxLedgerVersion: maxLedgerVersion
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => verifyTransaction(id, options)
.then(resolve, reject), INTERVAL);
/* Function to prepare, sign, and submit a transaction to the XRP Ledger. */
function submitTransaction(lastClosedLedgerVersion, prepared, secret) {
if (!prepared.txJSON) {
console.log('FATAL: Missing txJSON. Did you use `await`?')
const signedData = api.sign(prepared.txJSON, secret);
console.log('Submitting tx id:',
return submitSignedTransaction(lastClosedLedgerVersion, signedData.signedTransaction,, prepared.instructions.maxLedgerVersion)
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