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Last active December 8, 2020 11:20
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  • Save iogbole/809e787747f8c1ecb6d222ec544e11bf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save iogbole/809e787747f8c1ecb6d222ec544e11bf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# The configurations that used for the recording, feel free to edit them
# Specify a command to be executed
# like `/bin/bash -l`, `ls`, or any other commands
# the default is bash for Linux
# or powershell.exe for Windows
command: bash -l
# Specify the current working directory path
# the default is the current working directory path
cwd: /Users/israel.ogbole/ansible-demo
# Export additional ENV variables
recording: true
# Explicitly set the number of columns
# or use `auto` to take the current
# number of columns of your shell
cols: 164
# Explicitly set the number of rows
# or use `auto` to take the current
# number of rows of your shell
rows: 39
# Amount of times to repeat GIF
# If value is -1, play once
# If value is 0, loop indefinitely
# If value is a positive number, loop n times
repeat: 0
# Quality
# 1 - 100
quality: 100
# Delay between frames in ms
# If the value is `auto` use the actual recording delays
frameDelay: auto
# Maximum delay between frames in ms
# Ignored if the `frameDelay` isn't set to `auto`
# Set to `auto` to prevent limiting the max idle time
maxIdleTime: auto
# The surrounding frame box
# The `type` can be null, window, floating, or solid`
# To hide the title use the value null
# Don't forget to add a backgroundColor style with a null as type
type: window
title: AppDynamicsAnsibleCollection
border: 0px black solid
# boxShadow: none
# margin: 0px
# Add a watermark image to the rendered gif
# You need to specify an absolute path for
# the image on your machine or a URL, and you can also
# add your own CSS styles
imagePath: null
position: absolute
right: 15px
bottom: 15px
width: 100px
opacity: 0.9
# Cursor style can be one of
# `block`, `underline`, or `bar`
cursorStyle: block
# Font family
# You can use any font that is installed on your machine
# in CSS-like syntax
fontFamily: "Monaco, Lucida Console, Ubuntu Mono, Monospace"
# The size of the font
fontSize: 14
# The height of lines
lineHeight: 1
# The spacing between letters
letterSpacing: 0
# Theme
background: "transparent"
foreground: "#afafaf"
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green: "#b3e33b"
yellow: "#ffa727"
blue: "#75dff2"
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cyan: "#708387"
white: "#d5d5d0"
brightBlack: "#626566"
brightRed: "#ff7fac"
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brightYellow: "#ebdf86"
brightBlue: "#75dff2"
brightMagenta: "#ae89fe"
brightCyan: "#b1c6ca"
brightWhite: "#f9f9f4"
# Records, feel free to edit them
- delay: 500
content: 'ansible-demo $ '
- delay: 902
content: '# Hi, '
- delay: 500
content: I
- delay: 101
content: ' '
- delay: 78
content: a
- delay: 192
content: m
- delay: 134
content: ' '
- delay: 294
content: I
- delay: 191
content: s
- delay: 180
content: r
- delay: 202
content: a
- delay: 79
content: e
- delay: 124
content: l
- delay: 191
content: ' '
- delay: 293
content: O
- delay: 224
content: g
- delay: 102
content: b
- delay: 202
content: o
- delay: 203
content: l
- delay: 123
content: e
- delay: 192
content: ','
- delay: 112
content: ' '
- delay: 315
content: S
- delay: 215
content: o
- delay: 213
content: l
- delay: 236
content: u
- delay: 124
content: t
- delay: 124
content: i
- delay: 101
content: o
- delay: 113
content: 'n'
- delay: 113
content: s
- delay: 101
content: ' '
- delay: 100
content: A
- delay: 124
content: r
- delay: 100
content: c
- delay: 124
content: h
- delay: 100
content: i
- delay: 102
content: t
- delay: 202
content: e
- delay: 100
content: c
- delay: 192
content: t
- delay: 130
content: ' '
- delay: 214
content: a
- delay: 100
content: t
- delay: 258
content: ' '
- delay: 270
content: A
- delay: 181
content: p
- delay: 146
content: p
- delay: 191
content: D
- delay: 150
content: 'y'
- delay: 150
content: 'n'
- delay: 171
content: a
- delay: 145
content: m
- delay: 214
content: i
- delay: 68
content: c
- delay: 78
content: s
- delay: 400
content: .
