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Created December 3, 2022 01:56
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expo sqlite ORM (work in progress)
import Grammar from './Grammar.js';
import Connection from './Connection.js';
const operators = [
'=', '<', '>', '<=', '>=', '<>', '!=', '<=>',
'like', 'like binary', 'not like', 'ilike',
'&', '|', '^', '<<', '>>', '&~', 'is', 'is not',
'rlike', 'not rlike', 'regexp', 'not regexp',
'~', '~*', '!~', '!~*', 'similar to',
'not similar to', 'not ilike', '~~*', '!~~*',
export default class Builder {
mapper = null;
clauses = {
distinct: false,
from: null,
columns: ['*'],
wheres: [],
orders: [],
limit: null,
offset: null,
bindings = {
select: [],
from: [],
where: [],
groupBy: [],
having: [],
order: [],
union: [],
unionOrder: [],
constructor() {
this.grammar = new Grammar();
withMapping(mapper) {
this.mapper = mapper;
return this;
select(columns) {
this.clauses.columns = columns; = [];
return this;
table(table, as = null) {
return this.from(table, as);
from(table, as = null) {
this.clauses.from = as
? `${ table } as ${ as }`
: table;
return this;
where(column, operator = null, value = null, boolean = 'and') {
[value, operator] = prepareValueAndOperator(value, operator, 2 === arguments.length);
if (invalidOperator(operator)) {
[value, operator] = [operator, '='];
if (null === value) {
return this.whereNull(column, boolean, '=' !== operator);
type: 'Basic',
return this;
whereNull(column, boolean = 'and', not = false) {
type: not ? 'NotNull' : 'Null',
return this;
orderBy(column, direction = 'asc') {
direction = direction.toLowerCase();
if (false === ['asc', 'desc'].includes(direction)) {
throw `Invalid direction: ${ direction }`;
return this;
latest(column = 'created_at') {
return this.orderBy(column, 'desc');
limit(value) {
if (value >= 0) {
this.clauses.limit = value === null
? null
: parseInt(value);
return this;
offset(value) {
this.clauses.offset = Math.max(0, parseInt(value));
return this;
get(columns = ['*']) {
return, this.getBindings())
.then(results => {
return this.mapper
: results;
first(columns = ['*']) {
return this.limit(1)
.then(results => results.length ? results[0] : null);
async insert(values) {
await this.performInsert(values);
return true;
async insertGetId(values) {
const result = await this.performInsert(values);
return result.insertId;
async performInsert(values) {
if (!Array.isArray(values)) {
values = [values];
if (!values.length) {
return true;
// Sort the keys in each object so that they're all the same
values = => {
return Object.keys(record)
.reduce((result, key) => {
result[key] = record[key];
return result;
}, {});
return await Connection.singleton.execute(
this.grammar.compileInsert(this, values),
values.reduce((carry, record) => carry.concat(Object.values(record)), []),
async update(values) {
return await Connection.singleton.execute(
this.grammar.compileUpdate(this, values),
this.prepareBindingsForUpdate(this.bindings, values),
prepareBindingsForUpdate(bindings, values) {
const clean_bindings = Object.entries(bindings)
.reduce((carry, [key, bindings]) => {
return ['select', 'join'].includes(key)
? bindings
: carry.concat(bindings);
}, []);
return Object.values(values).concat(clean_bindings);
getBindings() {
return Object.values(this.bindings)
.reduce((carry, bindings) => {
return carry.concat(bindings);
}, []);
function prepareValueAndOperator(value, operator, use_default = false) {
if (use_default) {
return [operator, '='];
if (invalidOperatorAndValue(operator, value)) {
throw 'Illegal operator and value combination.';
return [value, operator];
function invalidOperator(operator) {
return 'string' !== typeof operator || false === operators.includes(operator.toLowerCase());
function invalidOperatorAndValue(operator, value) {
return null === value
&& operators.includes(operator)
&& false === ['=', '<>', '!='].includes(operator);
import { openDatabase } from 'expo-sqlite';
import { format } from 'date-fns';
let singleton = null;
export default class Connection {
logging = false;
* @return Connection
static get singleton() {
if (null === singleton) {
singleton = new Connection();
return singleton;
constructor(filename = 'app.db') {
this.db = openDatabase(filename);
* @param {string} sql
* @param {array} bindings
select(sql, bindings = []) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.db.readTransaction((transaction) => {
const prepared_bindings = this.prepareBindings(bindings);
function(transaction, results) {
function(transaction, error) {
if (this.logging) {
console.log({ sql, prepared_bindings });
execute(sql, bindings = []) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.db.transaction((transaction) => {
const prepared_bindings = this.prepareBindings(bindings);
function(transaction, results) {
function(transaction, error) {
if (this.logging) {
console.log({ sql, prepared_bindings });
