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Last active August 1, 2016 20:44
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Use sklearn to decide whether the computer is in tablet or laptop mode.
Use sklearn to decide whether the computer is in tablet or laptop mode.
To play: gather # gather data in 2 csv files fit # create and store with pickle the predictor check # read the sensors and predict the laptop mode
To disable keyboard|touchpad get your device_ids with xinput and uncomment the
xinput lines.
from __future__ import print_function
from glob import glob
from time import sleep
import csv
import pickle
from sklearn import svm
import pandas as pd
sensor_path = "/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device3/in_incli_*_raw"
scale = open("/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device3/in_incli_scale").read().strip()
scale = float(scale)
def get_incli():
"""Return the inclination sensor triple (x, y, z).
line = x, y, z = [ float(open(f).read().strip()) * scale
for f in glob(sensor_path)
return line
def store_data(dest="tablet.csv", count=3000):
"""Gather `count` sensor data and store them in csv.
A laptop-mode line ends with 0
A tablet-mode line ends with 1
target = dest.startswith("tablet")
with open(dest, 'w+') as fh:
writer = csv.writer(fh)
for i in range(count):
writer.writerow(get_incli() + [target])
def fit_data():
clf = svm.SVC(gamma=0.001, C=100.)
df_laptop = pd.read_csv('laptop.csv')
df_tablet = pd.read_csv('tablet.csv')
reg = pd.concat([df_laptop, df_tablet])[['x','y','z']], reg[['is_tablet']])
return clf
if __name__ == '__main__':
from sys import argv
if 'gather' in argv:
raw_input("Gathering sensor data for laptop mode for 30 seconds. Move your PC keeping it in laptop mode.")
raw_input("Gathering sensor data for tablet mode for 30 seconds. Move your PC keeping it in tablet mode.")
elif 'fit' in argv:
with open('ai-lid.pickle', 'wb') as fh:
pickle.dump(fit_data(), fh)
elif 'check' in argv:
with open('ai-lid.pickle') as fh
clf = pickle.load(fh)
while True:
line = get_incli()
is_tablet = clf.predict(line)[0]
print("Laptop is in {} mode".format("tablet" if is_tablet else "laptop"))
# if is_tablet:
# check_output(split("xinput disable KEYBOARD_ID"))
# check_output(split("xinput disable TOUCHPAD_ID"))
raise SystemExit("Specify one of the following options: gather, fit, check")
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