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Created October 17, 2017 11:28
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data Vertice prior key = Vertice prior key deriving Show
data Treap p k = Nil | Branch (Treap p k) (Vertice p k) (Treap p k) deriving Show
-- simple in-order traversal
instance Foldable (Treap p) where
foldr f acc Nil = acc
foldr f acc (Branch left (Vertice p k) right) =
foldr f (f k $ foldr f acc right) left
insert :: (Ord k, Ord p) => Vertice p k -> Treap p k -> Treap p k
insert (Vertice key prior) Nil = Branch Nil (Vertice key prior) Nil
insert vertice@(Vertice prior key) treap@(Branch lt (Vertice prior' key') rt) =
case (compare key key', prior < prior') of
(LT, True) -> Branch (insert vertice lt) (Vertice prior' key') rt
(GT, True) -> Branch lt (Vertice prior' key') (insert vertice rt)
otherwise -> treap
split :: (Ord k, Ord p) => Treap p k -> k -> (Treap p k, Treap p k) -> (Treap p k, Treap p k)
split Nil _ result = result
split treap@(Branch lt (Vertice prior' key') rt) key (left, right) = case compare key' key of
LT -> (insert (Vertice prior' key') left, right)
GT -> (left, insert (Vertice prior' key') right)
otherwise -> (left, right)
-- left keys should be lesser than right keys
mergeable :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
mergeable lkeys rkeys = case (lkeys, rkeys) of
(l:ls, r:rs) -> if (l < r) then mergeable ls rs else False
otherwise -> True
example :: Treap Integer Integer
example = Branch Nil (Vertice 1 5) Nil
main = print $ mergeable
(foldr (:) [] $ insert (Vertice 0 4) example)
(foldr (:) [] $ insert (Vertice 0 6) example)
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