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Last active March 7, 2023 05:56
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import { is_function } from './utils.js';
let undefined;
let RUNNING = 1 << 0;
let NOTIFIED = 1 << 1;
let OUTDATED = 1 << 2;
let DISPOSED = 1 << 3;
let HAS_ERROR = 1 << 4;
let TRACKING = 1 << 5;
/** @type {Scope | undefined} */
export let eval_scope;
/** @type {Computed | Effect | undefined} */
let eval_context;
/** @type {Array<Signal> | undefined} */
let eval_sources;
/** @type {number} */
let eval_sources_idx = 0;
/** @type {Effect[] | undefined} */
let batched_effects;
/** current batch depth */
let batch_depth = 0;
/** how many times we've been iterating through batched updates */
let batch_iteration = 0;
// How "versioning" works here is based around the idea of a logical clock,
// we can check if a target is stale by comparing its last recorded value of
// the clock against a source's last recorded value of the clock.
let clock = 0;
function start_batch () {
function end_batch () {
if (batch_depth > 1) {
let error;
let has_error = false;
while (batched_effects) {
let effects = batched_effects.sort((a, b) => a._depth - b._depth);
let idx = 0;
let len = effects.length;
batched_effects = undefined;
for (; idx < len; idx++) {
let effect = effects[idx];
effect._flags &= ~NOTIFIED;
if (!(effect._flags & DISPOSED) && need_recompute(effect)) {
try {
catch (err) {
if (!has_error) {
error = err;
has_error = true;
batch_iteration = 0;
if (has_error) {
throw error;
* @param {Computed | Effect} target
* @returns {boolean}
function need_recompute (target) {
let sources = target._sources;
let len = sources.length;
let idx = 0;
let source;
for (; idx < len; idx++) {
source = sources[idx];
if (source._epoch > target._epoch || source._refresh()) {
return true;
// If none of the dependencies have changed values since last recompute then
// there's no need to recompute.
return false;
function cleanup_context () {
let sources = eval_context._sources;
if (eval_sources) {
if (eval_sources_idx > 0) {
let l = eval_sources.length;
let i = 0;
sources.length = eval_sources_idx + l;
for (; i < l; i++) {
sources[eval_sources_idx + i] = eval_sources[i];
else {
sources = eval_context._sources = eval_sources;
let len = sources.length;
let idx = eval_sources_idx;
for (; idx < len; idx++) {
let source = sources[idx];
source._node = undefined;
if (eval_context._flags & TRACKING) {
else if (eval_sources_idx < eval_context._sources.length) {
sources.length = eval_sources_idx;
while (eval_sources_idx--) {
let source = sources[eval_sources_idx];
source._node = undefined;
function prune_context_sources () {
let sources = eval_context._sources;
let len = sources.length;
let idx = eval_sources_idx;
for (; idx < len; idx++) {
let source = sources[idx];
* @param {Effect} effect
function dispose_effect (effect) {
let sources = effect._sources;
let len = sources.length;
let idx = 0;
for (; idx < len; idx++) {
sources.length = 0;
* @template T
export class Signal {
* @param {T} value
constructor (value) {
let _this = this;
/** @internal @type {T} */
_this._value = value;
/** @internal @type {number} */
_this._epoch = -1;
/** @internal @type {Array<Computed | Effect>} */
_this._targets = [];
/** @internal @type {Computed | Effect | undefined} */
_this._node = undefined;
* @internal
* @returns {boolean}
_refresh () {
return false;
* @internal
* @param {Computed | Effect} target
_subscribe (target) {
let _this = this;
* @internal
* @param {Computed | Effect} target
_unsubscribe (target) {
let _this = this;
let targets = _this._targets;
let idx = targets.indexOf(target);
targets.splice(idx, 1);
* @param {T} next
* @returns {T}
set (next) {
return this.value = next;
* @returns {T}
peek () {
let _this = this;
return _this._value;
/** @type {T} */
get value () {
let _this = this;
if (eval_context && _this._node !== eval_context) {
// Mark the current context, there's no need to add ourselves again to the
// dependency list if we're already in it, will be unset during cleanup
_this._node = eval_context;
if (!eval_sources && eval_context._sources[eval_sources_idx] === _this) {
else if (!eval_sources) {
eval_sources = [_this];
else {
return _this._value;
set value (next) {
let _this = this;
if (_this._value !== next) {
_this._value = next;
_this._epoch = ++clock;
if (batch_iteration < 100) {
let targets = _this._targets;
let len = targets.length;
let idx = 0;
/* @__INLINE__ */ start_batch();
try {
for (; idx < len; idx++) {
finally {
* @template T
* @extends {Signal<T>}
export class Computed extends Signal {
* @param {() => T} compute
constructor (compute) {
let _this = this;
/** @internal @type {() => T} */
_this._compute = compute;
/** @internal @type {Array<Signal>} */
_this._sources = [];
/** @internal @type {number} */
_this._flags = OUTDATED;
/** @internal @type {number} */
_this._world_epoch = -1;
* @internal
* @returns {boolean}
_refresh () {
let _this = this;
_this._flags &= ~NOTIFIED;
if (_this._flags & RUNNING) {
return false;
// If this computed signal has subscribed to updates from its dependencies
// (TRACKING flag set) and none of them have notified about changes (OUTDATED
// flag not set), then the computed value can't have changed.
if ((_this._flags & (OUTDATED | TRACKING)) === TRACKING) {
return false;
_this._flags &= ~OUTDATED;
// If nothing in the world has been changed, then it's not possible for this
// computed value to change.
if (_this._world_epoch === clock) {
return false;
_this._world_epoch = clock;
// Mark this computed signal running before checking the dependencies for value
// changes, so that the RUNNING flag can be used to notice cyclical dependencies.
