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Last active March 14, 2018 21:22
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PEMS vs BMS electrical usage data
license: gpl-3.0

August 2017 data: Main Meter data from PEMS (difference in yellow) and Total Building Load from BMS (difference in blue). Overlap is green.

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2017/08/02 00:00 231.09 191.91718
2017/08/02 01:00 193.29 174.28671
2017/08/02 02:00 208.09 177.36093
2017/08/02 03:00 216.44 185.77264
2017/08/02 04:00 191.09 150.1203
2017/08/02 05:00 212.51 175.00781
2017/08/02 06:00 196.81 159.65546
2017/08/02 07:00 224.29 192.9992
2017/08/02 08:00 217.88 246.45781000000002
2017/08/02 09:00 289.65 301.06094
2017/08/02 10:00 254.43 345.49374
2017/08/02 11:00 222.84 371.33746
2017/08/02 12:00 195.1 349.32732999999996
2017/08/02 13:00 208.47 358.1125
2017/08/02 14:00 226.11 375.0
2017/08/02 15:00 239.0 424.57812
2017/08/02 16:00 305.26 430.72736
2017/08/02 17:00 244.08 332.66406
2017/08/02 18:00 220.88 261.70547
2017/08/02 19:00 242.13 223.7297
2017/08/02 20:00 263.64 215.5289
2017/08/02 21:00 220.54 179.17969
2017/08/02 22:00 254.29 213.25546
2017/08/02 23:00 262.01 222.13907000000003
2017/08/03 00:00 238.75 198.11798000000002
2017/08/03 01:00 195.29 153.95703
2017/08/03 02:00 192.33 155.52266
2017/08/03 03:00 194.17 158.33359
2017/08/03 04:00 191.91 154.88672
2017/08/03 05:00 202.7 181.5922
2017/08/03 06:00 191.01 153.83907
2017/08/03 07:00 176.97 146.32187
2017/08/03 08:00 222.98 187.6578
2017/08/03 09:00 315.1 284.40704
2017/08/03 10:00 321.07 344.95312
2017/08/03 11:00 338.45 344.77423
2017/08/03 12:00 319.16 382.94998
2017/08/03 13:00 331.86 329.0211
2017/08/03 14:00 312.37 334.81717000000003
2017/08/03 15:00 312.2 390.10312000000005
2017/08/03 16:00 316.07 377.125
2017/08/03 17:00 379.88 386.0633
2017/08/03 18:00 319.19 352.01407
2017/08/03 19:00 360.5 357.69452
2017/08/03 20:00 395.22 344.8805
2017/08/03 21:00 410.91 386.09296
2017/08/03 22:00 398.71 351.75076
2017/08/03 23:00 285.76 240.68045
2017/08/04 00:00 262.99 221.89373999999998
2017/08/04 01:00 185.32 147.10468999999998
2017/08/04 02:00 190.13 157.38437
2017/08/04 03:00 202.64 163.03593
2017/08/04 04:00 190.67 159.40079
2017/08/04 05:00 181.45 141.13126
2017/08/04 06:00 181.94 153.83282
2017/08/04 07:00 201.31 160.49765
2017/08/04 08:00 230.52 194.92656000000002
2017/08/04 09:00 288.99 270.7547
2017/08/04 10:00 323.09 313.73203
2017/08/04 11:00 330.47 330.55234
2017/08/04 12:00 341.17 335.69144
2017/08/04 13:00 354.55 347.13516
2017/08/04 14:00 372.97 365.1625
2017/08/04 15:00 335.49 321.38205
2017/08/04 16:00 353.2 324.53983
2017/08/04 17:00 293.33 295.1625
2017/08/04 18:00 267.38 283.4953
2017/08/04 19:00 318.48 304.85312000000005
2017/08/04 20:00 314.4 278.11798
2017/08/04 21:00 337.65 289.9
2017/08/04 22:00 235.96 194.26328
2017/08/04 23:00 230.38 187.45233000000002
2017/08/05 00:00 232.24 187.4914
2017/08/05 01:00 206.2 168.48593
2017/08/05 02:00 205.1 171.53516000000002
2017/08/05 03:00 191.42 134.16718
2017/08/05 04:00 195.22 145.26953
2017/08/05 05:00 194.81 158.62265
2017/08/05 06:00 203.08 165.67108000000002