prepareBindings(bindings) {
return => {
if (binding instanceof Date) {
return binding.getTime();
if (true === binding) {
return 1;
if (false === binding) {
return 0;
return binding;
const selectComponents = [
// 'aggregate',
// 'joins',
// 'groups',
// 'havings',
// 'lock',
export default class Grammar {
* @param {Builder} builder
compileSelect(builder) {
return this.concatenate(this.compileComponents(builder)).trim();
* @param {Builder} builder
* @param {array} values
compileInsert(builder, values) {
const table = this.wrapTable(builder.clauses.from);
if (!values.length) {
return `insert into ${ table } default values`;
const columns = this.columnize(Object.keys(values[0]));
const parameters = values
.map(record => `(${ this.parameterize(Object.values(record)) })`)
.join(', ');
return `insert into ${ table } (${ columns }) values ${ parameters }`;
* @param {Builder} builder
* @param values
compileUpdate(builder, values) {
const table = this.wrapTable(builder.clauses.from);
const columns = this.compileUpdateColumns(builder, values);
const where = this.compileWheres(builder);
return `update ${ table } set ${ columns } ${ where }`;
* @param {Builder} builder
* @param values
compileUpdateColumns(builder, values) {
return Object.entries(values)
.map(([key, value]) => `${ this.wrap(key) } = ${ this.parameter(value) }`)
.join(', ');
* @param {Builder} builder
compileComponents(builder) {
const components = [];
selectComponents.forEach(component => {
if (component in builder.clauses && null !== builder.clauses[component]) {
const compileMethod = getCompileMethodName(component);
if (!(compileMethod in this)) {
throw `No such compile method: "${ compileMethod }"`;
components.push(this[compileMethod](builder, builder.clauses[component]));
return components;
concatenate(segments) {
return segments.filter(value => `${ value }` !== '').join(' ');
* @param {Builder} builder
* @param {array} columns
compileColumns(builder, columns) {
return builder.clauses.distinct
? `select distinct ${ this.columnize(columns) }`
: `select ${ this.columnize(columns) }`;
* @param {Builder} builder
* @param {string} table
compileFrom(builder, table) {
return `from ${ this.wrapTable(table) }`;
* @param {Builder} builder
compileWheres(builder) {
if (null == builder.clauses.wheres) {
return '';
const clauses = this.compileWheresToArray(builder);
if (!clauses.length) {
return '';
return this.concatenateWhereClauses(builder, clauses);
* @param {Builder} builder
* @param {array} orders
compileOrders(builder, orders) {
if (!orders.length) {
return '';
return `order by ${ this.compileOrdersToArray(builder, orders).join(', ') }`;
* @param {Builder} builder
* @param {array} orders
compileOrdersToArray(builder, orders) {
return => {
return `${ this.wrap(order.column) } ${ order.direction }`;
* @param {Builder} builder
* @param {number} limit
compileLimit(builder, limit) {
return `limit ${ parseInt(limit) }`;
* @param {Builder} builder
* @param {number} offset
compileOffset(builder, offset) {
return `offset ${ parseInt(offset) }`;
* @param {Builder} builder
* @param {string[]} clauses
concatenateWhereClauses(builder, clauses) {
const sql = this.removeLeadingBoolean(clauses.join(' '));
return `where ${ sql }`;
removeLeadingBoolean(value) {
return value.replace(/and |or /i, '');
* @param {Builder} builder
compileWheresToArray(builder) {
return => {
switch (where.type) {
case 'Basic':
return `${ where.boolean } ${ this.whereBasic(builder, where) }`;
throw `Unhandled "where" type: ${ where.type }`;
* @param {Builder} builder
* @param where
whereBasic(builder, where) {
const value = this.parameter(where.value);
const operator = where.operator.replaceAll('?', '??');
return `${ this.wrap(where.column) } ${ operator } ${ value }`;
parameter(value) {
return '?';
wrap(value, prefix_alias) {
if (value.match(/ as /i)) {
return this.wrapAliasedValue(value, prefix_alias);
return this.wrapSegments(value.split('.'));
wrapSegments(segments) {
return segments
.map((segment, key) => {
return 0 === key && segments.length > 1
? this.wrapTable(segment)
: this.wrapValue(segment);
wrapAliasedValue(value, prefix_alias) {
throw 'wrapAliasedValue is not implemented';
wrapTable(table) {
return this.wrap(table, true);
wrapValue(value) {
return '*' === value
? value
: `"${ value.replaceAll('"', '""') }"`;
columnize(columns) {
return columns
.map(column => this.wrap(column))
.join(', ');
parameterize(values) {
return => this.parameter(value)).join(', ');
function getCompileMethodName(component) {
return [
import SchemaBuilder from './SchemaBuilder.js';
import Connection from './Connection.js';
import { useEffect } from 'react';
export function useMigrations(migrations)
return useEffect(() => {
new Migrator(migrations).migrate();
}, [migrations]);
export default class Migrator
constructor(migrations = {}) {
this.migrations = migrations;
this.builder = new SchemaBuilder();
