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Created August 12, 2023 17:23
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Mangle all TS interface fields with a directive
// TODO: make sure this doesn't run if `git diff --stat HEAD -- src/` actually returns something
import * as path from 'node:path';
import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url';
import { type PropertySignature, InterfaceDeclaration, Project, SyntaxKind } from 'ts-morph';
import { ShortIdent } from '../lib/mangler/shortident.js';
const root = path.join(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url), '../..');
const projectPath = path.join(root, 'tsconfig.json');
const project = new Project({
tsConfigFilePath: projectPath,
compilerOptions: {
outDir: 'src2',
const interfacesToMangle = new Map<
{ id: number; candidates: Map<string, PropertySignature>; reserved: string[] }
const idToInterface = new Map<number, InterfaceDeclaration>();
let uid = 0;
// Go through all the source files
for (const file of project.getSourceFiles()) {
// Go through the interface declarations within it
for (const declaration of file.getInterfaces()) {
// Find if the interface contains a directive to mangle one of its properties
const candidates = new Map<string, PropertySignature>();
const reserved: string[] = [];
let valid = false;
let shouldMangleAllMember = false;
// Check if this declaration has a directive set, that means all properties should be mangled
for (const comment of declaration.getLeadingCommentRanges()) {
const text = comment.getText();
if (text.includes('@mangle')) {
shouldMangleAllMember = true;
// Go through each member of the declaration, and find the right candidates
for (const member of declaration.getMembers()) {
if (!member.isKind(SyntaxKind.PropertySignature)) {
const name = member.getName();
let shouldMangleMember = shouldMangleAllMember;
if (!shouldMangleMember) {
for (const comment of member.getLeadingCommentRanges()) {
const text = comment.getText();
if (text.includes('@mangle')) {
shouldMangleMember = true;
if (shouldMangleMember) {
candidates.set(name, member);
valid = true;
} else {
// Put it on a map for later processing.
if (valid) {
idToInterface.set(uid, declaration);
interfacesToMangle.set(declaration, { id: uid++, candidates, reserved });
// Next, we'll go through the references of each interfaces to see if they're in a union,
// - We'll have to bail out if the union contains another interface but the same field name aren't
// set to mangle.
// - We'll use this opportunity to connect all relating interfaces into a single ShortIdent instance
// for use in renaming.
const pairs: [from: number, to: number][] = [];
const standalones: number[] = [];
loop: for (const [declaration, { id, candidates }] of interfacesToMangle) {
let standalone = true;
for (const reference of declaration.findReferencesAsNodes()) {
const typeReference = reference.getParentIfKind(SyntaxKind.TypeReference);
if (!typeReference) {
const referenceParent = typeReference.getParent();
if (referenceParent.isKind(SyntaxKind.UnionType)) {
for (const typeNode of referenceParent.getTypeNodes()) {
if (typeNode === typeReference) {
const type = typeNode.getType();
const symbol = type.getSymbol();
if (!symbol) {
`[warn] bailing out ${declaration.getName()}\n unknown error, why is the symbol missing?`,
standalone = false;
continue loop;
for (const decl of symbol.getDeclarations()) {
if (!decl.isKind(SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration)) {
`[warn] bailing out ${declaration.getName()}\n is in a union with unknown type ${decl.getKindName()}`,
standalone = false;
continue loop;
const declInfo = interfacesToMangle.get(decl);
let valid = true;
for (const member of decl.getMembers()) {
if (!member.isKind(SyntaxKind.PropertySignature)) {
const name = member.getName();
if (candidates.has(name)) {
if (!declInfo || !declInfo.candidates.has(name)) {
`[warn] bailing out ${declaration.getName()}.${name}\n is in a union with ${decl.getName()} where "${name}" is not being mangled`,
valid = true;
if (valid && declInfo) {
standalone = false;
if (standalone) {
// Connect all relations together with breadth-first search,
// instantiate a ShortIdent instance for each group.
const bfs = <T>(v: T, pairs: [T, T][], visited: Set<T>) => {
const queue: T[] = [];
const group: T[] = [];
while (queue.length > 0) {
v = queue.shift();
if (!visited.has(v)) {
for (let idx = 0, len = pairs.length; idx < len; idx++) {
const pair = pairs[idx];
if (pair[0] === v && !visited.has(pair[1])) {
} else if (pair[1] === v && !visited.has(pair[0])) {
return group;
const visited = new Set<number>();
for (let i = 0, len = pairs.length; i < len; i += 1) {
const pair = pairs[i];
const u = pair[0];
const v = pair[1];
const src = !visited.has(u) ? u : !visited.has(v) ? v : undefined;
if (src !== undefined) {
const group = bfs(src, pairs, visited);
const shortident = new ShortIdent('');
const sortmap = new Map<string, number>();
const groupedCandidates: [name: string, signature: PropertySignature][] = [];
for (let j = 0, jl = group.length; j < jl; j++) {
const id = group[j];
const decl = idToInterface.get(id)!;
const info = interfacesToMangle.get(decl)!;
const reserved = info.reserved;
const candidates = info.candidates;
for (let k = 0, kl = reserved.length; k < kl; k++) {
const name = reserved[k];
for (const [name, signature] of candidates) {
if (sortmap.has(name)) {
sortmap.set(name, sortmap.get(name)! + 1);
} else {
sortmap.set(name, 1);
groupedCandidates.push([name, signature]);
groupedCandidates.sort((a, b) => sortmap.get(a[0])! - sortmap.get(b[0])!);
for (const [name, signature] of groupedCandidates) {
const short =;
for (let i = 0, len = standalones.length; i < len; i++) {
const id = standalones[i];
const decl = idToInterface.get(id)!;
const info = interfacesToMangle.get(decl)!;
const reserved = info.reserved;
const candidates = info.candidates;
const shortident = new ShortIdent('');
for (let k = 0, kl = reserved.length; k < kl; k++) {
const name = reserved[k];
for (const [name, signature] of candidates) {
const short =;
// Save to disk.
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