- delay: 201
content: ' '
- delay: 91
content: "\r\nansible-demo $ "
- delay: 2000
content: '# This is a demo on how to use the AppDynamics Ansible Collection. '
- delay: 1154
content: "\b\e[K"
- delay: 269
content: "\r\nansible-demo $ "
- delay: 2000
content: "# Please read the docs for the prerequisites -\r\nansible-demo $ "
- delay: 1154
content: "\b\e[K"
- delay: 123
content: "\r\nansible-demo $ "
- delay: 2000
content: "# For this demo, I will be using the default inventory file located at /etc/ansible/hosts \r\nansible-demo $ "
- delay: 642
content: ' '
- delay: 1500
content: '# My inventories are :'
- delay: 124
content: ' '
- delay: 300
content: '1 Ubuntu'
- delay: 124
content: ' '
- delay: 300
content: '2 CentOS'
- delay: 124
content: ' '
- delay: 300
content: 'and'
- delay: 124
content: ' '
- delay: 300
content: '1 Windows Servers'
- delay: 226
content: "\r\nansible-demo $ "
- delay: 179
content: L
- delay: 57
content: e
- delay: 157
content: t
- delay: 620
content: ''''
- delay: 67
content: s
- delay: 67
content: ' '
- delay: 281
content: c
- delay: 68
content: h
- delay: 112
content: e
- delay: 169
content: c
- delay: 101
content: k
- delay: 169
content: ' '
- delay: 191
content: i
- delay: 89
content: t
- delay: 124
content: ' '
- delay: 179
content: o
- delay: 124
content: u
- delay: 102
content: t
- delay: 123
content: ' '
- delay: 226
content: "\r\nansible-demo $ "
- delay: 1598
content: l
- delay: 67
content: e
- delay: 192
content: s
- delay: 157
content: s
- delay: 112
content: ' '
- delay: 1000
content: ' /etc/ansible/hosts'
- delay: 583
content: "\r\n"
- delay: 7
content: "\e[?1049h\e[?1h\e=\r# This is the default ansible 'hosts' file.\r\n#\r\n# It should live in /etc/ansible/hosts\r\n#\r\n# - Comments begin with the '#' character\r\n# - Blank lines are ignored\r\n# - Groups of hosts are delimited by [header] elements\r\n# - You can enter hostnames or ip addresses\r\n# - A hostname/ip can be a member of multiple groups\r\n\r\n[linux]\r\ntarget1-centos ansible_user=centos\r\ntarget3-centos ansible_user=centos\r\ntarget2-ubuntu ansible_user=ubuntu\r\n\r\n[linux:vars]\r\nansible_ssh_private_key_file=~/.ssh/generic-vm.pem\r\n\r\n[windows]\r\ndotnet\r\n\r\n[windows:vars]\r\nansible_port=5985\r\nansible_connection=winrm\r\nansible_user=Administrator \r\nansible_password=AppDynamics123!\r\nansible_winrm_transport=basic\r\nansible_winrm_server_cert_validation=ignore\r\n\r\n# Ex 1: Ungrouped hosts, specify before any group headers.\r\n##\r\n##\r\n##\r\n##\r\n\r\n# Ex 2: A collection of hosts belonging to the 'webservers' group\r\n\r\n## [webservers]\r\n\e[7m/etc/ansible/hosts\e[27m\e[K"
- delay: 2000
content: "\r\e[K \e[K:\b:"
- delay: 405
content: "\e[Kq\bq\r\e[K\e[?1l\e>\e[?1049lansible-demo $ "
- delay: 91
content: "\r\nansible-demo $ "
- delay: 2000
content: '# Let''s begin!'
- delay: 661
content: "\r\nansible-demo $ "
- delay: 1500
content: "# First, "
- delay: 234
content: "install "
- delay: 234
content: "the "
- delay: 234
content: "collection. "
- delay: 1000
content: "\b\e[K"
- delay: 247
content: "\r\nansible-demo $ "
- delay: 765
content: "\r\nansible-demo $ "
- delay: 1000
content: 'ansible-galaxy'
- delay: 572
content: ' '
- delay: 200
content: 'collection'
- delay: 572
content: ' '
- delay: 200
content: 'install'
- delay: 572
content: ' '
- delay: 200
content: 'appdynamics.agents'
- delay: 572
content: ' '
- delay: 200
content: '-f'
- delay: 572
content: ' '
- delay: 1500
content: "\r\n"
- delay: 906
content: "Starting galaxy collection install process\r\nProcess install dependency map\r\n|\b"
- delay: 200
content: "/\b"
- delay: 250
content: "-\b"
- delay: 200
content: "\\\b"
- delay: 250
content: "|\b"
- delay: 250
content: "/\b"
- delay: 250
content: "-\b"
- delay: 250
content: "\\\b"
- delay: 100
content: "|\b"
- delay: 104
content: "/\b"
- delay: 105
content: "Starting collection install process\r\n|\b"
- delay: 103
content: "Installing 'appdynamics.agents:20.11.9' to '/Users/israel.ogbole/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/appdynamics/agents'\r\nDownloading to /Users/israel.ogbole/.ansible/tmp/ansible-local-36498wfwcvsg5/tmpokoel_cd\r\n/\b"
- delay: 250
content: "-\b"
- delay: 250
content: "\\\b"
- delay: 250
content: "|\b"
- delay: 250
content: "/\b"
- delay: 250
content: "-\b"
- delay: 102
content: "\\\b"
- delay: 105
content: "|\b"
- delay: 103
content: "/\b"
- delay: 105
content: "-\b"
- delay: 250
content: "\\\b"
- delay: 104
content: "appdynamics.agents (20.11.9) was installed successfully\r\n"
- delay: 52
content: 'ansible-demo $ '
- delay: 1500
content: "\r\nansible-demo $ "
- delay: 1500
content: >-
# Copy the playbooks folder from the collection into your working
- delay: 749
content: "\r\nansible-demo $ "
- delay: 2000
content: >-
cp -rf
~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/appdynamics/agents/playbooks .
