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Last active October 18, 2016 15:35
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These report filters are setup to generate a high-level overview of projects and issues for a better understanding of status and resources.

To find all issues without a Due Date, sorted by Created Date, Sorted by Priority

duedate = EMPTY order by created, priority asc

Find all issues which are not assigned.

assignee = null

Find all issues which are either reported by a Project Manager or assigned to a Project Manager.

reporter = (user, user) AND assignee = (user, user)

Find all issues are not reported by a Project Manager or not assigned to a Project Manager.

reporter != (user, user) AND assignee != (user, user)

Find all issues reported by a Project Manager with no due date.

duedate = null AND reporter is (user, user)

Find out who is working on what at any given time.

priority not in (Blocked) AND status not in (Deployed) AND assignee in (user, user) ORDER BY createdDate DESC

Find issues which are unassigned and not updated within the past day.

assignee is EMPTY and created < -1d

Get all incidents or defects.

project in (KEY, KEY) AND issuetype in (Incident, Defect) AND status not in (Approved, Deployed, "Ready to Deploy") ORDER BY priority DESC

Get all incidents or defects reported within the last day.

project in (KEY, KEY) AND issuetype in (Incident, Defect) AND created < -1d AND status in (New, Open) ORDER BY priority DESC

Find all issues where a custom field should have been filled in.

project in (KEY, KEY) AND "Field Label" is EMPTY ORDER BY createdDate DESC

Find all issues where there have been no updates in a given timeframe (default is 30 mins).

updated < -30m

Find all issues where there was no activity in a given amount of time (default 2 weeks) ordered by date updated.

status not in (Done, Approved, Closed, Deployed) OR resolution = Unresolved AND updated < -2w ORDER BY updated DESC

Find all issues completed in the past two weeks ordered by date updated (using different timing procedure).

status in (Done, Approved, Closed, Deployed) OR resolution = Resolved AND updated startOfDay("-14") ORDER BY updated DESC

Find all issues that are unassigned and still open.

status not in (Done, Approved, Closed, Deployed) AND resolution = Unresolved AND assignee = EMPTY

Find all issues that are due in the next two weeks.

status not in (Done, Approved, Closed, Deployed) AND resolution = Unresolved AND due > startOfDay("+14") ORDER BY duedate ASC
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