this.connection = Connection.singleton;
async migrate() {
// await this.connection.execute(`drop table if exists "migrations"`);
// await this.connection.execute(`drop table if exists "jobs"`);
if (!await this.builder.hasTable('migrations')) {
console.log(`Creating migrations table`);
await this.connection.execute(`create table "migrations" (
"id" integer not null,
"migration" text not null unique,
"batch" integer not null,
primary key ("id")
const run = await`select * from "migrations"`);
const [has_run, last_batch] = run.reduce((carry, row) => {
const [has_run, max] = carry;
return [[ ...has_run, row.migration ], Math.max(max, row.batch)];
}, [[], 0]);
for (const [name, callback] of Object.entries(this.migrations)) {
if (has_run.includes(name)) {
console.log(`Skipping: ${ name }`);
console.log(`Migrating: ${ name }`);
await callback(this.connection);
await this.connection.execute(
`insert into "migrations" ("migration", "batch") values (?, ?)`,
[name, last_batch + 1],
import Builder from './Builder.js';
import {EventRegister} from 'react-native-event-listeners';
import {cloneDeep, get, isEqual} from 'lodash';
export default abstract class Model {
public exists = false;
public wasRecentlyCreated = false;
public attributes: object = {};
public original: object = {};
mutations = 0;
static get casts() {
return {
created_at: 'date',
updated_at: 'date',
static get table() {
throw 'Please implement get table()';
public static newFromBuilder(attributes: object) {
const model = new this();
model.attributes = attributes;
model.exists = true;
return model;
static async find(id: Number) {
return await this.query()
.where('id', id)
static async create(values: object): Promise<Model> {
const model = new this(values);
return model;
static query(): Builder {
return new Builder()
.withMapping(attributes => this.newFromBuilder(attributes));
constructor(attributes = {}) {
this.attributes = attributes;
return this.asProxy();
asProxy() {
return new Proxy(this, {
get: function (target, prop) {
if ('undefined' !== typeof target[prop]) {
return target[prop];
return target.getAttribute(prop);
getAttributes() {
return Object.keys(this.attributes)
.reduce((attributes: object, key) => {
attributes[key] = this.getAttribute(key);
return attributes;
}, {});
getAttribute(attribute: string, defaultValue: any = null): any {
let value = get(this.attributes, attribute, defaultValue);
return this.castFromDatabase(attribute, value);
is(model: Model): boolean {
return model instanceof this.constructor
&& model.constructor.table === this.constructor.table
&& ===;
async update(values: object): Promise<Model> {
.forEach(key => {
this.attributes[key] = values[key];
return this;
public async save(): Promise<boolean> {
const builder = this.constructor.query();
const saved = this.exists
? await this.performUpdate(builder)
: await this.performInsert(builder);
if (saved) {
EventRegister.emit('model:saved', {model: this});
return saved;
async performUpdate(builder) {
const dirty = this.getDirty();
if (Object.keys(dirty).length) {
this.attributes.updated_at = new Date();
dirty.updated_at = this.getAttribute('updated_at');
await builder
EventRegister.emit('model:updated', {model: this, changed: dirty});
} else {
console.log('Nothing to update.');
return true;
async performInsert(builder) {
this.attributes.created_at = new Date();
this.attributes.updated_at = this.attributes.created_at; = await builder.insertGetId(this.attributesForSave());
this.wasRecentlyCreated = true;
this.exists = true;
EventRegister.emit('model:inserted', {model: this});
return true;
attributesForSave() {
return this.castValuesToDatabase(this.attributes);
syncOriginal() {
this.original = cloneDeep(this.attributes);
getDirty() {
return Object.keys(this.attributes)
.reduce((dirty, key) => {
const attribute = this.attributes[key];
if (!isEqual(attribute, get(this.original, key))) {
dirty[key] = attribute;
return dirty;
}, {});
castFromDatabase(attribute, value) {
switch (get(this.constructor.casts, attribute)) {
case 'date':
case 'datetime':
if (value && !(value instanceof Date)) {
return new Date(value);
return value;
case 'bool':
case 'boolean':
return Boolean(value);
case 'object':
if ('string' === typeof value) {
return JSON.parse(value);
return value;
return value;
castToDatabase(attribute, value) {
switch (get(this.constructor.casts, attribute)) {
case 'object':
if ('string' !== typeof value) {
return JSON.stringify(value);
return value;
castValuesToDatabase(values) {
return Object.entries(values)
.reduce((result, [key, value]) => {
result[key] = this.castToDatabase(key, value);
return result;
}, {});
import Connection from './Connection.js';
export default class SchemaBuilder
async hasTable(table) {
const results = await
'select "name" from "sqlite_master" where "type" = ? and "name" = ?',
['table', table]
return results.length > 0;
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