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Created July 10, 2012 16:58
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Using backbone-forms with CoffeeScript class syntax
define (require) ->
# Vendor Libs
$ = require 'jquery'
_ = require 'underscore'
Backbone = require 'backbone'
require 'backbone-forms'
require 'backbone-forms-bootstrap'
class Form extends Backbone.Form
initialize: (options) ->
_.extend options ?= {},
schema: @schema
template: @template
fieldsets: @fieldsets
super options
render: ->
options = @options
template = @template ? Form.templates[options.template]
# Create el from template
if _.isFunction template then $form = $ template fieldsets: '<b class="bbf-tmp"></b>'
else $form = $ _.template template, fieldsets: '<b class="bbf-tmp"></b>'
# Render fieldsets
$fieldsetContainer = $ '.bbf-tmp', $form
$fieldsetContainer.append @renderFieldset fieldset for fieldset in options.fieldsets
# Set the template contents as the main element; removes the wrapper element
@setElement $form
define (require) ->
# Vendor Libs
$ = require 'jquery'
_ = require 'underscore'
Backbone = require 'backbone'
Marionette = require 'marionette'
Form = require 'form'
class LoginView extends Form
template: require('jade!../templates/login')()
validate: ['required', 'email']
type: 'Password'
fieldsets: [
fields: ['email', 'password']
legend: 'Log In'
'submit': 'clickedLogin'
'click .forgot': 'clickedForgot'
clickedLogin: (e) ->
email = @$('#email').val()
password = @$('#password').val()
app.vent.trigger 'user:sign-in', email, password
clickedForgot: (e) ->
email = @$('#email').val()
app.vent.trigger 'user:forgot', email
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