2017/08/05 07:00 205.0 172.84686000000002
2017/08/05 08:00 225.79 187.01405
2017/08/05 09:00 269.94 232.87265
2017/08/05 10:00 300.35 289.58905
2017/08/05 11:00 229.88 292.5914
2017/08/05 12:00 189.53 312.19998
2017/08/05 13:00 154.48 319.02344
2017/08/05 14:00 171.45 322.26013
2017/08/05 15:00 189.92 324.46094
2017/08/05 16:00 220.93 365.66406
2017/08/05 17:00 247.0 345.67184
2017/08/05 18:00 248.12 259.4289
2017/08/05 19:00 213.47 204.61172
2017/08/05 20:00 245.1 190.72266000000002
2017/08/05 21:00 265.78 237.00467999999998
2017/08/05 22:00 244.7 220.70702999999997
2017/08/05 23:00 242.13 221.00781
2017/08/06 00:00 247.45 220.63593999999998
2017/08/06 01:00 211.22 177.27421999999999
2017/08/06 02:00 209.39 185.46953
2017/08/06 03:00 187.24 148.07266
2017/08/06 04:00 211.65 183.81328
2017/08/06 05:00 171.02 162.94453000000001
2017/08/06 06:00 196.68 172.19218
2017/08/06 07:00 206.86 178.55546999999999
2017/08/06 08:00 232.85 197.75626
2017/08/06 09:00 291.34 262.5883
2017/08/06 10:00 311.7 305.1414
2017/08/06 11:00 227.4 312.65076
2017/08/06 12:00 174.87 319.16718
2017/08/06 13:00 135.8 289.44217000000003
2017/08/06 14:00 140.33 301.33987
2017/08/06 15:00 158.73 294.73517000000004
2017/08/06 16:00 222.18 334.54922
2017/08/06 17:00 243.03 316.36562999999995
2017/08/06 18:00 215.04 259.86954
2017/08/06 19:00 233.98 215.01796000000002
2017/08/06 20:00 239.14 190.125
2017/08/06 21:00 265.05 222.8586
2017/08/06 22:00 242.75 211.25157000000002
2017/08/06 23:00 269.57 236.6914
2017/08/07 00:00 245.46 212.70937999999998
2017/08/07 01:00 180.88 143.96171999999999
2017/08/07 02:00 196.38 157.37344
2017/08/07 03:00 198.78 164.2664
2017/08/07 04:00 176.57 141.625
2017/08/07 05:00 199.2 165.88126
2017/08/07 06:00 182.13 146.79843
2017/08/07 07:00 198.41 162.41326999999998
2017/08/07 08:00 232.55 205.43124
2017/08/07 09:00 291.33 278.1336
2017/08/07 10:00 338.66 338.8875
2017/08/07 11:00 249.58 375.98357999999996
2017/08/07 12:00 189.25 351.08513999999997
2017/08/07 13:00 179.55 327.95392000000004
2017/08/07 14:00 182.61 356.1844
2017/08/07 15:00 182.49 326.30234
2017/08/07 16:00 198.1 308.64763999999997
2017/08/07 17:00 206.57 302.13046
2017/08/07 18:00 203.37 234.8742
2017/08/07 19:00 246.15 230.29375
2017/08/07 20:00 258.44 224.68202000000002
2017/08/07 21:00 280.98 229.09062000000003
2017/08/07 22:00 239.77 196.67345
2017/08/07 23:00 237.35 202.36485
2017/08/08 00:00 235.75 229.18517000000003
2017/08/08 01:00 213.94 181.58986000000002
2017/08/08 02:00 213.48 179.34688
2017/08/08 03:00 206.44 159.37813
2017/08/08 04:00 209.71 175.64531000000002
2017/08/08 05:00 213.71 184.74376
2017/08/08 06:00 211.34 181.14061999999998
2017/08/08 07:00 193.17 159.69218
2017/08/08 08:00 262.58 212.24611000000002
2017/08/08 09:00 320.36 297.3062
2017/08/08 10:00 310.53 298.85782
2017/08/08 11:00 331.46 327.04764
2017/08/08 12:00 330.85 360.4789
2017/08/08 13:00 287.02 357.5781
2017/08/08 14:00 293.77 351.29684
2017/08/08 15:00 212.66 334.13516
2017/08/08 16:00 214.86 343.75314
2017/08/08 17:00 228.33 293.9078
2017/08/08 18:00 240.62 247.38437000000002
2017/08/08 19:00 274.65 261.04453
2017/08/08 20:00 252.34 229.76407000000003
