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Last active April 23, 2024 20:16
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Pinch to zoom reanimated + gesture handler
import React, { useMemo, useState } from "react";
import { LayoutChangeEvent, StyleSheet } from "react-native";
import {
} from "react-native-gesture-handler";
import Animated, {
} from "react-native-reanimated";
const useLayout = () => {
const [layout, setLayout] = useState<
LayoutChangeEvent["nativeEvent"]["layout"] | undefined
const onLayout = (e) => {
return { onLayout, layout };
export const PinchToZoom = ({ children }) => {
const scale = useSharedValue(1);
const origin = { x: useSharedValue(0), y: useSharedValue(0) };
const translation = { x: useSharedValue(0), y: useSharedValue(0) };
const { onLayout, layout } = useLayout();
const handler = useAnimatedGestureHandler<PinchGestureHandlerGestureEvent>({
onStart(e, ctx: any) {
// On android, we get focalX and focalY 0 in onStart callback. So, use a flag and set initial focalX and focalY in onActive
// 😢
ctx.start = true;
onActive(e, ctx: any) {
if (ctx.start) {
origin.x.value = e.focalX;
origin.y.value = e.focalY;
ctx.offsetFromFocalX = origin.x.value;
ctx.offsetFromFocalY = origin.y.value;
ctx.prevTranslateOriginX = origin.x.value;
ctx.prevTranslateOriginY = origin.y.value;
ctx.prevPointers = e.numberOfPointers;
ctx.start = false;
scale.value = e.scale;
if (ctx.prevPointers !== e.numberOfPointers) {
ctx.offsetFromFocalX = e.focalX;
ctx.offsetFromFocalY = e.focalY;
ctx.prevTranslateOriginX = ctx.translateOriginX;
ctx.prevTranslateOriginY = ctx.translateOriginY;
ctx.translateOriginX =
ctx.prevTranslateOriginX + e.focalX - ctx.offsetFromFocalX;
ctx.translateOriginY =
ctx.prevTranslateOriginY + e.focalY - ctx.offsetFromFocalY;
translation.x.value = ctx.translateOriginX - origin.x.value;
translation.y.value = ctx.translateOriginY - origin.y.value;
ctx.prevPointers = e.numberOfPointers;
onEnd() {
scale.value = withSpring(1, {
stiffness: 60,
overshootClamping: true,
translation.x.value = withSpring(0, {
stiffness: 60,
overshootClamping: true,
translation.y.value = withSpring(0, {
stiffness: 60,
overshootClamping: true,
const imageLeftForSettingTransformOrigin = layout ? -layout.height / 2 : 0;
const imageTopForSettingTransformOrigin = layout ? -layout.width / 2 : 0;
const animatedStyles = useAnimatedStyle(() => {
return {
transform: [
{ translateX: translation.x.value },
translateY: translation.y.value,
{ translateX: imageLeftForSettingTransformOrigin + origin.x.value },
{ translateY: imageTopForSettingTransformOrigin + origin.y.value },
scale: scale.value,
{ translateX: -(imageLeftForSettingTransformOrigin + origin.x.value) },
{ translateY: -(imageTopForSettingTransformOrigin + origin.y.value) },
}, [imageTopForSettingTransformOrigin, imageLeftForSettingTransformOrigin]);
const clonedChildren = useMemo(
() =>
React.cloneElement(children, {
style: [StyleSheet.flatten(, animatedStyles],
return (
<PinchGestureHandler onGestureEvent={handler}>
<Animated.View onLayout={onLayout}>{clonedChildren}</Animated.View>
const Example = () => (
style={{ width: 277, height: 368 }}
uri: "",
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intergalacticspacehighway commented Sep 22, 2023

yes, this one was created a while ago. Here is the updated one (it looks a bit more complicated though). I think the reason I didn't use Pan, Pinch, and Rotate was again due to the continuous single-pointer after the zooming gesture that I talked about (it was getting weird with simultaneous, I forgot the exact issue I faced though 😅). It is not that important and the logic can surely be simplified if we don't support that. If I were to re-implement it now, I'd surely simplify it!

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ansh commented Sep 25, 2023

Nice, thanks for the link! Looking great :)

I'll see if I can simplify it and upload a gist

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@intergalacticspacehighway @ansh Hey thanks for providing this, can you please take a look at this question i posted, been struggling with this

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