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Last active April 12, 2023 12:02
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Kakarot isolated Stack and Memory modules
// AUTHOR: Mario Iordanov
// Github: @marioiordanov
// Company: ShardLabs
%builtins output range_check
from starkware.cairo.common.serialize import serialize_word
from starkware.cairo.common.alloc import alloc
from starkware.cairo.common.dict import DictAccess, dict_read, dict_write
from starkware.cairo.common.default_dict import default_dict_new, default_dict_finalize
from starkware.cairo.common.uint256 import Uint256
from starkware.cairo.common.pow import pow
from starkware.cairo.common.math_cmp import is_le
from starkware.cairo.common.math import (assert_le, unsigned_div_rem)
from starkware.cairo.common.bool import FALSE
from starkware.cairo.common.registers import get_label_location
struct Stack{
stack: DictAccess*,
len: felt,
struct Memory{
memory: DictAccess*,
len: felt,
struct ExecutionContext{
stack: Stack*,
memory: Memory*,
func init_ctx() -> ExecutionContext*{
let stack = init_stack();
let memory = init_memory();
return new ExecutionContext(
stack = stack,
memory = memory
func init_stack() -> Stack*{
let (stack:DictAccess*) = default_dict_new(0);
return new Stack(
stack = stack,
len = 0
func update_ctx_stack(
self: ExecutionContext*, new_stack: Stack*
) -> ExecutionContext* {
return new ExecutionContext(
func update_ctx_memory(
self: ExecutionContext*, new_memory: Memory*
) -> ExecutionContext* {
return new ExecutionContext(
func init_memory() -> Memory*{
let (memory:DictAccess*) = default_dict_new(0);
return new Memory(
memory = memory,
len = 0
func push{range_check_ptr}(self: Stack*, val: felt) -> Stack*{
let s = self.stack;
let position = self.len;
let (val_ptr) = alloc();
[val_ptr] = val;
let stack_element: Uint256 = bytes_i_to_uint256(val=val_ptr, i=1);
dict_write{dict_ptr=s}(position, stack_element.high);
dict_write{dict_ptr=s}(position + 1, stack_element.low);
return new Stack(
len = self.len + 2
func update_stack{range_check_ptr}(dict: DictAccess*, el: felt) -> Stack*{
return new Stack(stack=dict, len=el);
func update_memory(dict: DictAccess*, el: felt) -> Memory*{
return new Memory(memory=dict, len=el);
func pop{range_check_ptr}(self: Stack*) -> (new_stack: Stack*, val: felt){
let stack = self.stack;
let position = self.len - 1;
let (local popped: felt) = dict_read{dict_ptr=stack}(position);
return (update_stack(stack, position), popped);
func stack_to_uint256{range_check_ptr}(
word_dict: DictAccess*, stack_len: felt, n: felt, output: Uint256*
) -> (word_dict: DictAccess*) {
if (n == 0) {
return (word_dict=word_dict);
// Get Low and High of element at position N
let (el_high) = dict_read{dict_ptr=word_dict}(stack_len - n);
let (el_low) = dict_read{dict_ptr=word_dict}(stack_len - n + 1);
// Save Uint256 value in array
let n_index = n / 2 - 1;
assert output[n_index] = Uint256(low=el_low, high=el_high);
return stack_to_uint256(word_dict=word_dict, stack_len=stack_len, n=n - 2, output=output);
// @notice Pop N elements from the stack.
// @param self - The pointer to the stack.
// @param len - The len of elements to pop.
// @return The new pointer to the stack.
// @return elements the pointer to the first popped element.
