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Last active November 20, 2022 17:48
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Cut-and-pasta w/customization Starship Prompt (used with fish shell)
# A conglomeration of custom and copy&paste styling
# [took me a ⏱ to figure some of this 💩 out]
command_timeout = 500
scan_timeout = 500
right_format = """[$cmd_duration]($style)[$time]($style)"""
disabled = false
time_format = "%r"
utc_time_offset = "-10" # this is for where I am (Honolulu Hawaii), replace with YOUR utc offset.
format ="[⧖](cyan)[$time](yellow)"
success_symbol = "[❯](blue bold)[❯](purple bold)[❯](bold green)"
error_symbol = ""
#full_symbol = ""
#charging_symbol = ""
#discharging_symbol = ""
#threshold = 100
#style = "bold green"
#threshold = 90
#style ="bold yellow"
#threshold = 30
#style = "bold red"
min_time = 10 # this is 10 milliseconds. it pretty much always shows. you can change this to a larger threshold.
format = '[⏱$duration](bold purple)'
# skully is better than that silly 'at'
# colors are chosen here
style_user = "bg:cyan bold fg:black" # sometimes you need "bold" because bg: will use "faded" version
style_root = "bg:white bold fg:black" # root has a different scheme to make "su root" obvious
# the foreground and background colors are reversed for the fade-out
format =" [░▒▓█](fg:cyan bg:black)[ $user ]($style) "
disabled = false
show_always = true
# same reversed color scheme
ssh_only = false
format = "🕱 [ $hostname ]($style)[█▓▒░](fg:cyan bg:black) "
disabled = false
trim_at = "."
style = "bg:cyan bold fg:black" # notice bold again. might just be my system.
# this is where you choose colors for directory and git repo directories (separate style for git root)
format = "[$path]($style)[$read_only]($read_only_style) "
style = "bold #f57800"
read_only = "🔒"
read_only_style = "red"
truncation_symbol = ".../"
fish_style_pwd_dir_length = 1
repo_root_style = "bold #02aee3"
truncate_to_repo = true
truncation_length = 3
repo_root_format = "[$before_root_path]($style)[$repo_root](underline $repo_root_style)[$path](bold #02e391)"
#[directory.substitutions] # this will disable fish-style truncation
#~/coding/rubystuff" = "ruby//"
#"~/coding/pythonstuff" = "python//"
#"~/coding/purescriptstuff" = "purescript//"
#"~/coding/typescriptstuff" = "typescript//"
#"~/coding/haskellstuff" = "haskell//"
symbol = " "
style = "bold purple"
format = '\[[$symbol$branch]($style)\]'
format = "[($hash)]($style) [($tag)]($style)"
style = "bold green"
format = '([\[$all_status$ahead_behind\]]($style))'
conflicted = "="
ahead = "⇡${count} "
behind = "⇣${count} "
diverged = "⇕⇡${ahead_count}⇣${behind_count}"
untracked = "?${count} "
stashed = "$${count} "
modified = "!${count} "
staged = "+${count} "
renamed = "»${count} "
deleted = "✘ ${count} "
style = "bold red"
disabled = false
rebase = "REBASING"
merge = "MERGING"
revert = "REVERTING"
cherry_pick = "CHERRY-PICKING"
bisect = "BISECTING"
am = "AM"
am_or_rebase = "AM/REBASE"
style = "bold yellow"
format = '\([$state( $progress_current/$progress_total)]($style)\) '
disabled = false
disabled = false
style = "bold purple"
format = '\[[$symbol$branch]($style)\]'
disabled = false
# memory usage only shows up if you're using over %75 of it. if that happens, i like to know.
symbol = " "
style = "bold dimmed green"
disabled = false
format = '\[$symbol[$ram( | $swap)]($style)\]'
threshold = 75
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
style = "bold red"
disabled = false
not_capable_style = "bold red"
format = "[« $symbol $status »]($style)"
style = "bold red"
disabled = false
format = '\[[$symbol($profile)(\($region\))(\[$duration\])]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version(-$name))]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol$environment]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol$context]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)(🎯 $tfm)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version \(OTP $otp_version\))]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol$account(@$domain)(\($region\))]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol$context( \($namespace\))]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol$state( \($name\))]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)(\($switch_indicator$switch_name\))]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol$cloud(\($project\))]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol$version]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol$stack]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[${symbol}${pyenv_prefix}(${version})(\($virtualenv\))]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version-$vm_version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol$environment]($style)\]'
format = '\[[as $symbol]\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol$workspace]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
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Yes, the hostname for my laptop is Lapdance. On KDE. On GNOME it's Lapgnome. Isn't THAT evocative?

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