2017/08/08 21:00 280.41 253.26797000000002
2017/08/08 22:00 275.49 251.21407000000002
2017/08/08 23:00 266.28 222.57577999999998
2017/08/09 00:00 270.7 244.69376
2017/08/09 01:00 219.39 196.00781
2017/08/09 02:00 211.43 177.92734
2017/08/09 03:00 224.68 196.775
2017/08/09 04:00 209.86 196.06015
2017/08/09 05:00 237.51 216.22656
2017/08/09 06:00 236.71 213.28046
2017/08/09 07:00 224.35 200.47734
2017/08/09 08:00 284.94 248.62342999999998
2017/08/09 09:00 352.48 319.58513999999997
2017/08/09 10:00 374.19 372.41483
2017/08/09 11:00 346.31 387.19998
2017/08/09 12:00 342.89 377.20544
2017/08/09 13:00 307.63 337.64606000000003
2017/08/09 14:00 285.54 383.81952
2017/08/09 15:00 262.03 339.52423
2017/08/09 16:00 318.1 381.01562
2017/08/09 17:00 238.79 315.69217000000003
2017/08/09 18:00 217.06 257.5828
2017/08/09 19:00 242.39 235.29297000000003
2017/08/09 20:00 244.93 225.2625
2017/08/09 21:00 267.56 238.0789
2017/08/09 22:00 279.69 238.16328
2017/08/09 23:00 261.76 227.42188
2017/08/10 00:00 265.93 236.05469
2017/08/10 01:00 209.0 177.56015
2017/08/10 02:00 220.68 188.31876
2017/08/10 03:00 224.53 190.5953
2017/08/10 04:00 221.59 190.08983999999998
2017/08/10 05:00 252.02 224.54767
2017/08/10 06:00 237.95 203.45311999999998
2017/08/10 07:00 223.7 191.69061000000002
2017/08/10 08:00 258.55 231.53047
2017/08/10 09:00 340.7 342.66718
2017/08/10 10:00 342.14 347.14923
2017/08/10 11:00 335.84 352.51642000000004
2017/08/10 12:00 328.24 395.3875
2017/08/10 13:00 253.35 358.1234
2017/08/10 14:00 225.72 404.49298
2017/08/10 15:00 251.49 383.34454
2017/08/10 16:00 277.48 363.51953
2017/08/10 17:00 266.31 311.42654
2017/08/10 18:00 334.59 366.8578
2017/08/10 19:00 361.05 340.76642000000004
2017/08/10 20:00 377.43 340.17188
2017/08/10 21:00 333.16 278.19998
2017/08/10 22:00 379.49 307.79062000000005
2017/08/10 23:00 269.27 245.23592999999997
2017/08/11 00:00 264.93 233.54375
2017/08/11 01:00 240.74 229.82031
2017/08/11 02:00 192.66 175.14766
2017/08/11 03:00 187.81 185.78204
2017/08/11 04:00 190.86 144.44296
2017/08/11 05:00 180.66 143.46483999999998
2017/08/11 06:00 202.3 171.49063
2017/08/11 07:00 223.89 185.23438000000002
2017/08/11 08:00 284.08 254.89297000000002
2017/08/11 09:00 320.69 295.52734
2017/08/11 10:00 316.09 337.97266
2017/08/11 11:00 277.46 340.41016
2017/08/11 12:00 184.15 328.18199999999996
2017/08/11 13:00 197.39 365.77185
2017/08/11 14:00 197.14 342.16327
2017/08/11 15:00 201.75 356.0234
2017/08/11 16:00 211.33 366.07498
2017/08/11 17:00 251.53 343.76562
2017/08/11 18:00 280.63 321.68512000000004
2017/08/11 19:00 330.06 320.30936
2017/08/11 20:00 290.65 243.16328
2017/08/11 21:00 285.28 246.0453
2017/08/11 22:00 239.52 199.30156000000002
2017/08/11 23:00 259.57 223.11484
2017/08/12 00:00 254.07 218.31406
2017/08/12 01:00 201.61 170.3836
2017/08/12 02:00 177.68 148.27579
2017/08/12 03:00 217.01 174.80157
2017/08/12 04:00 204.06 165.70547
2017/08/12 05:00 188.09 181.3086
2017/08/12 06:00 180.54 145.63126
2017/08/12 07:00 222.65 191.90001
2017/08/12 08:00 263.88 217.62967999999998
2017/08/12 09:00 348.26 316.44064
2017/08/12 10:00 283.89 266.36407
2017/08/12 11:00 290.94 319.04218
2017/08/12 12:00 268.11 293.15234
