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Created October 11, 2016 17:49
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import React from 'react';
import { storiesOf, action } from '@kadira/storybook';
import { FORMS_CHECKBOX } from '../../../utilities/constants';
import Checkbox from '../../../components/forms/checkbox';
import Button from '../../../components/button';
const CheckboxIndeterminate = React.createClass({
getInitialState () {
return {
indeterminate: false
changeToIndeterminate () {
this.setState({ indeterminate: true });
changeToCheck () {
this.setState({ checked: true });
this.setState({ indeterminate: false });
changeToUnChecked () {
this.setState({ checked: false });
this.setState({ indeterminate: false });
render () {
return (<div>
<Button onClick={this.changeToIndeterminate} label="Inderterminate" />
<Button onClick={this.changeToCheck} label="Check" />
<Button onClick={this.changeToUnChecked} label="Uncheck" />
assistiveText="Checkbox (indeterminate)"
label="Checkbox Label"
<div className="slds-box slds-text-longform slds-m-top--large">
This example has an <em>indeterminate</em> checkbox.
It is set by providing the <code>indeterminate</code> prop as <code><strong>true</strong></code>.
Once it is clicked, there is no way to make it go <em>back</em> to the indeterminate state, <a href="">it must be done programatically, through JavaScript</a>.
storiesOf(FORMS_CHECKBOX, module)
.addDecorator(getStory => <div className="slds-p-around--medium">{getStory()}</div>)
.add('Checkbox', () => (
label="Checkbox Label"
.add('Checkbox (indeterminate)', () => (
.add('Checkbox (required)', () => (
assistiveText="Checkbox (required)"
label="Checkbox Label"
.add('Checkbox (assistive text)', () => (
assistiveText="Checkbox (assistiveText)"
label="Checkbox Label"
assistiveText="This is my checkbox. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My checkbox is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my checkbox is useless. Without my checkbox, I am useless. I must make my checkbox true. I must make it truer than my radio button who is trying to... "
<div className="slds-box slds-text-longform slds-m-top--large">
This example has assistive text. In Safari on Mac you can turn assistive text on by using the keyboard combination: <strong>Command + F5</strong>.
Once you have enabled it, use your tab key to focus on the checkbox input, and the system should read you what is supplied to the checkbox as the <code>assistiveText</code> property.
.add('Checkbox (checked)', () => (
assistiveText="Checkbox (checked)"
label="Checkbox Label"
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