- delay: 1705
content: "\r\n"
- delay: 31
content: 'ansible-demo $ '
- delay: 1500
content: l
- delay: 90
content: s
- delay: 66
content: ' '
- delay: 136
content: '-'
- delay: 214
content: l
- delay: 46
content: t
- delay: 55
content: r
- delay: 124
content: "\r\n"
- delay: 10
content: "total 0\r\ndrwxr-xr-x 8 israel.ogbole staff 256 Dec 4 10:08 playbooks\r\nansible-demo $ "
- delay: 1000
content: c
- delay: 90
content: d
- delay: 67
content: ' '
- delay: 507
content: p
- delay: 146
content: l
- delay: 119
content: aybooks/
- delay: 668
content: "\r\nplaybooks $ "
- delay: 1500
content: l
- delay: 57
content: s
- delay: 67
content: ' '
- delay: 123
content: '-'
- delay: 202
content: l
- delay: 68
content: t
- delay: 45
content: r
- delay: 765
content: "\r\n"
- delay: 10
content: "total 20\r\n-rw-r--r-- 1 israel.ogbole staff 1010 Dec 4 10:08 db.yaml\r\ndrwxr-xr-x 3 israel.ogbole staff 96 Dec 4 10:08 vars\r\n-rw-r--r-- 1 israel.ogbole staff 1241 Dec 4 10:08 java.yaml\r\n-rw-r--r-- 1 israel.ogbole staff 91 Dec 4 10:08 all_molecule.yaml\r\n-rw-r--r-- 1 israel.ogbole staff 1435 Dec 4 10:08 machine.yaml\r\n-rw-r--r-- 1 israel.ogbole staff 1507 Dec 4 10:08 dotnet.yaml\r\nplaybooks $ "
- delay: 2780
content: v
- delay: 78
content: i
- delay: 101
content: ' '
- delay: 327
content: v
- delay: 235
content: a
- delay: 220
content: rs/
- delay: 568
content: c
- delay: 169
content: 'ontroller.yaml '
- delay: 1001
content: "\r\n"
- delay: 200
content: "\e[?1049h\e[>4;2m\e[?1h\e=\e[?2004h\e[1;39r\e[?12h\e[?12l\e[22;2t\e[22;1t\e[27m\e[29m\e[m\e[H\e[2J\e[?25l\e[39;1H\"vars/controller.yaml\" 9L, 551B\e[2;1H▽\e[6n\e[2;1H \e[3;1H\ePzz\e\\\e[0%m\e[6n\e[3;1H \e[1;1H\e[>c\e]10;?\a\e]11;?\a\e[1;1H---\r\n# Controller parameters can be included into each playbook for test purposes\e[2;77H\e[K\e[3;1H# Your AppDynamics controller host, port account and access key\e[3;64H\e[K\e[4;1Hcontroller_host_name: \"do-not-use-http(s)\"\r\ncontroller_port: \"8090\"\r\ncontroller_account_name: \"customer1\" # Please add this to your Vault\r\ncontroller_account_access_key: \"2498dd59-d059-48c1-8ec2-8dc2f3efa112\" # Please add this to your Vault\r\nenable_ssl: \"FALSE\"\r\ncontroller_global_analytics_account_name: 'customer1_e52eb4e7-25d2-41c4-a5bc-9685502317f2' # Please add this to your Vault\r\n\e[94m~ \e[11;1H~ \e[12;1H~ \e[13;1H~ \e[14;1H~ \e[15;1H~ \e[16;1H~ \e[17;1H~ \e[18;1H~ \e[19;1H~ \e[20;1H~ \e[21;1H~ \e[22;1H~ \e[23;1H~ \e[24;1H~ \e[25;1H~ \e[26;1H~ \e[27;1H~ \e[28;1H~ \e[29;1H~ \e[30;1H~ \e[31;1H~ \e[32;1H~ \e[33;1H~ \e[34;1H~ \e[35;1H~ \e[36;1H~ \e[37;1H~ \e[38;1H~ \e[1;1H\e[?25h\e[?12$p"
- delay: 315
content: "\e[2;6H"
- delay: 300
content: "\e[3;6H"
- delay: 300
content: "\e[4;5H"
- delay: 300
content: "\e[4;5H"
- delay: 300
content: "\e[5;6H"
- delay: 4000
content: "\e[?25l\e[?25h\e[?25l\e[39;1H:\e[?25h"
- delay: 250
content: w
- delay: 250
content: q
- delay: 500
content: '!'
- delay: 248
content: "\r\e[?25l\e[?2004l\e[>4;m\"vars/controller.yaml\""
- delay: 10
content: ' 9L, 547B written'
- delay: 7
content: "\r\e[23;2t\e[23;1t\r\r\n\e[?2004l\e[?1l\e>\e[?25h\e[>4;m\e[?1049lplaybooks $ "
- delay: 1647
content: "\r\nplaybooks $ "
- delay: 663
content: '# Next, Edit the playbook details, including the agent_type and and agent_version'
- delay: 1705
content: "\r\n"
- delay: 31
content: 'ansible-demo $ '
- delay: 663
content: v
- delay: 124
content: i
- delay: 124
content: ' '
- delay: 663
content: m
- delay: 91
content: a
- delay: 146
content: c
- delay: 123
content: h
- delay: 137
content: 'ine.yaml '
- delay: 966
content: "\r\n"
- delay: 46
content: "\e[?1049h\e[>4;2m\e[?1h\e=\e[?2004h\e[1;39r\e[?12h\e[?12l\e[22;2t\e[22;1t\e[27m\e[29m\e[m\e[H\e[2J\e[?25l\e[39;1H\"machine.yaml\" 30L, 1435B\e[2;1H▽\e[6n\e[2;1H \e[3;1H\ePzz\e\\\e[0%m\e[6n\e[3;1H \e[1;1H\e[>c\e]10;?\a\e]11;?\a\e[1;1H---\r\n- hosts: all\e[2;13H\e[K\e[3;1H tasks:\e[3;9H\e[K\e[4;5H- name: Include variables for the controller settings\e[5;7Hinclude_vars: vars/controller.yaml\e[7;5H- include_role:\e[8;9Hname: appdynamics.agents.machine\e[9;7Hvars:\e[10;9H# Define Agent Type and Version\e[11;9Hagent_version: 20.9.0\e[12;9Hagent_type: machine\e[13;9Hmachine_hierarchy: \"AppName|Owners|Environment|\" # Make sure it ends with a |\e[14;9Hsim_enabled: \"true\"\e[16;9H# config properties docs -\e[17;9H# Can be used to configure the proxy for the agent\e[18;9Hjava_system_properties: \"-Dappdynamics.http.proxyHost= -Dappdynamics.http.proxyPort=9090\" # mind the space between each property\e[20;9H# Analytics settings\e[21;9Hanalytics_event_endpoint: \"\"\e[22;9Henable_analytics_agent: \"true\"\e[24;9H# # Your controller details\e[25;9H# controller_account_access_key: \"b0248ceb-c954-4a37-97b5-207e90418cb4\" # Please add this to your Vault\e[26;9H# controller_host_name: \"\" # Your AppDynamics controller\e[27;9H# controller_account_name: \"customer1\" # Please add this to your Vault\e[28;9H# enable_ssl: \"false\"\e[29;9H# controller_port: \"8090\"\e[30;9H# controller_global_analytics_account_name: 'customer1_e52eb4e7-25d2-41c4-a5bc-9685502317f2' # Please add this to your Vault\r\n\e[94m~ \e[32;1H~ \e[33;1H~ \e[34;1H~ \e[35;1H~ \e[36;1H~ \e[37;1H~ \e[38;1H~ \e[1;1H\e[?25h\e[?12$p"
- delay: 851
content: "\r\n"
- delay: 224
content: "\r\n"
- delay: 698
content: "\e[2;1H"
- delay: 281
content: "\e[m-"
- delay: 136
content: ' '
- delay: 134
content: h
- delay: 113
content: o
- delay: 157
content: s
- delay: 123
content: t
- delay: 180
content: s
- delay: 192
content: ':'
- delay: 112
content: ' '
- delay: 146
content: a
- delay: 1193
content: "\e[3;8H"
- delay: 507
content: "\e[4;11H"
- delay: 281
content: "\e[5;11H"
- delay: 371
content: "\e[6;6H"
- delay: 247
content: "\e[7;11H"
- delay: 1722
content: "\e[8;11H"
- delay: 500
content: "\e[9;11H"
- delay: 84
content: "\e[10;11H"
- delay: 84
content: "\e[11;11H"
- delay: 84
content: "\e[12;11H"
- delay: 84
content: "\e[13;11H"
- delay: 84
content: "\e[14;11H"
- delay: 84
content: "\r\n"
- delay: 83
content: "\e[16;11H"
- delay: 85
content: "\e[17;11H"
- delay: 83
content: "\e[18;11H"
- delay: 422
content: "\b"
- delay: 202
content: "\b"
- delay: 1000
content: "\a\e[?25l\e[39;1H?\\<java_system_properties\\>\r\e[38;5;224msearch hit TOP, continuing at BOTTOM\e[18;9H\e[?25h"
- delay: 1000
content: "\e[?25l\e[m\e[39;1H\e[1m-- INSERT --\e[m\e[39;13H\e[K\e[18;9H\e[?25h"
- delay: 1192
content: "\e[?25l#java_system_properties: \"-Dappdynamics.http.proxyHost= -Dappdynamics.http.proxyPort=9090\" # mind the space between each property\e[18;10H\e[?25h"
- delay: 2000
content: "\r\n"
- delay: 315
content: "\e[20;10H"
- delay: 246
content: "\e[21;10H"
- delay: 260
content: "\e[22;10H"
- delay: 293
content: "\r\n"
- delay: 281
content: "\e[24;10H"
- delay: 1514
content: "\e[39;1H\e[K\e[24;9H"
- delay: 758
content: "\e[?25l\e[?25h\e[?25l\e[39;1H:\e[?25h"
- delay: 281
content: w
- delay: 203
content: q
- delay: 303
content: '!'
- delay: 585
content: "\r\e[?25l\e[?2004l\e[>4;m\"machine.yaml\""
- delay: 10
content: ' 30L, 1436B written'
- delay: 6
content: "\r\e[23;2t\e[23;1t\r\r\n\e[?2004l\e[?1l\e>\e[?25h\e[>4;m\e[?1049lplaybooks $ "
- delay: 1050
content: "\r\nplaybooks $ "
- delay: 988
content: p
- delay: 170
content: l
- delay: 100
content: a
- delay: 1000
content: "\b\e[K"
- delay: 501
content: "\b\e[K"
- delay: 83
content: "\b\e[K"
- delay: 84
content: "\a"
- delay: 2000
content: '# Repeat this process for all other agent PlayBooks '
- delay: 100
content: "\r\nplaybooks $ "
- delay: 2000
content: '# Run the playbook... '
- delay: 582
content: "\r\nplaybooks $ "
- delay: 2000
content: "# Oh, you can target both windows and Linux servers in your inventory, we take care of the OS differences for you... \r\nplaybooks $ "
- delay: 1334
content: "\r\nplaybooks $ "
- delay: 1754
content: c
- delay: 101
content: l
- delay: 79
content: e
- delay: 180
content: a
- delay: 90
content: r
- delay: 495
content: "\r\n\e[H\e[2Jplaybooks $ "
- delay: 202
content: "ansible"
- delay: 969
content: '-'
- delay: 213
content: p
- delay: 247
content: l
- delay: 100
content: 'aybook '
- delay: 500
content: m
- delay: 79
content: a
- delay: 176
content: 'chine.yaml '
- delay: 600
content: "\r\n"
- delay: 869
content: "\r\nPLAY [all] *********************************************************************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 15
content: "\r\nTASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 2000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 2432
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 809
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 23
content: "\r\nTASK [Include variables for the controller settings] ***************************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 37
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 13
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 11
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 9
content: "\r\nTASK [include_role : appdynamics.agents.machine] *******************************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 121
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.common : include_tasks] *******************************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 92
content: "\e[0;36mincluded: /Users/israel.ogbole/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/appdynamics/agents/roles/common/tasks/validate_parameters.yml for target1-centos, target3-centos, target2-ubuntu, dotnet\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 18
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.common : debug] ***************************************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 45
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"machine\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"machine\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 16
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"machine\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 13
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"machine\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 13
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.common : Validate agent_type] *************************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 48
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"All assertions passed\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"All assertions passed\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 18
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"All assertions passed\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 15
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"All assertions passed\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 10
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.common : Validate agent_version] **********************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 50