_this._flags |= RUNNING;
if (_this._epoch > -1 && !need_recompute(_this)) {
_this._flags &= ~RUNNING;
return false;
let stale = false;
let prev_context = eval_context;
let prev_sources = eval_sources;
let prev_sources_idx = eval_sources_idx;
try {
eval_context = _this;
eval_sources = undefined;
eval_sources_idx = 0;
let value = _this._compute();
if (_this._flags & HAS_ERROR || _this._value !== value || _this._value === 0) {
stale = true;
_this._value = value;
_this._flags &= ~HAS_ERROR;
_this._epoch = ++clock;
catch (err) {
stale = true;
_this._value = err;
_this._flags |= HAS_ERROR;
_this._epoch = ++clock;
eval_context = prev_context;
eval_sources = prev_sources;
eval_sources_idx = prev_sources_idx;
_this._flags &= ~RUNNING;
return stale;
* @internal
* @param {Computed | Effect} target
_subscribe (target) {
let _this = this;
// Subscribe to our sources now that we have someone subscribing on us
if (_this._targets.length < 1) {
let sources = _this._sources;
let len = sources.length;
let idx = 0;
_this._flags |= TRACKING;
for (; idx < len; idx++) {
* @internal
* @param {Computed | Effect} target
_unsubscribe (target) {
let _this = this;
// Unsubscribe from our sources since there's no one subscribing to us
if (_this._targets.length < 1) {
let sources = _this._sources;
let len = sources.length;
let idx = 0;
_this._flags &= ~TRACKING;
for (; idx < len; idx++) {
* @internal
_notify () {
let _this = this;
if (!(_this._flags & (NOTIFIED | RUNNING))) {
let targets = _this._targets;
let len = targets.length;
let idx = 0;
_this._flags |= OUTDATED | NOTIFIED;
for (; idx < len; idx++) {
peek () {
let _this = this;
if (_this._flags & HAS_ERROR) {
throw _this._value;
return _this._value;
get value () {
let _this = this;
if (_this._flags & HAS_ERROR) {
throw super.value;
return super.value;
set value (next) {
super.value = next;
export class Effect {
* @param {() => void} compute
constructor (compute) {
let _this = this;
/** @internal @type {() => void} */
_this._compute = compute;
/** @internal @type {number} */
_this._epoch = 0;
/** @internal @type {Array<Signal>} */
_this._sources = [];
/** @internal @type {number} */
_this._flags = TRACKING;
/** @internal @type {number} */
_this._depth = 0;
* @internal
_callback () {
let _this = this;
if (_this._flags & RUNNING) {
_this._epoch = clock;
_this._flags |= RUNNING;
_this._flags &= ~OUTDATED;
let prev_context = eval_context;
let prev_sources = eval_sources;
let prev_sources_idx = eval_sources_idx;
try {
/* @__INLINE__ */ start_batch();
eval_context = _this;
eval_sources = undefined;
eval_sources_idx = 0;
finally {
eval_context = prev_context;
eval_sources = prev_sources;
eval_sources_idx = prev_sources_idx;
_this._flags &= ~RUNNING;
if (_this._flags & DISPOSED) {
* @internal
_notify () {
let _this = this;
if (!(_this._flags & (NOTIFIED | RUNNING))) {
_this._flags |= OUTDATED | NOTIFIED;
(batched_effects ||= []).push(_this);
_dispose () {
let _this = this;
_this._flags |= DISPOSED;
if (!(_this._flags & RUNNING)) {
export class Scope {
* @param {boolean} [detached]
constructor (detached) {
let _this = this;
/** @type {Scope[]} */
_this.scopes = [];
/** @type {(() => void)[]} */
_this.cleanups = [];
/** @type {Scope | undefined} */
_this.parent = undefined;
/** @internal @type {number} */
_this._depth = 0;
if (!detached && eval_scope) {
_this.parent = eval_scope;
_this._depth = eval_scope._depth + 1;
* @template {T}
* @param {() => T} callback
* @returns {T}
run (callback) {
let prev_scope = eval_scope;
try {
eval_scope = this;
return callback();
finally {
eval_scope = prev_scope;
clear () {
let _this = this;
let scopes = _this.scopes;
let cleanups = _this.cleanups;
for (let scope of scopes) {
scope.parent = undefined;
for (let cleanup of cleanups) {
scopes.length = 0;
cleanups.length = 0;
export function scope (detached) {
return new Scope(detached);
export function cleanup (callback) {
if (is_function(callback) && eval_scope) {
export function batch (callback) {
if (batch_depth > 0) {
return callback();
/* @__INLINE__ */ start_batch();
try {
return callback();
finally {
export function untrack (callback) {
let prev_context = eval_context;
try {
eval_context = undefined;
return callback();
finally {
eval_context = prev_context;
export function peek (value) {
if (value instanceof Signal) {
return value.peek();
return value;
* @template T
* @param {T} value
* @returns {Signal<T>}
export function signal (value) {
return new Signal(value);
* @template T
* @param {() => T} compute
* @returns {Computed<T>}
export function computed (compute) {
return new Computed(compute);
export function effect (compute) {
// Return a bound function instead of a wrapper like `() => effect._dispose()`,
// because bound functions seem to be just as fast and take up a lot less memory.
let effect = new Effect(compute);
let dispose = effect._dispose.bind(effect);
try {
catch (error) {
throw error;
if (eval_scope && effect._sources.length > 0) {
effect._depth = eval_scope._depth;
return dispose;
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