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Created July 6, 2010 21:10
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TypeFamilies #-}
module Physics (Physicsable) where
import Data.Maybe
class NonNegative a
class NonPositive a
data Zero
instance NonNegative Zero
instance NonPositive Zero
data (NonNegative a) => Succ a = Succ a
data (NonPositive a) => Prev a = Prev a
instance (NonNegative a) => NonNegative (Succ a)
instance (NonPositive a) => NonPositive (Prev a)
class Add a b where
type Sum a b
(<+>) :: a -> b -> Sum a b
_ <+> _ = undefined
type Diff a b
(<->) :: a -> b -> Diff a b
_ <-> _ = undefined
class Negate a where
type Neg a
neg :: a -> Neg a
neg _ = undefined
instance Negate Zero where type Neg Zero = Zero
instance Negate (Succ a) where type Neg (Succ a) = Prev (Neg a)
instance Negate (Prev a) where type Neg (Prev a) = Succ (Neg a)
instance Add Zero b where
type Sum Zero b = b
type Diff Zero b = Sum Zero (Neg b)
instance Add a Zero where
type Sum a Zero = a
type Diff a Zero = Sum a (Neg Zero)
instance Add (Succ a) (Succ b) where
type Sum (Succ a) (Succ b) = Sum (Succ (Succ a)) b
type Diff (Succ a) (Succ b) = Sum (Succ a) (Neg (Succ b))
instance Add (Prev a) (Prev b) where
type Sum (Prev a) (Prev b) = Sum (Prev (Prev a)) b
type Diff (Prev a) (Prev b) = Sum (Prev a) (Neg (Prev b))
instance Add (Succ a) (Prev b) where
type Sum (Succ a) (Prev b) = Sum a b
type Diff (Succ a) (Prev b) = Sum (Succ a) (Neg (Prev b))
instance Add (Prev a) (Succ b) where
type Sum (Prev a) (Succ b) = Sum a b
type Diff (Prev a) (Succ b) = Sum (Prev a) (Neg (Succ b))
data Physical s m g = Physical
{ seconds :: s,
meters :: m,
kgrams :: g,
value :: Double }
instance Eq (Physical s m g) where
a == b = (value a) == (value b)
instance Show (Physical s m g) where
show = show . value
instance Add (Physical s m g) (Physical s m g) where
type Sum (Physical s m g) (Physical s m g) = Physical s m g
a <+> b = Physical
{ seconds = undefined,
meters = undefined,
kgrams = undefined,
value = (value a) + (value b) }
type Diff (Physical s m g) (Physical s m g) = Physical s m g
a <-> b = Physical
{ seconds = undefined,
meters = undefined,
kgrams = undefined,
value = (value a) - (value b) }
type KGrams = Physical Zero Zero (Succ Zero)
type Seconds = Physical (Succ Zero) Zero Zero
type Meters = Physical Zero (Succ Zero) Zero
type MetersPerSecond = Div Meters Seconds
type MetersPerSecond2 = Div (Div Meters Seconds) Seconds
type Newtons = Prod KGrams MetersPerSecond2
class Mult a b where
type Prod a b
(<*>) :: a -> b -> Prod a b
_ <*> _ = undefined
type Div a b
(</>) :: a -> b -> Div a b
_ </> _ = undefined
class Invert a where
type Inv a
inv :: a -> Inv a
inv _ = undefined
instance Invert (Physical s m g) where
type Inv (Physical s m g) = Physical (Neg s) (Neg m) (Neg g)
inv p = Physical
{ seconds = undefined,
meters = undefined,
kgrams = undefined,
value = 1/(value p) }
instance Mult (Physical s m g) (Physical s' m' g') where
type Prod (Physical s m g) (Physical s' m' g') =
Physical (Sum s s') (Sum m m') (Sum g g')
a <*> b = Physical
{ seconds = undefined,
meters = undefined,
kgrams = undefined,
value = (value a) * (value b) }
type Div (Physical s m g) (Physical s' m' g') =
Physical (Diff s s') (Diff m m') (Diff g g')