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"All assertions passed\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"All assertions passed\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 18
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"All assertions passed\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 13
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"All assertions passed\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 11
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.common : Validate application_name] *******************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 40
content: "\e[0;36mskipping: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 16
content: "\e[0;36mskipping: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 15
content: "\e[0;36mskipping: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 16
content: "\e[0;36mskipping: [dotnet]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 10
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.common : Validate tier_name] **************************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 39
content: "\e[0;36mskipping: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 15
content: "\e[0;36mskipping: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 15
content: "\e[0;36mskipping: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 16
content: "\e[0;36mskipping: [dotnet]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 11
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.common : Validate controller_account_access_key] ******************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 50
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"All assertions passed\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"All assertions passed\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 20
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"All assertions passed\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 12
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"All assertions passed\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 11
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.common : Validate controller_global_analytics_account_name] *******************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 52
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"All assertions passed\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"All assertions passed\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 18
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"All assertions passed\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 15
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"All assertions passed\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 10
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.common : Validate controller_host_name] ***************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 48
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"All assertions passed\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"All assertions passed\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 18
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"All assertions passed\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 14
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"All assertions passed\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 10
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.common : Validate controller_account_name] ************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 48
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"All assertions passed\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"All assertions passed\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 17
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"All assertions passed\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 13
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"All assertions passed\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 10
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.common : Validate controller_port] ********************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 46
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"All assertions passed\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 5
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"All assertions passed\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 17
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"All assertions passed\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 13
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"All assertions passed\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 10
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.common : Validate analytics_event_endpoint] ***********************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 49
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"All assertions passed\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 5
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"All assertions passed\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 18
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"All assertions passed\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 14
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"All assertions passed\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 10
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.common : Validate Proxy Host configurations] **********************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 39
content: "\e[0;36mskipping: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 16
content: "\e[0;36mskipping: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 17
content: "\e[0;36mskipping: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 16
content: "\e[0;36mskipping: [dotnet]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 11
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.common : Validate Proxy Port configurations] **********************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 40
content: "\e[0;36mskipping: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 17
content: "\e[0;36mskipping: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 13
content: "\e[0;36mskipping: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 19
content: "\e[0;36mskipping: [dotnet]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 11
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.common : debug] ***************************************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 50
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"Role Agent variables: type=> machine version=> 20.9.0\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"Role Agent variables: type=> machine version=> 20.9.0\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 16
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"Role Agent variables: type=> machine version=> 20.9.0\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 14
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"Role Agent variables: type=> machine version=> 20.9.0\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 10
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.common : include_tasks] *******************************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 90
content: "\e[0;36mincluded: /Users/israel.ogbole/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/appdynamics/agents/roles/common/tasks/get_agent.yml for target1-centos, target3-centos, target2-ubuntu, dotnet\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 39
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.common : Reassign agent_type var to an OS qualified_agent_type fact] **********************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 34
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 15
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 14
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 20
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 10
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.common : Adjust the DB agent type to match the target OS] *********************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 78
content: "\e[0;36mskipping: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 51
content: "\e[0;36mskipping: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n\e[0;36mskipping: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 5
content: "\e[0;36mskipping: [dotnet]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 10
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.common : Adjust the Machine agent type to match the target OS] ****************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 43
content: "\e[0;36mskipping: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 15
content: "\e[0;36mskipping: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 14
content: "\e[0;36mskipping: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 22
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 19
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.common : Get AppDynamics Agent Download URL type] *****************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 2235
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 11
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 72
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 45
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 7
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.common : debug] ***************************************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 35
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"machine agent (OS specific agent name: machine) Download URL =\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 15
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"machine agent (OS specific agent name: machine) Download URL =\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 14
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"machine agent (OS specific agent name: machine) Download URL =\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 17
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"machine agent (OS specific agent name: machine-win) Download URL =\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 10
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.common : Set AppDynamics access key facts] ************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 47
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 16
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 11
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 10
