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Created December 2, 2018 01:29
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emote collector memory leak debugging
import contextlib
import imghdr
import io
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import wand.image
except ImportError:
logger.warn('Failed to import wand.image. Image manipulation functions will be unavailable.')
from . import asyncexecutor
from . import errors
from . import size
def _resize_until_small(image_data: io.BytesIO) -> io.BytesIO:
"""If the image_data is bigger than 256KB, resize it until it's not.
If resizing takes more than 30 seconds, raise asyncio.TimeoutError.
# It's important that we only attempt to resize the image when we have to,
# ie when it exceeds the Discord limit of 256KiB.
# Apparently some <256KiB images become larger when we attempt to resize them,
# so resizing sometimes does more harm than good.
max_resolution = 128 # pixels
image_size = size(image_data)
while image_size > 256 * 2**10 and max_resolution >= 32: # don't resize past 32x32 or 256KiB
logger.debug('image size too big (%s bytes)', image_size)
logger.debug('attempting resize to %s*%s pixels', max_resolution, max_resolution)
image_data = thumbnail(image_data, (max_resolution, max_resolution))
image_size = size(image_data)
max_resolution //= 2
return image_data
# allow testing this in the bot (using an executor), and standalone (blocking)
resize_until_small = asyncexecutor(timeout=30)(_resize_until_small)
def thumbnail(image_data: io.BytesIO, max_size=(128, 128)) -> io.BytesIO:
"""Resize an image in place to no more than max_size pixels, preserving aspect ratio.
Return the new image.
# Credit to @Liara#0001 (ID 136900814408122368)
with wand.image.Image(blob=image_data) as image:
new_resolution = scale_resolution((image.width, image.height), max_size)
# we create a new buffer here because there's wand errors otherwise.
# specific error:
# MissingDelegateError: no decode delegate for this image format `' @ error/blob.c/BlobToImage/353
out = io.BytesIO()
# allow resizing the original image more than once for memory profiling
# allow reading the resized image data
return out
def scale_resolution(old_res, new_res):
"""Resize a resolution, preserving aspect ratio. Returned w,h will be <= new_res"""
old_width, old_height = old_res
new_width, new_height = new_res
old_ratio = old_width / old_height
new_ratio = new_width / new_height
if new_ratio > old_ratio:
return (round(old_width * new_height/old_height), new_height)
return (new_width, round(old_height * new_width/old_width))
def is_animated(image_data: bytes):
"""Return whether the image data is animated, or raise InvalidImageError if it's not an image."""
type = imghdr.what(None, image_data)
if type == 'gif':
return True
elif type in {'png', 'jpeg'}:
return False
raise errors.InvalidImageError
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# encoding: utf-8
import io
import os.path
import objgraph
from ben_cogs.debug import Debug
from emote_collector.utils.image import _resize_until_small as resize_until_small
memory_usage = Debug().memory_usage
out = io.BytesIO()
with open(os.path.expanduser('~/Pictures/discord emoji/tests/big/terry davis.gif'), 'rb') as f:
def print_header(label):
print('─' * len(label))
def show_memory_usage():
print('Memory usage:', memory_usage())
def show_growth():
print('Object growth:', end='\n\n')
# collect a baseline
resized = resize_until_small(out)
print_header('after resize')
# do it again, to see if memory usage goes up a second time
# i think it may not, because the first time around, although mem usage went up,
# there was no abnormal growth in Image or BytesIO objects
resized = resize_until_small(out)
print_header('after 2nd resize')
for resize in range(1, 11):
resized = resize_until_small(out)
print_header(f'after {resize} additional resize(s)')
# wait for me to check htop to see if memory usage goes back down
input('Press enter to continue ')
# what's referencing these?
for image in objgraph.by_type('BytesIO'):
print('found image')
filename=f'{image!r} chain.png')
Memory usage: 32.8 MB
after resize
Memory usage: 295.4 MB
Object growth:
function 9079 +23
tuple 4850 +12
dict 4577 +7
weakref 2226 +6
set 204 +5
property 1099 +4
cell 962 +3
builtin_function_or_method 1861 +2
module 466 +1
type 1215 +1
ModuleSpec 461 +1
frozenset 170 +1
SourceFileLoader 388 +1
ABCMeta 134 +1
BytesIO 2 +1
after 2nd resize
Memory usage: 311.1 MB
Object growth:
after 1 additional resize(s)
Memory usage: 316.8 MB
Object growth:
after 2 additional resize(s)
Memory usage: 295.4 MB
Object growth:
after 3 additional resize(s)
Memory usage: 295.4 MB
Object growth:
after 4 additional resize(s)
Memory usage: 326.2 MB
Object growth:
after 5 additional resize(s)
Memory usage: 327.3 MB
Object growth:
after 6 additional resize(s)
Memory usage: 1.1 GB
Object growth:
after 7 additional resize(s)
Memory usage: 324.1 MB
Object growth:
after 8 additional resize(s)
Memory usage: 321.6 MB
Object growth:
after 9 additional resize(s)
Memory usage: 295.4 MB
Object growth:
after 10 additional resize(s)
Memory usage: 295.4 MB
Object growth:
Press enter to continue
Graph written to /tmp/ (3 nodes)
Image generated as <_io.BytesIO object at 0x7fbc78071780> chain.png
Graph written to /tmp/ (3 nodes)
Image generated as <_io.BytesIO object at 0x7fbc7800ed58> chain.png
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