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Last active February 26, 2017 10:35
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Wolf, Goat and Cabbage
import Control.Lens
import Data.List
import Data.Either
import Control.Error.Util
data Being = Wolf | Goat | Cabbage deriving (Eq, Show)
data Direction = Leftward | Rightward
type Boat = Maybe Being
type Coast = [Being]
type River = (Coast, Coast)
type Gamestate = (River, Direction)
instance Show Direction where
show Rightward = ".......(boat)"
show Leftward = "(boat)......."
-- initial state
start :: Gamestate
start = (([], [Wolf, Goat, Cabbage]), Rightward)
-- take a being on the boat
takeit :: Being -> Coast -> Either String Coast
takeit being coast = note (show being ++ " is not here") $ find (== being) coast <&> (`delete` coast)
-- if Goat ate Cabbage or Wolf ate Goat - try again
eaten :: Coast -> Either String Coast
eaten coast
| elem Goat coast && elem Cabbage coast = Left "* Goat ate cabbage! Try again! *"
| elem Goat coast && elem Wolf coast = Left "* Wolf ate goat! Try again! *"
| otherwise = Right coast
-- moving between coasts on the river
shipping :: River -> Boat -> Direction -> Either String River
shipping river@(lc, rc) boat Leftward = case boat of
Just being -> takeit being rc >>= eaten >>= \rc' -> Right (being:lc, rc')
Nothing -> eaten rc >> Right river
shipping river@(lc, rc) boat Rightward = case boat of
Just being -> takeit being lc >>= eaten >>= \lc' -> Right (lc', being:rc)
Nothing -> eaten lc >> Right river
-- interpretation of user's input
input :: IO Boat
input = getLine >>= \choice -> case choice of
"0" -> return Nothing
"1" -> return $ Just Wolf
"2" -> return $ Just Goat
"3" -> return $ Just Cabbage
_ -> print "Wrong, try again" >> input
display :: Gamestate -> IO ()
display ((lc, rc), dir) = print $ "River: " ++ show lc ++ " " ++ show dir ++ " " ++ show rc
invert :: Direction -> Direction
invert Leftward = Rightward
invert Rightward = Leftward
-- after each successful turn we got new state of river and last direction
turn :: Gamestate -> Boat -> IO Gamestate
turn (river, dir) boat = case shipping river boat (invert dir) of
Left err -> print err >> return (river, dir)
Right newriver -> return (newriver, invert dir)
-- if right coast is empty - victory
check :: River -> Bool
check (_, rc) = null rc
greetings = print "* Welcome to the WGC! *"
prompt = print "[0 - empty, 1 - Wolf, 2 - Goat, 3 - Gabbage]"
congratulate = print "* Congratulations! You win! *"
main = greetings >> prompt >> loop start
where loop (r,d) = if check r then congratulate
else display (r,d) >> input >>= turn (r,d) >>= \st -> loop st
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