2017/08/12 13:00 202.15 272.1578
2017/08/12 14:00 220.25 307.3711
2017/08/12 15:00 223.91 303.22736000000003
2017/08/12 16:00 251.13 306.1047
2017/08/12 17:00 242.38 291.09216000000004
2017/08/12 18:00 201.86 215.33829
2017/08/12 19:00 230.19 202.60236
2017/08/12 20:00 244.76 211.0797
2017/08/12 21:00 236.33 207.08438
2017/08/12 22:00 226.96 196.46251
2017/08/12 23:00 273.77 254.34296
2017/08/13 00:00 280.33 251.07577999999998
2017/08/13 01:00 219.54 190.41249
2017/08/13 02:00 226.88 188.48906000000002
2017/08/13 03:00 228.95 193.76016
2017/08/13 04:00 204.66 167.8211
2017/08/13 05:00 232.3 238.51797000000002
2017/08/13 06:00 229.28 180.39921999999999
2017/08/13 07:00 216.27 168.82968
2017/08/13 08:00 276.59 239.85938
2017/08/13 09:00 282.5 266.82187000000005
2017/08/13 10:00 277.64 299.4586
2017/08/13 11:00 164.57 312.89374
2017/08/13 12:00 155.7 325.5094
2017/08/13 13:00 178.37 337.94376
2017/08/13 14:00 141.36 331.6539
2017/08/13 15:00 147.06 303.6781
2017/08/13 16:00 229.02 323.77576
2017/08/13 17:00 219.53 271.675
2017/08/13 18:00 224.33 229.65233999999998
2017/08/13 19:00 206.5 171.81328
2017/08/13 20:00 268.47 236.3586
2017/08/13 21:00 239.67 216.36876
2017/08/13 22:00 233.37 193.65
2017/08/13 23:00 246.01 207.32031
2017/08/14 00:00 246.87 208.18985
2017/08/14 01:00 217.9 188.10391
2017/08/14 02:00 188.36 150.56406
2017/08/14 03:00 174.87 171.68906
2017/08/14 04:00 195.08 141.55156000000002
2017/08/14 05:00 225.08 190.88907
2017/08/14 06:00 215.17 179.88359
2017/08/14 07:00 221.85 188.63359
2017/08/14 08:00 290.63 261.3828
2017/08/14 09:00 307.38 286.8844
2017/08/14 10:00 337.36 337.56800000000004
2017/08/14 11:00 335.22 312.9961
2017/08/14 12:00 291.3 319.91327
2017/08/14 13:00 289.34 328.95153999999997
2017/08/14 14:00 258.2 286.3672
2017/08/14 15:00 208.2 300.5211
2017/08/14 16:00 266.94 307.99686
2017/08/14 17:00 267.94 280.73047
2017/08/14 18:00 238.56 236.03516000000002
2017/08/14 19:00 251.84 224.87811000000002
2017/08/14 20:00 261.24 220.51717999999997
2017/08/14 21:00 262.44 223.825
2017/08/14 22:00 248.03 220.82578999999998
2017/08/14 23:00 250.3 214.09687999999997
2017/08/15 00:00 265.59 232.42188
2017/08/15 01:00 229.01 190.21016
2017/08/15 02:00 203.93 166.3414
2017/08/15 03:00 223.63 183.04453
2017/08/15 04:00 218.55 192.31406
2017/08/15 05:00 210.3 174.92188000000002
2017/08/15 06:00 220.94 187.72343
2017/08/15 07:00 190.16 160.80704
2017/08/15 08:00 245.66 216.13437000000002
2017/08/15 09:00 299.93 301.40936
2017/08/15 10:00 293.02 358.4758
2017/08/15 11:00 256.35 339.73357999999996
2017/08/15 12:00 267.68 327.45312
2017/08/15 13:00 254.14 327.57812
2017/08/15 14:00 240.71 316.7547
2017/08/15 15:00 221.75 320.66092000000003
2017/08/15 16:00 194.3 315.2375
2017/08/15 17:00 255.62 286.6586
2017/08/15 18:00 223.09 225.10782000000003
2017/08/15 19:00 257.66 244.44922000000003
2017/08/15 20:00 238.9 208.93438999999998
2017/08/15 21:00 261.46 225.01797000000002
2017/08/15 22:00 238.6 185.75626
2017/08/15 23:00 248.92 239.13281
2017/08/16 00:00 250.67 216.0328
2017/08/16 01:00 191.75 172.90782
2017/08/16 02:00 215.65 180.60156
2017/08/16 03:00 225.17 189.75781
2017/08/16 04:00 161.83 129.93828
