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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Parts of JS execution path with Modernizer tests and poly-fills
/* This gist shows the guts of using Modernizr to test device/browser feature
support. It then loads in two poiy-fills, if needed and create functions that
trigger different user interfaces when matching certain media queries. These
trigger just like CSS class changes and not just on page load.
If on a small screen, load a carousel. If on a larger screen, load the
non-touch enabled jqzoom plugin to allow mouse zoom. These events fire
on orientation change and many other device changes.
Generally, this is for support of IE7, IE8, and possibily IE9, and is
non functioning as is.
// START HERE and test need for matchMedia polyfill
test: window.matchMedia,
nope: '/assets/js/vendor/RespondMore-master/media.match.min.js',
complete: function() {
// once you've added the media match polyfill or not (hopefully),
// see if you need the media query polyfill
testMediaQueries: function() {
// Test need for CSS media query polyfill
test:'only all'),
nope: '/assets/js/vendor/RespondMore-master/js/respond.min.js',
complete: function() {
// now we know we have media match and media query support, load enquire.js
// then initialize the UI
loadEnquire: function() {
load: [
complete: function() {
// get the main show on the road!
initProductGalleryZoom: function(initIsTrue) {
"use strict";
var $bxslider;
if (initIsTrue) {
// init desktop only UI
var zoomInstance = $('.mainimagelink').jqzoom({
zoomType: 'innerzoom',
preloadImages: true,
zoomWidth: 768,
zoomHeight: 497,
showEffect: 'fadein',
hideEffect: 'fadeout'
} else {
// we are on a small screen
// init mobile only UI
minSlides: 3,
maxSlides: 5,
slideWidth: 120,
infiniteLoop: false,
hideControlOnEnd: true,
pause: 2000,
speed: 1000,
autoHover: true,
auto: false,
mode: 'horizontal',
pager: false
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