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Last active June 23, 2016 07:06
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  • Save invisiblefunnel/9a86f65ce878d7946be7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save invisiblefunnel/9a86f65ce878d7946be7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

1. Load data

  • Setup postgres or your database or choice.
  • Download the onebusaway gtfs loader.
  • Find the appropriate database jar (postgresql, 9.4-1201 JDBC 41 is what I used)
java -classpath path/to/onebusaway-gtfs-hibernate-cli-1.3.4.jar:path/to/postgresql-9.4-1201.jdbc41.jar \
  org.onebusaway.gtfs.GtfsDatabaseLoaderMain \
  --driverClass=org.postgresql.Driver \
  --url=jdbc:postgresql:sfmta_gtfs \
  --username=... \ # optional
  --password=... \ # optional

2. Dump stop times and locations to a CSV

psql -d sfmta_gtfs -a -f stop-times.sql
-- stop-times.sql
-- Don't forget to add headers to the resulting CSV before uploading to CartoDB
    -- agency,
    -- shortname,
    -- longname,
    -- before midnight
    WHEN arrivaltime < 86400 THEN ('2015-06-09 ' || TO_CHAR((arrivaltime || ' second')::interval, 'HH24:MI:SS')::text)::timestamp
    -- after midnight, subtracting 24 hours creates the looping effect
    WHEN arrivaltime >= 86400 THEN ('2015-06-09 ' || TO_CHAR(((arrivaltime - 86400) || ' second')::interval, 'HH24:MI:SS')::text)::timestamp
    END) AS arrivaltime
  FROM gtfs_stop_times
  INNER JOIN gtfs_stops
  ON = gtfs_stop_times.stop_id
  INNER JOIN gtfs_trips
  ON = gtfs_stop_times.trip_id
  INNER JOIN gtfs_routes
  ON = gtfs_trips.route_id
  WHERE serviceid_id = '1' -- find the weekday service_id
) TO '/Users/drw/Desktop/sfmta-weeday-service-stop-times.csv' WITH CSV;

3. Upload to CartoDB

  • Pay CartoDB money if your CSV is larger than 50mb
  • Create a new dataset with the CSV
  • Select the Torque map setting from the Wizard menu in the sidebar of map view.
  • Set Time Column to arrivaltime
  • Tweak the settings to taste.
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Idea: color by directionid

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