2017/08/16 05:00 179.4 149.82188
2017/08/16 06:00 216.48 188.03906
2017/08/16 07:00 181.96 145.33203
2017/08/16 08:00 260.5 234.54062000000002
2017/08/16 09:00 261.63 238.72342999999998
2017/08/16 10:00 297.76 306.91797
2017/08/16 11:00 232.38 310.16247999999996
2017/08/16 12:00 186.5 334.08984
2017/08/16 13:00 178.15 323.11407
2017/08/16 14:00 201.57 365.58517
2017/08/16 15:00 209.72 353.87344
2017/08/16 16:00 227.63 354.6594
2017/08/16 17:00 248.11 320.2508
2017/08/16 18:00 261.18 301.5836
2017/08/16 19:00 275.91 255.60313
2017/08/16 20:00 296.44 265.49454
2017/08/16 21:00 248.84 230.64297000000002
2017/08/16 22:00 217.01 190.76483000000002
2017/08/16 23:00 245.04 206.95938
2017/08/17 00:00 245.72 213.76797000000002
2017/08/17 01:00 195.36 163.02267
2017/08/17 02:00 187.98 169.76641999999998
2017/08/17 03:00 208.51 165.17032
2017/08/17 04:00 202.42 164.86484
2017/08/17 05:00 181.1 151.37813
2017/08/17 06:00 209.52 180.34921
2017/08/17 07:00 186.05 136.27188
2017/08/17 08:00 227.11 217.84607999999997
2017/08/17 09:00 308.7 299.7492
2017/08/17 10:00 296.81 335.92343
2017/08/17 11:00 238.28 348.1953
2017/08/17 12:00 182.06 324.03827
2017/08/17 13:00 170.44 332.1906
2017/08/17 14:00 197.16 346.35468
2017/08/17 15:00 205.52 357.875
2017/08/17 16:00 228.82 359.9609
2017/08/17 17:00 284.44 391.52032
2017/08/17 18:00 306.87 320.92032
2017/08/17 19:00 352.84 349.63516
2017/08/17 20:00 412.79 369.80782999999997
2017/08/17 21:00 331.12 299.7242
2017/08/17 22:00 365.12 334.1242
2017/08/17 23:00 257.42 222.2797
2017/08/18 00:00 244.44 200.21171999999999
2017/08/18 01:00 217.02 179.9039
2017/08/18 02:00 200.79 162.08594
2017/08/18 03:00 196.07 159.8875
2017/08/18 04:00 217.81 189.10547
2017/08/18 05:00 202.6 167.20001000000002
2017/08/18 06:00 200.82 166.825
2017/08/18 07:00 151.25 122.2375
2017/08/18 08:00 199.12 161.49141
2017/08/18 09:00 281.91 255.8742
2017/08/18 10:00 276.94 309.51172
2017/08/18 11:00 188.95 289.90314
2017/08/18 12:00 195.55 328.64374
2017/08/18 13:00 188.13 350.4164
2017/08/18 14:00 197.74 366.21094
2017/08/18 15:00 215.05 340.79218
2017/08/18 16:00 232.97 374.92578
2017/08/18 17:00 265.66 331.4422
2017/08/18 18:00 312.88 303.8844
2017/08/18 19:00 299.95 273.2125
2017/08/18 20:00 361.16 304.82425
2017/08/18 21:00 347.82 325.42892
2017/08/18 22:00 259.29 228.71875
2017/08/18 23:00 249.91 225.07892
2017/08/19 00:00 242.12 213.53046
2017/08/19 01:00 204.59 161.27657
2017/08/19 02:00 206.35 175.42813
2017/08/19 03:00 197.74 173.28204
2017/08/19 04:00 200.9 164.27266
2017/08/19 05:00 205.8 172.7047
2017/08/19 06:00 185.02 155.26251000000002
2017/08/19 07:00 207.79 169.63985
2017/08/19 08:00 220.16 177.4711
2017/08/19 09:00 305.84 295.4453
2017/08/19 10:00 314.76 307.6453
2017/08/19 11:00 287.23 279.06485
2017/08/19 12:00 197.31 305.3445
2017/08/19 13:00 176.74 310.87186
2017/08/19 14:00 232.94 328.33673
2017/08/19 15:00 216.24 300.64297
2017/08/19 16:00 256.4 350.48438
2017/08/19 17:00 235.74 246.3789
2017/08/19 18:00 228.1 222.875
2017/08/19 19:00 225.76 183.02579
2017/08/19 20:00 239.16 202.35078000000001
2017/08/19 21:00 247.96 208.06172
2017/08/19 22:00 244.62 209.20703
2017/08/19 23:00 247.21 198.64453