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.common : Set Controller Proxy configuration] **********************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 49
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 17
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 13
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 9
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.common : Set AppDynamics controller facts] ************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 52
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 17
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 21
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 17
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 10
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.common : Set HTTPS Protocol facts] ********************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 40
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 15
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 16
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 15
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 10
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.common : Print params] ********************************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 49
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": [\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" SSL enabled = False \",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" Controller= \",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" controller_account_name = customer1 \",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" analytics_event_endpoint = \",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" enable_analytics_agent = true \",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" enable_proxy = False\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m ]\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 5
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": [\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" SSL enabled = False \",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" Controller= \",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" controller_account_name = customer1 \",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" analytics_event_endpoint = \",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" enable_analytics_agent = true \",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" enable_proxy = False\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m ]\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 20
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": [\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" SSL enabled = False \",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" Controller= \",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" controller_account_name = customer1 \",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" analytics_event_endpoint = \",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" enable_analytics_agent = true \",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" enable_proxy = False\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m ]\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 9
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": [\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" SSL enabled = False \",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" Controller= \",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" controller_account_name = customer1 \",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" analytics_event_endpoint = \",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" enable_analytics_agent = true \",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" enable_proxy = False\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m ]\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 10
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.linux_pkg : include_tasks] ****************************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 67
content: "\e[0;36mskipping: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 12
content: "\e[0;36mskipping: [dotnet]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 19
content: "\e[0;36mincluded: /Users/israel.ogbole/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/appdynamics/agents/roles/linux_pkg/tasks/rhel_server_requirements.yml for target1-centos, target3-centos\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 15
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.linux_pkg : install tools and pre-requisites for RedHat variants] *************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 2000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 1449
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 8
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.linux_pkg : include_tasks] ****************************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 34
content: "\e[0;36mskipping: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 14
content: "\e[0;36mskipping: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 27
content: "\e[0;36mskipping: [dotnet]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 14
content: "\e[0;36mincluded: /Users/israel.ogbole/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/appdynamics/agents/roles/linux_pkg/tasks/debian_server_requirements.yml for target2-ubuntu\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 23
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.linux_pkg : install tools and pre-requisites for Debian variants] *************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 13843
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 8
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : include_tasks] ******************************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 76
content: "\e[0;36mskipping: [dotnet]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 74
content: "\e[0;36mincluded: /Users/israel.ogbole/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/appdynamics/agents/roles/machine/tasks/install_machine_agent_linux.yml for target1-centos, target3-centos, target2-ubuntu\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 10
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Validate that the agent download URL is fit for Linux] **************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 43
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"Successfully validated machine for Linux\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 12
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"Successfully validated machine for Linux\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 18
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"Successfully validated machine for Linux\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 7
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : include_tasks] ******************************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 68
content: "\e[0;36mincluded: /Users/israel.ogbole/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/appdynamics/agents/roles/machine/tasks/appd_sudoer.yml for target1-centos, target3-centos, target2-ubuntu\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 30
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Make sure we have a 'wheel' group] **********************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 2000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 1076
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 48
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 9
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Allow 'wheel' group to have passwordless sudo] **********************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 1000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 507
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 161
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 24
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Add appdynamics user to wheel group] ********************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 1000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 415
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 281
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 12
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Ensures machine agent /opt/appdynamics/machine-agent dir exists] ****************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 1000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 466
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 1343
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 9
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Check if Machine Agent is already installed] ************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 2000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 1000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 486
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 10
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Backup existing Machine Agent] **************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 1000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 464
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 524
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 8
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Stop Machine Agent service] *****************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 2000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 1000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 101
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 101
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Clean up old Machine Agent binaries after backup] *******************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 100
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 1000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 32
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 14
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Re-create the machine agent /opt/appdynamics/machine-agent dir] *****************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 1000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 906
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 120
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 8
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Downloading Machine Agent] ******************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 2000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 35
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 9
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : debug] **************************************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 42
