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Created March 10, 2020 15:21
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My folder structure:
- virions
-- virion.phar
- pmmp
-- <minecraft_version> i.e. 1.14
--- pmmp.phar
I added the folders "1.14" and "virions" to "External Libraries" on the bottom of the "Project" list/sidebar
right click "PHP" and choose "Include path"
it is also good to select "CLI Interpreter" in the UI that will open, there is a button [...] on the right, click that, give it any name and as "PHP Executable" select the php.exe in pocketmine /bin/php folder
oh and i suggest you download phpstorm-stubs repo somewhere and click "PHP Runtime" tab in that UI and then on bottom choose "Default stubs path", there select path to phpstorm-stubs repo
then click "Sync Extensions with Interpreter" and hit apply
I also added a build configuration so i can click "Run" and it creates a .phar of my project (of current file opened) in my /plugins folder, i like it better than having the plugin source code in /plugins, because if you want to remove the plugin from the server, you just delete the phar, and do not have to move the whole PHPStorm project somewhere
PHAR build
in the top bar there is "Run" -> "Edit configurations"
Add a PHP script on the left, name it something,
File: Z:\PocketMine\PocketMine-MP_2020\plugins\DevTools.phar
(use your path to devtools)
Arguments: --make "$ContentRoot$" --out "Z:\PocketMine\PocketMine-MP_2020\plugins\$ModuleName$.phar"
make sure to change the path accordingly :P (output and devtools path)
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