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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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keywording for eugene to look at
# keyword calculation for a particular word
# our aim is to use log likelihood to calculate the 'keyness' of a word. common practice.
# a normal application would be to loop through wordlists and gives every word a keyness score.
# here, we'll just get 'apple', as an example
# reference_corpus = a dictionary of words and their frequencies in a large dataset
# target_corpus = a dictionary of words and their frequencies in a smaller dataset
# our example word
import math
k = 'apple'
# get count for apple in corpora, give 0 if not found
a = reference_corpus[k]
b = target_corpus[k]
# get the total wordcount from the corpora
c = sum(reference_corpus.values())
d = sum(target_corpus.values())
# i added this, because the original calculation mixed very key and very unkey words together
# it says, find out what percentage of all words in each corpus is apple
# if it's more in the reference corpus, set negative mode to on
neg = False
if (b / float(d)) < (a / float(c)):
neg = True
# this is how keywords are calculated, i stole this code
E1 = float(c)*((float(a)+float(b))/ (float(c)+float(d)))
E2 = float(d)*((float(a)+float(b))/ (float(c)+float(d)))
if a == 0:
logaE1 = 0
logaE1 = math.log(a/E1)
# notice nowhere does this distinguish between very key and unkey words
score = float(2* ((a*logaE1)+(b*math.log(b/E2))))
# i turn the score negative if need be
if neg:
score = -score
print '%s: %s' % (k, str(score))
# result:
# apple: 503.4
# on the bipolar forum, it can be used to find out some differences between
# a corpus of first posts and a corpus of all posts:
i 1872.22
bipolar 788.83
diagnose 696.49
year 639.67
my 630.30
have 474.32
anyone 334.17
ago 308.06
month 296.86
and 279.72
recently 250.73
he 226.27
depression 215.42
medication 178.58
any 166.63
welcome -231.32
good -235.98
hug -284.53
yourself -286.81
seaturtle -295.54
erin -296.78
hope -304.99
it -380.56
will -383.42
kat -402.22
goody -443.06
we -484.41
that -689.90
pdoc -968.06
you -7277.12
Name: 01: keyness, dtype: float64
# jargon and veteran member names are the most unkey, because they become frequent in later posts
# everyone enters by saying 'i was diagnosed last week' etc, hence the positive keywords
# this example has already stemmed words, i also do it for just 'participants', 'events', etc.,
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