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Last active March 3, 2017 06:02
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Caesar script used in crypto100-hotsun @ 3dsctf-2k16
## Caesar script used in crypto100-hotsun @ 3dsctf-2k16
# @author intrd -
# @license Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License -
import base64, string
def int_caesar(ch, shift):
n = ord(ch)
if ord('a') <= n <= ord('z'):
n = n - ord('a')
n = (n + shift) % 26
n = n + ord('a')
return chr(n)
elif ord('A') <= n <= ord('Z'):
n = n - ord('A')
n = (n + shift) % 26
n = n + ord('A')
return chr(n)
return ch
def intCaesar(s, shift):
return ''.join(int_caesar(ch, shift) for ch in s)
# Usage
# flag="3RG{hv1g_f0h_1g_b0h_g0_V0h}"
# flag="Toik! Znk Igkygx iovnkx, gryu qtuct gy g ynolz iovnkx, oy utk ul znk yosvrkyz luxsy ul ktixevzout. Tuc, utk rgyz wakyzout..."
# for x in range(1, 40):
# try:
# print x
# print "shift: "+str(x)+" "+caesar(flag,x)
# except Exception as e:
# print e
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