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"checksum_dest\": null,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"checksum_src\": \"6d36dc457fe894e927fb16e86004d720e83236a5\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"dest\": \"/opt/appdynamics/machine-agent/\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"elapsed\": 4,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"failed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"failed_when_result\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"gid\": 0,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"group\": \"root\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"md5sum\": \"06711b4752b340a2c5d8d5a12f12f3fd\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"mode\": \"0644\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"OK (140848833 bytes)\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"owner\": \"root\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"size\": 140848833,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"src\": \"/home/centos/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1607076740.811497-38771-219078813367190/tmp5yl_7C\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"state\": \"file\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"status_code\": 200,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"uid\": 0,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"url\": \"\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m }\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 9
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"checksum_dest\": null,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"checksum_src\": \"6d36dc457fe894e927fb16e86004d720e83236a5\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"dest\": \"/opt/appdynamics/machine-agent/\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"elapsed\": 4,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"failed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"failed_when_result\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"gid\": 0,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"group\": \"root\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"md5sum\": \"06711b4752b340a2c5d8d5a12f12f3fd\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"mode\": \"0644\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"OK (140848833 bytes)\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"owner\": \"root\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"size\": 140848833,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"src\": \"/home/centos/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1607076740.820262-38772-41780900273241/tmpB3fN8c\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"state\": \"file\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"status_code\": 200,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"uid\": 0,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"url\": \"\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m }\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 13
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"checksum_dest\": null,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"checksum_src\": \"6d36dc457fe894e927fb16e86004d720e83236a5\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"dest\": \"/opt/appdynamics/machine-agent/\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"elapsed\": 5,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"failed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"failed_when_result\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"gid\": 0,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"group\": \"root\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"md5sum\": \"06711b4752b340a2c5d8d5a12f12f3fd\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"mode\": \"0644\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"OK (140848833 bytes)\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"owner\": \"root\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"size\": 140848833,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"src\": \"/home/ubuntu/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1607076740.746335-38774-259336653905900/tmpzqvzole5\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"state\": \"file\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"status_code\": 200,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"uid\": 0,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"url\": \"\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m }\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 15
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Unzip the Machine agent file] ***************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 1000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 1574
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 611
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 17
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Configure Machine Agent controller-info.xml file] *******************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 2000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 1569
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 50
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 11
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Ensure machine agent file is executable] ****************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 2000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 848
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 10
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : include_tasks] ******************************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 97
content: "\e[0;36mincluded: /Users/israel.ogbole/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/appdynamics/agents/roles/machine/tasks/configure_log_analytics_linux.yml for target1-centos, target3-centos, target2-ubuntu\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 43
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Turn on analytics agent monitoring] *********************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 2000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 732
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 375
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 9
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Configure the analytics agent properties file] **********************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 1500
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu] => (item=None)\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 952
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos] => (item=None)\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 491
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos] => (item=None)\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 1000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu] => (item=None)\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 1884
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos] => (item=None)\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 430
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos] => (item=None)\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 1000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu] => (item=None)\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 1000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos] => (item=None)\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 494
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos] => (item=None)\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 695
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu] => (item=None)\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 2000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos] => (item=None)\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 399
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu] => (item=None)\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 203
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos] => (item=None)\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 2000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos] => (item=None)\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 611
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos] => (item=None)\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 7
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Add the Agent as a Service using Systemd] ***************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 2000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 2000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 8
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Enable the Machine Agent to start at system startup] ****************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 2000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 2000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 2000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 8
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Reload systemd configs] *********************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 2000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 1000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 11
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Start the agent service] ********************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 2000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 699
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 100
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 8
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Make sure the service is running] ***********************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 2000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 99
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 1183
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 8
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Show Machine Agent status] ******************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 37