2017/08/20 00:00 256.1 204.63126
2017/08/20 01:00 200.07 167.64218
2017/08/20 02:00 183.14 144.14921999999999
2017/08/20 03:00 205.63 167.9289
2017/08/20 04:00 200.68 159.84686000000002
2017/08/20 05:00 192.8 158.36954
2017/08/20 06:00 199.09 160.77266
2017/08/20 07:00 210.43 171.29608000000002
2017/08/20 08:00 245.95 212.2047
2017/08/20 09:00 288.93 285.14923
2017/08/20 10:00 289.3 306.41718
2017/08/20 11:00 200.15 313.28592000000003
2017/08/20 12:00 172.8 299.2828
2017/08/20 13:00 184.31 354.7852
2017/08/20 14:00 186.69 324.0586
2017/08/20 15:00 187.26 311.98596000000003
2017/08/20 16:00 229.96 338.1555
2017/08/20 17:00 263.85 338.19452
2017/08/20 18:00 251.35 262.4672
2017/08/20 19:00 255.3 249.9125
2017/08/20 20:00 274.08 248.375
2017/08/20 21:00 224.82 186.96094
2017/08/20 22:00 222.99 190.57891999999998
2017/08/20 23:00 222.57 199.85
2017/08/21 00:00 218.78 187.69766
2017/08/21 01:00 206.84 221.28046
2017/08/21 02:00 190.14 171.59686000000002
2017/08/21 03:00 183.93 146.2836
2017/08/21 04:00 161.23 127.546875
2017/08/21 05:00 205.49 176.18828
2017/08/21 06:00 188.86 170.22578000000001
2017/08/21 07:00 209.9 182.6367
2017/08/21 08:00 281.81 282.76953
2017/08/21 09:00 308.62 303.5
2017/08/21 10:00 344.94 317.25702
2017/08/21 11:00 294.43 329.84766
2017/08/21 12:00 260.75 331.14294
2017/08/21 13:00 252.84 363.1625
2017/08/21 14:00 191.95 327.01096
2017/08/21 15:00 207.52 349.49298
2017/08/21 16:00 295.7 312.95232999999996
2017/08/21 17:00 282.59 325.2961
2017/08/21 18:00 269.78 250.97345
2017/08/21 19:00 252.08 243.43282000000002
2017/08/21 20:00 272.91 225.08672
2017/08/21 21:00 273.68 228.27657000000002
2017/08/21 22:00 258.04 208.19376
2017/08/21 23:00 245.83 194.37657
2017/08/22 00:00 244.31 203.59688
2017/08/22 01:00 218.08 183.50313
2017/08/22 02:00 189.29 160.70235
2017/08/22 03:00 204.32 164.96718
2017/08/22 04:00 181.37 149.29063
2017/08/22 05:00 189.14 164.65392
2017/08/22 06:00 170.19 141.70703
2017/08/22 07:00 199.42 166.36719
2017/08/22 08:00 238.58 218.37892000000002
2017/08/22 09:00 259.61 274.66016
2017/08/22 10:00 274.84 357.6914
2017/08/22 11:00 209.81 338.2445
2017/08/22 12:00 189.31 336.32812
2017/08/22 13:00 199.52 352.55624
2017/08/22 14:00 215.89 363.90466000000004
2017/08/22 15:00 222.09 340.8109
2017/08/22 16:00 232.79 324.057
2017/08/22 17:00 235.5 295.07653999999997
2017/08/22 18:00 231.53 252.90392000000003
2017/08/22 19:00 265.61 237.75235
2017/08/22 20:00 276.69 261.18906
2017/08/22 21:00 243.02 226.34687999999997
2017/08/22 22:00 223.56 194.47032
2017/08/22 23:00 242.39 197.2086
2017/08/23 00:00 250.08 223.53282000000002
2017/08/23 01:00 223.96 196.12343
2017/08/23 02:00 199.82 167.39921999999999
2017/08/23 03:00 199.21 156.37892
2017/08/23 04:00 179.47 139.95235
2017/08/23 05:00 191.48 169.28203
2017/08/23 06:00 190.99 158.20235
2017/08/23 07:00 194.73 159.9586
2017/08/23 08:00 238.69 220.95781000000002
2017/08/23 09:00 332.65 327.53125
2017/08/23 10:00 323.92 332.08594
2017/08/23 11:00 295.37 349.24686
2017/08/23 12:00 180.05 310.532
2017/08/23 13:00 172.77 319.1906
2017/08/23 14:00 248.94 364.47266
2017/08/23 15:00 259.21 315.7461
2017/08/23 16:00 251.61 344.85703
