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Created February 9, 2023 14:07
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  • Save intsuc/380e06457f0a250ed6977133c28297ae to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save intsuc/380e06457f0a250ed6977133c28297ae to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.


  • summon-1.mcfunction
summon marker
kill @e
  • execute-1.mcfunction
execute summon marker run kill @e
  • summon-9.mcfunction
summon marker
summon marker
summon marker
summon marker
summon marker
summon marker
summon marker
summon marker
summon marker
kill @e
  • execute-9.mcfunction
execute summon marker summon marker summon marker summon marker summon marker summon marker summon marker summon marker summon marker run kill @e


    "benchmark": "summon-1",
    "mode": "execute",
    "count": 15,
    "score": 3975.8290346317663,
    "error": 83.34313141795944,
    "unit": "ns/op"
    "benchmark": "execute-1",
    "mode": "execute",
    "count": 15,
    "score": 4211.793320493804,
    "error": 57.42365351771297,
    "unit": "ns/op"
    "benchmark": "summon-9",
    "mode": "execute",
    "count": 15,
    "score": 25740.9883137752,
    "error": 149.0013969558982,
    "unit": "ns/op"
    "benchmark": "execute-9",
    "mode": "execute",
    "count": 15,
    "score": 27766.205446352888,
    "error": 364.87287017763504,
    "unit": "ns/op"
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