a </> b = Physical
{ seconds = undefined,
meters = undefined,
kgrams = undefined,
value = (value a) / (value b) }
instance (Add a a', Add b b', Add c c') => Add (a, b, c) (a', b', c') where
type Sum (a, b, c) (a', b', c') = (Sum a a', Sum b b', Sum c c')
(a, b, c) <+> (a', b', c') = (a <+> a', b <+> b', c <+> c')
type Diff (a, b, c) (a', b', c') = (Diff a a', Diff b b', Diff c c')
(a, b, c) <-> (a', b', c') = (a <-> a', b <-> b', c <-> c')
instance (Mult s a, Mult s b, Mult s c) => Mult s (a, b, c) where
type Prod s (a, b, c) = (Prod s a, Prod s b, Prod s c)
s <*> (a, b, c) = (s <*> a, s <*> b, s <*> c)
type Div s (a, b, c) = (Div s a, Div s b, Div s c)
s </> (a, b, c) = (s </> a, s </> b, s </> c)
type Position = (Meters, Meters, Meters)
type Velocity = (MetersPerSecond, MetersPerSecond, MetersPerSecond)
type Acceleration = (MetersPerSecond2, MetersPerSecond2, MetersPerSecond2)
type Force = (Newtons, Newtons, Newtons)
type Mass = KGrams
type Time = Seconds
class Physicsable a where
mass :: a -> Mass
position :: a -> Position
velocity :: a -> Velocity
acceleration :: a -> Acceleration
force :: a -> Force
updatePhysics :: a -> (Position, Velocity, Acceleration) -> a
doPhysics :: a -> Time -> a
doPhysics a t = updatePhysics a (position', velocity', acceleration')
where iterations = round $ toScalar (t </> h)
h = (physical 0.1 :: Time)
physics' = take iterations $ iterate (newton h)
$ (physical 0 :: Time, position a, velocity a, acceleration')
position' = (\(t1, p1, v1, a1) -> p1) $ last physics'
velocity' = (\(t1, p1, v1, a1) -> v1) $ last physics'
acceleration' = (inv $ mass a) <*> (force a)
newton :: Time -> (Time, Position, Velocity, Acceleration) -> (Time, Position, Velocity, Acceleration)
newton h (t0, p0, v0, a0) = (t1, p1, v1, a0)
where (t1, v1) = rk4 (const $ const a0) v0 t0 h
(_, p1) = rk4 (const $ const v1) p0 t0 h
toScalar :: Physical Zero Zero Zero -> Double
toScalar = value
scalar :: Double -> Physical Zero Zero Zero
scalar = physical
physical :: Double -> Physical s m g
physical d = Physical
{ seconds = undefined,
meters = undefined,
kgrams = undefined,
value = d }
-- Arguments:
-- rk4 f(t,y) y0 t0 h
-- idea: y' = f(t,y) and y(t0) = y0
-- computes (t1 = t0 + h) and y1
rk4 f y0 t0 h = (t0 <+> h,
y0 <+> ((scalar (1/6)) <*> h <*>
<+> ((scalar 2)<*>k2)
<+> ((scalar 2)<*>k3)
<+> k4)))
where k1 = f t0 y0
k2 = f (t0 <+> ((scalar (1/2)) <*> h))
(y0 <+> ((scalar (1/2)) <*> h <*> k1))
k3 = f (t0 <+> ((scalar (1/2)) <*> h))
(y0 <+> ((scalar (1/2)) <*> h <*> k2))
k4 = f (t0 <+> h) (y0 <+> (h <*> k3))
Now for a quick test of the system. We take constant force F = (1,2,3), mass m = 1,
initial values all zero. Run it for 5 seconds.
data DeadWeight = DW { m :: Mass, p :: Position, v :: Velocity, a :: Acceleration, f :: Force } deriving Show
instance Physicsable DeadWeight where
mass = m
position = p
velocity = v
acceleration = a
force = f
updatePhysics dw (p', v', a') = dw{ p=p', v=v', a=a' }
dw = DW {
m = physical 1,
p = (physical 0, physical 0, physical 0),
v = (physical 0, physical 0, physical 0),
a = (physical 0, physical 0, physical 0),
f = (physical 1, physical 2, physical 3)
dw' = doPhysics dw (physical 5 :: Time)
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