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Last active August 7, 2018 18:20
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A example of the kubernetes plugin with multiple build containers.
//Lets define a unique label for this build.
def label = "buildpod.${env.JOB_NAME}.${env.BUILD_NUMBER}".replace('-', '_').replace('/', '_')
//Lets create a new pod template with jnlp and maven containers, that uses that label.
podTemplate(label: label, containers: [
containerTemplate(name: 'maven', image: 'maven', ttyEnabled: true, command: 'cat'),
containerTemplate(name: 'golang', image: 'golang:1.6.3-alpine', ttyEnabled: true, command: 'cat'),
containerTemplate(name: 'jnlp', image: 'jenkinsci/jnlp-slave:alpine', command: '/usr/local/bin/', args: '${computer.jnlpmac} ${}', ttyEnabled: false)],
volumes: [
persistentVolumeClaim(mountPath: '/home/jenkins/.mvnrepo', claimName: 'jenkins-mvn-local-repo'),
secretVolume(mountPath: '/home/jenkins/.m2/', secretName: 'jenkins-maven-settings')]) {
//Lets use pod template (refernce by label)
node(label) {
git ''
stage 'Genearate JSON schema'
container(name: 'golang') {
sh """
go build -a ./cmd/generate/generate.go
./generate > kubernetes-model/src/main/resources/schema/kube-schema.json
stage 'Build model from JSON schema'
container(name: 'maven') {
sh 'mvn clean install'
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grdryn commented Nov 10, 2016

@iocanel I just noticed from your blog post, the Github org is incorrect in the URL on line 15: fabric8 -> fabric8io

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jmjpro commented Feb 7, 2018

Is there way to declare multiple containerTemplate clauses with the DSL syntax?

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