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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Humans Need Not Apply

Great video that argues a lot of my points re: automation killing jobs. This is not a bad thing. But I do believe it is an inevitable thing. We need to be thinking about how to prepare for a world where most jobs are done by machines.

NPR: Unemployment and Disability

If you don't believe this is a real thing, listen to This American Life: Trends With Benefits (part of the link above). People are becoming not just unemployed, but unemployable. A lot of this is due to outsourcing now, but technology will be a major driver of this shift in the future.

Planet Money Tee Shirt

Re: workers in developing nations. This is obviously not the only perspective, but I think it's an important one to have.

Bonus: The Better Angels of Our Nature

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pives commented Sep 24, 2014

For most of the world this will be great. for Middle class americans not so much as long as the majority keeps believing in the invisible hand and the that if you are poor you must be lazy.

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