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"result\": {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"cmd\": [\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"systemctl\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"status\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"appdynamics-machine-agent\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m ],\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"delta\": \"0:00:00.008073\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"end\": \"2020-12-04 10:14:01.384820\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"failed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"rc\": 0,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"start\": \"2020-12-04 10:14:01.376747\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"stderr\": \"\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"stderr_lines\": [],\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"stdout\": \"● appdynamics-machine-agent.service - AppDynamics Machine Agent\\n Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/appdynamics-machine-agent.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)\\n Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-12-04 10:13:55 UTC; 5s ago\\n Process: 29881 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/install -o $MACHINE_AGENT_USER -d $PIDDIR (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)\\n Main PID: 29898 (java)\\n CGroup: /system.slice/appdynamics-machine-agent.service\\n └─29898 /opt/appdynamics/machine-agent/jre/bin/java -Xmx256m -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/opt/appdynamics/machine-agent/conf/logging/log4j.xml -jar /opt/appdynamics/machine-agent/machineagent.jar\\n\\nDec 04 10:13:55 systemd[1]: Starting AppDynamics Machine Agent...\\nDec 04 10:13:55 systemd[1]: Started AppDynamics Machine Agent.\\nDec 04 10:13:55 sh[29883]: Using java executable at /opt/appdynamics/machine-agent/jre/bin/java\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"stdout_lines\": [\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"● appdynamics-machine-agent.service - AppDynamics Machine Agent\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/appdynamics-machine-agent.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-12-04 10:13:55 UTC; 5s ago\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" Process: 29881 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/install -o $MACHINE_AGENT_USER -d $PIDDIR (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" Main PID: 29898 (java)\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" CGroup: /system.slice/appdynamics-machine-agent.service\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" └─29898 /opt/appdynamics/machine-agent/jre/bin/java -Xmx256m -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/opt/appdynamics/machine-agent/conf/logging/log4j.xml -jar /opt/appdynamics/machine-agent/machineagent.jar\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"Dec 04 10:13:55 systemd[1]: Starting AppDynamics Machine Agent...\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"Dec 04 10:13:55 systemd[1]: Started AppDynamics Machine Agent.\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"Dec 04 10:13:55 sh[29883]: Using java executable at /opt/appdynamics/machine-agent/jre/bin/java\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m ]\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m }\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 10
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"result\": {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"cmd\": [\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"systemctl\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"status\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"appdynamics-machine-agent\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m ],\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"delta\": \"0:00:00.006409\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"end\": \"2020-12-04 10:14:00.512717\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"failed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"rc\": 0,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"start\": \"2020-12-04 10:14:00.506308\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"stderr\": \"\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"stderr_lines\": [],\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"stdout\": \"● appdynamics-machine-agent.service - AppDynamics Machine Agent\\n Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/appdynamics-machine-agent.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)\\n Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-12-04 10:13:54 UTC; 6s ago\\n Process: 30575 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/install -o $MACHINE_AGENT_USER -d $PIDDIR (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)\\n Main PID: 30592 (java)\\n CGroup: /system.slice/appdynamics-machine-agent.service\\n └─30592 /opt/appdynamics/machine-agent/jre/bin/java -Xmx256m -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/opt/appdynamics/machine-agent/conf/logging/log4j.xml -jar /opt/appdynamics/machine-agent/machineagent.jar\\n\\nDec 04 10:13:54 systemd[1]: Starting AppDynamics Machine Agent...\\nDec 04 10:13:54 systemd[1]: Started AppDynamics Machine Agent.\\nDec 04 10:13:54 sh[30577]: Using java executable at /opt/appdynamics/machine-agent/jre/bin/java\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"stdout_lines\": [\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"● appdynamics-machine-agent.service - AppDynamics Machine Agent\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/appdynamics-machine-agent.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-12-04 10:13:54 UTC; 6s ago\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" Process: 30575 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/install -o $MACHINE_AGENT_USER -d $PIDDIR (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" Main PID: 30592 (java)\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" CGroup: /system.slice/appdynamics-machine-agent.service\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" └─30592 /opt/appdynamics/machine-agent/jre/bin/java -Xmx256m -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/opt/appdynamics/machine-agent/conf/logging/log4j.xml -jar /opt/appdynamics/machine-agent/machineagent.jar\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"Dec 04 10:13:54 systemd[1]: Starting AppDynamics Machine Agent...\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"Dec 04 10:13:54 systemd[1]: Started AppDynamics Machine Agent.\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"Dec 04 10:13:54 sh[30577]: Using java executable at /opt/appdynamics/machine-agent/jre/bin/java\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m ]\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m }\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 12
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"result\": {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"cmd\": [\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"systemctl\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"status\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"appdynamics-machine-agent\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m ],\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"delta\": \"0:00:00.122449\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"end\": \"2020-12-04 10:14:00.531778\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"failed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"rc\": 0,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"start\": \"2020-12-04 10:14:00.409329\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"stderr\": \"\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"stderr_lines\": [],\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"stdout\": \"● appdynamics-machine-agent.service - AppDynamics Machine Agent\\n Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/appdynamics-machine-agent.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)\\n Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-12-04 10:13:53 UTC; 6s ago\\n Process: 28951 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/install -o $MACHINE_AGENT_USER -d $PIDDIR (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)\\n Main PID: 28977 (java)\\n Tasks: 17 (limit: 4915)\\n CGroup: /system.slice/appdynamics-machine-agent.service\\n └─28977 /opt/appdynamics/machine-agent/jre/bin/java -Xmx256m -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/opt/appdynamics/machine-agent/conf/logging/log4j.xml -jar /opt/appdynamics/machine-agent/machineagent.jar\\n\\nDec 04 10:13:53 ip-10-97-10-135 systemd[1]: Starting AppDynamics Machine Agent...\\nDec 04 10:13:53 ip-10-97-10-135 systemd[1]: Started AppDynamics Machine Agent.\\nDec 04 10:13:53 ip-10-97-10-135 sh[28952]: Using java executable at /opt/appdynamics/machine-agent/jre/bin/java\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"stdout_lines\": [\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"● appdynamics-machine-agent.service - AppDynamics Machine Agent\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/appdynamics-machine-agent.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-12-04 10:13:53 UTC; 6s ago\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" Process: 28951 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/install -o $MACHINE_AGENT_USER -d $PIDDIR (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" Main PID: 28977 (java)\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" Tasks: 17 (limit: 4915)\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" CGroup: /system.slice/appdynamics-machine-agent.service\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \" └─28977 /opt/appdynamics/machine-agent/jre/bin/java -Xmx256m -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/opt/appdynamics/machine-agent/conf/logging/log4j.xml -jar /opt/appdynamics/machine-agent/machineagent.jar\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"Dec 04 10:13:53 ip-10-97-10-135 systemd[1]: Starting AppDynamics Machine Agent...\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"Dec 04 10:13:53 ip-10-97-10-135 systemd[1]: Started AppDynamics Machine Agent.\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"Dec 04 10:13:53 ip-10-97-10-135 sh[28952]: Using java executable at /opt/appdynamics/machine-agent/jre/bin/java\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m ]\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m }\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 10
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Clean up - remove] ********************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 2000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 707
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 2000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 8
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : include_tasks] ******************************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 37
content: "\e[0;36mskipping: [target1-centos]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 14