func pop_n{range_check_ptr}(self: Stack*, n: felt) -> (
new_stack: Stack*, elements: Uint256*
) {
let word_dict = self.stack;
let position_zero = self.len;
// Check if there is underflow
with_attr error_message("Kakarot: StackUnderflow") {
assert_le(n * 2, position_zero);
let (new_elements: Uint256*) = alloc();
// Generate an array of Uint256* to return
let (word_dict) = stack_to_uint256(
word_dict=word_dict, stack_len=position_zero, n=n * 2, output=new_elements
// Return Stack with updated Len
let popped_len = 2 * n;
return (
new Stack(
len=self.len - popped_len,
func compute_half_uint256{range_check_ptr}(val: felt*, i: felt, res: felt) -> (res: felt) {
if (i == 1) {
return (res=res + [val]);
let (temp_pow) = pow(256, i - 1);
let (res) = compute_half_uint256(val + 1, i - 1, res + [val] * temp_pow);
return (res=res);
func bytes_i_to_uint256{range_check_ptr}(val: felt*, i: felt) -> Uint256 {
let is_sequence_32_bytes_or_less = is_le(i, 32);
with_attr error_message("number must be shorter than 32 bytes") {
assert is_sequence_32_bytes_or_less = 1;
let is_sequence_16_bytes_or_less = is_le(i, 16);
// 1 - 16 bytes
if (is_sequence_16_bytes_or_less != FALSE) {
let (low) = compute_half_uint256(val=val, i=i, res=0);
let res = Uint256(low=low, high=0);
return res;
// 17 - 32 bytes
let (low) = compute_half_uint256(val=val + i - 16, i=16, res=0);
let (high) = compute_half_uint256(val=val, i=i - 16, res=0);
let res = Uint256(low=low, high=high);
return res;
func ceil_bytes_len_to_next_32_bytes_word{range_check_ptr}(bytes_len: felt) -> felt {
let (q, _) = unsigned_div_rem(bytes_len + 31, 32);
return q * 32;
func pow256_rev(i: felt) -> felt {
let (pow256_rev_address) = get_label_location(pow256_rev_table);
return pow256_rev_address[i];
dw 340282366920938463463374607431768211456;
dw 1329227995784915872903807060280344576;
dw 5192296858534827628530496329220096;
dw 20282409603651670423947251286016;
dw 79228162514264337593543950336;
dw 309485009821345068724781056;
dw 1208925819614629174706176;
dw 4722366482869645213696;
dw 18446744073709551616;
dw 72057594037927936;
dw 281474976710656;
dw 1099511627776;
dw 4294967296;
dw 16777216;
dw 65536;
dw 256;
dw 1;
func store{range_check_ptr}(
self: Memory*, element: Uint256, offset: felt
) -> Memory* {
let word_dict = self.memory;
// Compute new bytes_len.
let new_min_bytes_len = ceil_bytes_len_to_next_32_bytes_word(offset + 32);
let fits = is_le(new_min_bytes_len, self.len);
if (fits == FALSE) {
tempvar new_bytes_len = new_min_bytes_len;
} else {
tempvar new_bytes_len = self.len;
// Check alignment of offset to 16B chunks.
let (chunk_index, offset_in_chunk) = unsigned_div_rem(offset, 16);
if (offset_in_chunk == 0) {
// Offset is aligned. This is the simplest and most efficient case,
// so we optimize for it. Note that no locals were allocated at all.
dict_write{dict_ptr=word_dict}(chunk_index, element.high);
dict_write{dict_ptr=word_dict}(chunk_index + 1, element.low);
return (new Memory(
// Offset is misaligned.
// | W0 | W1 | w2 |
// | EL_H | EL_L |
// ^---^
// |-- mask = 256 ** offset_in_chunk
// Compute mask.
tempvar mask = pow256_rev(offset_in_chunk);
let mask_c = 2 ** 128 / mask;
// Split the 2 input 16B chunks at offset_in_chunk.
let (el_hh, el_hl) = unsigned_div_rem(element.high, mask_c);
let (el_lh, el_ll) = unsigned_div_rem(element.low, mask_c);
// Read the words at chunk_index, chunk_index + 2.
let (w0) = dict_read{dict_ptr=word_dict}(chunk_index);
let (w2) = dict_read{dict_ptr=word_dict}(chunk_index + 2);
// Compute the new words.
let (w0_h, _) = unsigned_div_rem(w0, mask);
let (_, w2_l) = unsigned_div_rem(w2, mask);
let new_w0 = w0_h * mask + el_hh;
let new_w1 = el_hl * mask + el_lh;
let new_w2 = el_ll * mask + w2_l;
// Write new words.
dict_write{dict_ptr=word_dict}(chunk_index, new_w0);
dict_write{dict_ptr=word_dict}(chunk_index + 1, new_w1);
dict_write{dict_ptr=word_dict}(chunk_index + 2, new_w2);
return (new Memory(
/// dummy store
func exec_mstore{range_check_ptr}(ctx: ExecutionContext*) -> ExecutionContext* {
let stack = ctx.stack;
// Stack input:
// 0 - offset: memory offset of the work we save.
// 1 - value: value to store in memory.
let (stack, popped) = pop_n(self=stack, n=2);
let offset=popped[0];
let value=popped[1];
let memory:Memory* = store(self=ctx.memory, element=value, offset=offset.low);
update_ctx_memory(self=ctx, new_memory=memory);
update_ctx_stack(self=ctx, new_stack=stack);
return ctx;
func exec_mload{
}(ctx: model.ExecutionContext*) -> model.ExecutionContext* {
let stack = ctx.stack;
// Stack input:
// 0 - offset: memory offset of the word we read.
let (stack, offset) = Stack.pop(stack);
// Read word from memory at offset
let (new_memory, value) = load(self=ctx.memory, offset=offset.low);
let ctx = ExecutionContext.update_memory(ctx, new_memory);
let ctx = ExecutionContext.update_stack(ctx, stack);
return ctx;
func main{output_ptr: felt*, range_check_ptr}() {
let ctx: ExecutionContext* = init_ctx();
let s: Stack* = ctx.stack;
let s = push(self=s, val=0x80);
let s = push(self=s, val=0x40);
let ctx = update_ctx_stack(self = ctx, new_stack = s);
let ctx = exec_mstore(ctx = ctx);
return ();
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