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Created October 12, 2022 14:13
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$a = 'foo';
dump($a); // "foo"
$a = 'bar';
dump($a); // "bar"
dump($a); // "foo"
function snapshot(&$variable)
return Snapshots::instance()->snapshot($variable);
function restore(&$variable) {
return Snapshots::instance()->restore($variable);
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
class Snapshots
protected static ?self $instance = null;
public static function instance(): self
return static::$instance ??= new self();
public function __construct(
public Collection $cache = new Collection()
) {
public function &snapshot(&$variable)
$snapshot = $variable;
$this->cache[] = function(&$restoring) use (&$variable, $snapshot) {
if ($this->match($variable, $restoring)) {
$variable = $snapshot;
return true;
return false;
return $variable;
public function &restore(&$variable)
$this->cache = $this->cache->reject(function($matcher) use (&$variable) {
return $matcher($variable);
return $variable;
protected function match(&$a, &$b): bool
if ($a !== $b) {
return false;
return match(true) {
is_object($a) => true,
is_scalar($a) && $this->areLinked($a, $b) => true,
is_array($a) && $this->areLinked($a, $b) => true,
default => false,
protected function areLinked(&$a, &$b): bool
$backup = $a;
try {
$a = new stdClass();
return $b === $a;
} finally {
$a = $backup;
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