2017/08/23 17:00 305.37 328.9453
2017/08/23 18:00 216.17 205.5
2017/08/23 19:00 247.39 216.44766
2017/08/23 20:00 283.95 257.77655
2017/08/23 21:00 263.15 230.99922
2017/08/23 22:00 256.0 219.33202999999997
2017/08/23 23:00 243.6 213.27422
2017/08/24 00:00 262.18 219.53516000000002
2017/08/24 01:00 214.0 177.61484
2017/08/24 02:00 212.72 170.86328
2017/08/24 03:00 224.99 191.02344
2017/08/24 04:00 227.7 192.38437
2017/08/24 05:00 200.17 169.29688000000002
2017/08/24 06:00 209.98 170.68828
2017/08/24 07:00 210.92 179.74063
2017/08/24 08:00 241.34 196.25156
2017/08/24 09:00 323.2 345.0492
2017/08/24 10:00 326.1 359.1883
2017/08/24 11:00 295.29 289.6117
2017/08/24 12:00 213.08 307.7984
2017/08/24 13:00 189.64 328.39606000000003
2017/08/24 14:00 202.99 351.82968
2017/08/24 15:00 205.3 357.2375
2017/08/24 16:00 249.08 358.04297
2017/08/24 17:00 281.2 338.46484
2017/08/24 18:00 322.91 320.33203
2017/08/24 19:00 323.15 291.60938
2017/08/24 20:00 332.81 279.76486
2017/08/24 21:00 323.48 261.41718
2017/08/24 22:00 325.7 267.41876
2017/08/24 23:00 252.76 213.38203
2017/08/25 00:00 245.77 224.2875
2017/08/25 01:00 225.74 190.06485
2017/08/25 02:00 233.86 206.80546999999999
2017/08/25 03:00 227.83 197.05546999999999
2017/08/25 04:00 220.84 196.51251000000002
2017/08/25 05:00 218.84 181.25937
2017/08/25 06:00 228.66 187.73203
2017/08/25 07:00 193.79 177.58905
2017/08/25 08:00 278.18 256.74298
2017/08/25 09:00 281.05 308.41016
2017/08/25 10:00 242.53 314.96796
2017/08/25 11:00 192.88 359.38122999999996
2017/08/25 12:00 153.42 319.91486000000003
2017/08/25 13:00 169.72 350.08673
2017/08/25 14:00 112.21 276.10857999999996
2017/08/25 15:00 195.01 335.6344
2017/08/25 16:00 170.69 264.67734
2017/08/25 17:00 236.66 311.0031
2017/08/25 18:00 246.3 237.05391
2017/08/25 19:00 314.54 283.55312999999995
2017/08/25 20:00 338.41 292.62656
2017/08/25 21:00 318.96 299.39218
2017/08/25 22:00 262.38 231.44843999999998
2017/08/25 23:00 267.57 232.90077000000002
2017/08/26 00:00 262.61 230.71642000000003
2017/08/26 01:00 242.26 219.59062000000003
2017/08/26 02:00 209.36 163.30626
2017/08/26 03:00 236.98 199.55626
2017/08/26 04:00 226.72 203.72813
2017/08/26 05:00 235.06 186.40001
2017/08/26 06:00 233.67 199.11406000000002
2017/08/26 07:00 221.18 205.15157
2017/08/26 08:00 216.32 210.45625
2017/08/26 09:00 256.65 289.13748
2017/08/26 10:00 239.5 325.69376
2017/08/26 11:00 193.95 317.37344
2017/08/26 12:00 167.14 296.8156
2017/08/26 13:00 186.43 369.01172
2017/08/26 14:00 234.06 368.8156
2017/08/26 15:00 237.42 353.08356000000003
2017/08/26 16:00 280.81 393.86017000000004
2017/08/26 17:00 279.4 343.5906
2017/08/26 18:00 221.05 230.99767000000003
2017/08/26 19:00 248.07 218.99141
2017/08/26 20:00 257.37 215.425
2017/08/26 21:00 245.99 204.73047
2017/08/26 22:00 254.35 221.56406
2017/08/26 23:00 217.3 186.41953
2017/08/27 00:00 225.37 214.21329
2017/08/27 01:00 187.54 156.46953
2017/08/27 02:00 169.86 134.24922
2017/08/27 03:00 212.42 172.10468
2017/08/27 04:00 195.85 158.93515
2017/08/27 05:00 187.45 146.75937
2017/08/27 06:00 162.08 126.54843999999999
2017/08/27 07:00 198.0 160.48203
2017/08/27 08:00 179.27 171.21483999999998