content: "\e[0;36mskipping: [target3-centos]\e[0m\r\n\e[0;36mskipping: [target2-ubuntu]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 58
content: "\e[0;36mincluded: /Users/israel.ogbole/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/appdynamics/agents/roles/machine/tasks/install_machine_agent_win.yml for dotnet\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 49
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Validate that the agent download URL is fit for Windows] ************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 28
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"Successfully validated machine-win for Windows\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 26
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Ensures machine agent C:/appdynamics/machine-agent dir exists] ******************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 2000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 24
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Check if Machine Agent is already installed] ************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 2000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 25
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Backup Machine Agent to C:\\Windows\\Temp folder] ********************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 2000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 31
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Remove StdIn.Read in the UninstallService.vbs file which stops the playbook from returning] *************************************\r\n"
- delay: 2000
content: "\e[0;33mchanged: [dotnet]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 24
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Remove the machine agent service] ***********************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 2000
content: "\e[0;33mchanged: [dotnet]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 28
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Clean up old agent after backup] ************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 2000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 24
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Downloading Windows Machine Agent] **********************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 2500
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 30
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : debug] **************************************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 28
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"checksum_dest\": \"54d4d7a6d2c69c6a8005c41cfc46a8610cadfe86\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"checksum_src\": \"54d4d7a6d2c69c6a8005c41cfc46a8610cadfe86\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"dest\": \"C:/appdynamics/machine-agent/\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"elapsed\": 5.3282283999999995,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"failed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"failed_when_result\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"msg\": \"OK\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"size\": 134744588,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"status_code\": 200,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"url\": \"\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m }\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 24
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Unzip machine agent file] *******************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 20495
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 23
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Configure machine-agent controller-info.xml] ************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 2000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 30
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Remove StdIn.Read in the InstallService.vbs file which stops the playbook from returning] ***************************************\r\n"
- delay: 2000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 30
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : include_tasks] ******************************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 36
content: "\e[0;36mincluded: /Users/israel.ogbole/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/appdynamics/agents/roles/machine/tasks/configure_log_analytics_win.yml for dotnet\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 33
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Turn on analytics agent monitoring] *********************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 2470
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 25
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Configure the analytics agent properties file] **********************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 2000
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet] => (item=None)\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 1638
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet] => (item=None)\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 1742
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet] => (item=None)\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 1735
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet] => (item=None)\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 1739
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet] => (item=None)\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 205
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 32
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Install machine agent service] **************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 3917
content: "\e[0;33mchanged: [dotnet]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 30
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Install service result] *********************************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 28
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet] => {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"install_win_service_result\": {\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"changed\": true,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"cmd\": \"cscript.exe C:/appdynamics/machine-agent/InstallService.vbs\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"delta\": \"0:00:00.593765\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"end\": \"2020-12-04 10:15:28.619309\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"failed\": false,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"rc\": 0,\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"start\": \"2020-12-04 10:15:28.025543\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"stderr\": \"\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"stderr_lines\": [],\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"stdout\": \"Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.812\\r\\nCopyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\\r\\n\\r\\nC:\\\\appdynamics\\\\machine-agent\\r\\nInstalling AppDynamics Machine Agent into the Service Manager, configured to auto-start.\\r\\nInstalled service 'Appdynamics Machine Agent'.\\r\\n\\r\\nDone.\\r\\nConfigure Service to restart on failure\\r\\n[SC] ChangeServiceConfig2 SUCCESS\\r\\n\\r\\n[SC] ChangeServiceConfig2 SUCCESS\\r\\n\\r\\nDone.\\r\\nAdding VM parameters for machine agent\\r\\nStarting Service\\r\\nStarting service 'Appdynamics Machine Agent'.\\r\\n\\r\\nDone.\\r\\n\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"stdout_lines\": [\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.812\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"C:\\\\appdynamics\\\\machine-agent\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"Installing AppDynamics Machine Agent into the Service Manager, configured to auto-start.\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"Installed service 'Appdynamics Machine Agent'.\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"Done.\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"Configure Service to restart on failure\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"[SC] ChangeServiceConfig2 SUCCESS\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"[SC] ChangeServiceConfig2 SUCCESS\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"Done.\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"Adding VM parameters for machine agent\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"Starting Service\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"Starting service 'Appdynamics Machine Agent'.\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"\",\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m \"Done.\"\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m ]\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m }\e[0m\r\n\e[0;32m}\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 27
content: "\r\nTASK [appdynamics.agents.machine : Clean up - remove] ********************************************************************************************\r\n"
- delay: 4932
content: "\e[0;32mok: [dotnet]\e[0m\r\n"
- delay: 17
content: "\r\nPLAY RECAP *********************************************************************************************************************************************************\r\n\e[0;33mdotnet\e[0m : \e[0;32mok=42 \e[0m \e[0;33mchanged=3 \e[0m unreachable=0 failed=0 \e[0;36mskipped=8 \e[0m rescued=0 ignored=0 \r\n\e[0;32mtarget1-centos\e[0m : \e[0;32mok=51 \e[0m changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 \e[0;36mskipped=8 \e[0m rescued=0 ignored=0 \r\n\e[0;32mtarget2-ubuntu\e[0m : \e[0;32mok=51 \e[0m changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 \e[0;36mskipped=8 \e[0m rescued=0 ignored=0 \r\n\e[0;32mtarget3-centos\e[0m : \e[0;32mok=51 \e[0m changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 \e[0;36mskipped=8 \e[0m rescued=0 ignored=0 \r\n\r\n"
- delay: 71
content: 'playbooks $ '
- delay: 17728
content: '#'
- delay: 787
content: ' '
- delay: 146
content: D
- delay: 80
content: o
- delay: 168
content: 'n'
- delay: 101
content: e
- delay: 743
content: '!'
- delay: 382
content: ' '
- delay: 856
content: "\r\nplaybooks $ "
- delay: 1057
content: '#'
- delay: 528
content: ' '
- delay: 170
content: T
- delay: 102
content: h
- delay: 134
content: a
- delay: 90
content: 'n'
- delay: 191
content: k
- delay: 146
content: ' '
- delay: 214
content: 'y'
- delay: 102
content: o
- delay: 212
content: u
- delay: 676
content: "\r\nplaybooks $ "
- delay: 3647
content: "\a"
- delay: 2609
content: "logout\r\n"
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