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Last active July 20, 2022 09:20
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Lazy importing
from __future__ import print_function
import re
import imp
import sys
import time
import types
import inspect
import logging
import threading
import importlib
import traceback
import functools
import collections
# pip install six
from six.moves import reload_module
# pip install lazy_object_proxy
from lazy_object_proxy import Proxy
class LazyImportLoader(object):
_lock = threading.RLock()
def __init__(self):
self._names = collections.defaultdict(set)
self._meta = {}
self._reg = None
self._debug = False
def set_debug(self, state):
self._debug = state
def add_module(self, fullname, *attributes):
def _build_reg(self):
self._reg = re.compile(
r"(?:{})(?:\.[\w\.]+)?$".format("|".join(map(re.escape, self._names)))
def start(self):
if self not in sys.meta_path:
sys.meta_path.insert(0, self)
return self
def stop(self):
while self in sys.meta_path:
def __enter__(self):
return self.start()
def __exit__(self, *_err):
def find_module(self, fullname, path=None):
if fullname in self._meta:
# Once we have seen the module for the first time
# we don't need to import again.
return None
if not self._reg:
# Check if we care about this import. Only act if we do.
if not self._reg.match(fullname):
return None
# Track the first time we were asked for the module.
meta = self._meta[fullname] = {"time": time.time(), "loaded": False}
# Eagerly search for the module to detect up front it if does
# not exist. This is so try/except calls can select based
# on modules existance.
# We can use some of the package information too.
package = None
for name in fullname.split("."):
result = imp.find_module(name, package)
if result[0]: # Close an open file, since we are not using it now
package = result[1] and [result[1]]
meta["path"] = package
meta["package"] = fullname.rpartition(".")[0] if bool(result[0]) else fullname
return self
def load_module(self, fullname):
# Build our module proxy
mod = sys.modules[fullname] = ProxyModule(fullname)
meta = self._meta[fullname]
mod.__package__ = meta["package"]
mod.__path__ = meta["path"]
mod.__loader__ = self
for attr in self._names[fullname]:
mod, attr, Proxy(functools.partial(self.materialize_attr, mod, attr))
return mod
def materialize_attr(self, proxy, attribute):
frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back
self.materialize_module(mod, frame)
return getattr(mod, attr)
def materialize_module(self, proxy, frame):
with self._lock:
meta = self._meta[proxy.__name__]
if meta["loaded"]:
start = meta["time"]
current = time.time()
# Now perform the real import
meta["loaded"] = True
if self._debug:
print("".join(traceback.format_stack(frame)), end="")
"Imported {} after {:.3f}s delay. Took {:.3f}s.".format(
proxy.__name__, current - start, time.time() - current
class ProxyModule(types.ModuleType):
def __getattribute__(self, name):
dct = object.__getattribute__(self, "__dict__")
if name == "__dict__":
return dct
if name not in dct:
frame = inspect.currentframe()
dct["__loader__"].materialize_module(self, frame.f_back)
return super(ProxyModule, self).__getattribute__(name)
def __dir__(self):
frame = inspect.currentframe()
self.__loader__.materialize_module(self, frame.f_back)
return object.__dir__(self)
if __name__ == "__main__":
with LazyImportLoader() as lazy:
lazy.add_module("glob", "escape")
import glob
from glob import escape
assert isinstance(glob, ProxyModule)
assert hasattr(glob, "escape") # Proxy attribute
assert "glob" not in glob.__dict__
assert hasattr(glob, "glob") # Lazy loading
import multiprocessing.managers
assert "multiprocessing" in sys.modules
assert not isinstance(sys.modules["multiprocessing"], ProxyModule)
assert isinstance(multiprocessing.managers, ProxyModule)
from multiprocessing.managers import SyncManager # Imported...
assert SyncManager
import nothing
except ImportError:
pass # We want to eagerly error, but not eagerly load
assert False, "Should have errored"
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