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Last active December 3, 2019 16:45
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Advent of Code Day 2 + Ex 2 #adventOfCode2019
(def intcodeProgram []) ;; get from the exercise
(defn op
[step program instruction]
(let [pos1 (nth program (nth program (+ step 1)))
pos2 (nth program (nth program (+ step 2)))
resultPos (nth program (+ step 3))]
(assoc program resultPos (instruction pos1 pos2))))
(defn intcode
(let [length (count program)]
(loop [step 0
currentProgram program]
(let [currentElement (nth currentProgram step)]
(case currentElement
1 (recur (+ step 4) (op step currentProgram +))
2 (recur (+ step 4) (op step currentProgram *))
99 currentProgram)))))
(defn newProgram
[program couple]
(let [[i j] couple]
(assoc (assoc program 1 i) 2 j)))
(ns example.core
(:require [clojure.math.combinatorics :as combo]))
(defn doubleLoop
(let [length (count program)]
(combo/cartesian-product (range 0 length) (range 0 length))))
(defn find-first
[f coll]
(first (filter f coll)))
(defn findSolution
[program value]
(let [stream (doubleLoop program)]
(find-first #(= value (nth (intcode (newProgram program %) ) 0)) stream)))
(let [[noun verb](findSolution intcodeProgram 19690720)]
(+(* 100 noun) verb))
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