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Created October 4, 2022 17:01
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# Data
"@graph": [
"@id": "_:b0",
"skos:prefLabel": [
{"@language": "fr", "@value": "France" },
{"@language": "it", "@value": "Italia" }
# Frame
"label_it": {"@language": "it", "@value": {}},
"label_fr": {"@language": "fr", "@value": {}},
"@context": {
"label_it": {"@id": "skos:prefLabel","@language": "it" },
"label_fr": {"@id": "skos:prefLabel","@language": "fr" },
# Actual framed
"label_fr": "France" # ONLY the last "label" is shown
# Expected framed
"label_fr": "France",
"label_it": "Italy"
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