2017/08/27 09:00 226.79 296.25626
2017/08/27 10:00 214.47 294.1125
2017/08/27 11:00 204.91 306.48126
2017/08/27 12:00 202.52 353.0664
2017/08/27 13:00 236.71 364.73514
2017/08/27 14:00 220.56 351.80154
2017/08/27 15:00 241.54 370.39142000000004
2017/08/27 16:00 290.84 370.25705
2017/08/27 17:00 306.96 359.0422
2017/08/27 18:00 225.83 242.84296
2017/08/27 19:00 241.81 210.26797000000002
2017/08/27 20:00 257.93 218.33047000000002
2017/08/27 21:00 253.71 210.1547
2017/08/27 22:00 224.2 181.42657
2017/08/27 23:00 259.84 207.4672
2017/08/28 00:00 229.6 198.70547
2017/08/28 01:00 206.72 170.53984
2017/08/28 02:00 198.11 163.4078
2017/08/28 03:00 166.14 118.54063000000001
2017/08/28 04:00 177.11 138.20703
2017/08/28 05:00 176.6 149.6867
2017/08/28 06:00 173.77 136.64296000000002
2017/08/28 07:00 198.19 166.78125
2017/08/28 08:00 185.68 182.87344
2017/08/28 09:00 220.44 258.31796
2017/08/28 10:00 237.35 336.20937999999995
2017/08/28 11:00 217.91 328.24765
2017/08/28 12:00 205.43 370.63828
2017/08/28 13:00 209.89 385.24532999999997
2017/08/28 14:00 197.12 354.23672
2017/08/28 15:00 202.39 328.8047
2017/08/28 16:00 239.37 378.90625
2017/08/28 17:00 249.74 332.11487
2017/08/28 18:00 235.11 264.9961
2017/08/28 19:00 245.77 220.68124
2017/08/28 20:00 213.68 188.03984
2017/08/28 21:00 231.7 193.29141
2017/08/28 22:00 243.52 206.96483999999998
2017/08/28 23:00 251.18 205.93515
2017/08/29 00:00 245.79 201.86719
2017/08/29 01:00 205.3 162.55704
2017/08/29 02:00 210.36 164.69846
2017/08/29 03:00 211.17 171.06564
2017/08/29 04:00 205.71 165.75548
2017/08/29 05:00 198.89 160.28986
2017/08/29 06:00 205.53 168.35547
2017/08/29 07:00 209.55 173.31406
2017/08/29 08:00 255.86 213.1672
2017/08/29 09:00 309.68 285.43674
2017/08/29 10:00 379.27 369.3656
2017/08/29 11:00 328.32 375.0531
2017/08/29 12:00 230.59 363.72263
2017/08/29 13:00 226.99 365.22345
2017/08/29 14:00 137.28 294.65
2017/08/29 15:00 220.79 343.8164
2017/08/29 16:00 210.21 306.69687000000005
2017/08/29 17:00 238.08 297.01328
2017/08/29 18:00 221.99 234.21483999999998
2017/08/29 19:00 273.26 248.86092999999997
2017/08/29 20:00 242.08 207.19843999999998
2017/08/29 21:00 253.59 218.94062999999997
2017/08/29 22:00 236.12 199.43282
2017/08/29 23:00 255.96 217.9422
2017/08/30 00:00 249.09 223.91875
2017/08/30 01:00 217.85 179.64218
2017/08/30 02:00 229.21 193.98282
2017/08/30 03:00 210.7 175.88201999999998
2017/08/30 04:00 212.21 173.74922
2017/08/30 05:00 230.91 197.49298000000002
2017/08/30 06:00 259.17 226.36092999999997
2017/08/30 07:00 217.85 188.23748999999998
2017/08/30 08:00 298.84 273.23126
2017/08/30 09:00 316.33 288.54218
2017/08/30 10:00 271.79 369.08517
2017/08/30 11:00 242.04 355.22656
2017/08/30 12:00 223.24 365.65862999999996
2017/08/30 13:00 185.35 353.51096
2017/08/30 14:00 156.6 301.0344
2017/08/30 15:00 188.27 346.58752000000004
2017/08/30 16:00 196.56 299.03436
2017/08/30 17:00 241.48 301.15393
2017/08/30 18:00 212.27 228.96873
2017/08/30 19:00 252.56 225.67735
2017/08/30 20:00 245.19 207.6664
2017/08/30 21:00 235.79 198.1836
2017/08/30 22:00 271.64 244.18437000000003
2017/08/30 23:00 277.78 237.30156000000002
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